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Alan Pardew


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Jokes aside, this thread is far too agenda driven by several posters to be worth anything to anyone. It's the black hole of the forum, I'm doing an Ian and staying out.  :hmm:


I think you're right at times, the last few days have been alright though IMO. The luck argument is slightly pointless, but it's something to talk about from a slightly different angle.

:lol: You have to be doing this on purpose now, Ian?


Genuine question like.

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70 points and you're guaranteed champs league. less this season as the top six are all awry!

Back to the Pardew thread; I will give him some support because he deserves it. We are clearly playing more positive football this season and he has not been scared to revert back to a 442 with some "lesser" players in positions for the good of the team. Every manager has weaknesses, they can't be perfect, we're just stuck with someone who doesn't read the game very well and can't implement change properly to affect the result. At least he is sending out the first eleven that no one complains about (or less at least), I can remember last year and the year before when everyone agreed he just couldn't get a first eleven selection right no matter what.

If we take a step back and look at what Newcastle has become then I would say we have the correct manager i.e. a mid table mediocre guy who may, on a good run, get you into Europe. We will never see if he can reach his potential because of lack of backing from the people running the club. N.B. Yes, perhaps other managers could do better with the tools at hand but I can hardly see any top or "up and coming" managerial geniuses coming to our club. Can you?

I will also name ten other managers who are equal or no better so that we all get some "perspective":

Tony Pulis, Sam Allardice, Martin Jol, Mark Hughes, Gus Poyet, Chris Hughton, Steve Bruce, Paul lambert, Malky mackay & Steve Clark

(Puts on tin hat)

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righty'o just got in, can anybody summarise whats gone on? Pardew today good or bad?


More good than last season, but more bad than he should be.




As most of us agree he was above Par the 5th place season, and below Par last season. Can we just agree that this season we are Par due? 7-9th imo.

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Just been compiling an at a glance sheet of points totals for the whole league going back to the first season it was 20 teams.  Everyone knows survival is supposed to be 40 points, but I wondered what you need to finish elsewhere, on average....as you do when you're at work.


Stattophobes look away now, stattophiles get your socks on your cocks....




As you would, I picked out the Newcastle finishes on there.  Lucky or not, it's interesting that Pardew's "lucky" 5th place point total was within 1 win of the Dalglish total with the team/mentality he inherited from Keegan's title challengers.


Probably tells you how s*** Dalglish was rather than how good Pardew was.


Whatever.  The aim for a Europa place should be 63 points.  20 points from 12 games extrapolates to just over 63 from 38 games.




Thanks for this HF. I do like looking at these tables and do appreciate the work gone into them.


Disagree about some of your other posts but no one's perfect :lol:

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righty'o just got in, can anybody summarise whats gone on? Pardew today good or bad?


More good than last season, but more bad than he should be.




As most of us agree he was above Par the 5th place season, and below Par last season. Can we just agree that this season we are Par due? 7-9th imo.


Yes that would probably be about right. We'll get a better idea as the season pans out but I doubt anyone's opinion is going to change overnight about Pardew one way or another. We could finish 7th-9th this season then 15th next. There's always an element of hit and miss with Pardew for me. He'll jumble around with formations and players and then we might hit on a good combination for a while and the results come. Then other teams suss us out and we need to start jumbling again and it goes to shit again.

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Guest firetotheworks

strange day even for this thread


What the hell is that supposed to mean? Are you saying we shouldn't give Pardew credit?

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strange day even for this thread


What the hell is that supposed to mean? Are you saying we shouldn't give Pardew credit?


I certainly wouldn't trust him with a chequebook.


Well this is bullshit for a start. The only players Pardew has ever actively chased to buy were Ba, Ashton, Squidward, Lallana and Lambert.


Think he's a got a cracking record personally. O0

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FFS, more Gifs  :jesuswept:


Your predictable response to every single post where I include a number is the boring part of the stats debate.


Others have said they appreciate them and commented on points of interest raised.  The argument of stats being bollocks or not is fucking tedious.  I prefer to stick to the footballing discussion, irrespective of the degree to which you think the numbers might illuminate the argument or not.

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