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Still Not Worthy Of A Thread


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Villa fans as a whole were dicks on that day like. I expected people to take the piss but the fact it was such an event for them was bizarre. Hearing them and ManU fans away at Hull and the mackems all singing about our relegation while telling us what an insignificant club we were was laughable. But obviously it wasn't all of them, some old guy just came up to me before the game and told us how sad it would be for us to get relegated and all that - similar happened at West Ham a few weeks prior.

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I don't understand how you can get it right and then undo it twice. Was the 'their' the actual typo? :lol:


I don't understand how anyone still gets it wrong in the first place.  Don't they teach this in school anymore?  It's really, really basic English.

If I proof read I notice mistakes and change them, but i'm not doing that for every post I put on here like :lol:

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I don't understand how you can get it right and then undo it twice. Was the 'their' the actual typo? :lol:


I don't understand how anyone still gets it wrong in the first place.  Don't they teach this in school anymore?  It's really, really basic English.

If I proof read I notice mistakes and change them, but i'm not doing that for every post I put on here like :lol:


Then leave.

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Will Leicester start a trend of teams trying to win without the ball? We've seen lots of teams trying to copy the Bayern/Barca method of possession based winning, but both Leicester and Athletico Madrid have shown you can be just as if not more effective without the ball than with it.


When Chelsea first got their money, everyone tried to copy them for a few years (and still are to a certain extent).


Is this just a trend, or how successful teams will set up in future?

Didn't happen when Atleti won the league and went to the CL final.  Much like gegenpressing I reckon it's too much effort for 90% of footballers. 
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Guest Howaythetoon

They were dicks that day and it was totally unjustified, but I have nothing but sympathy for genuine AV fans (and other clubs who are being ruined by wankers) and simply cannot hate them due to our own Brummie who is one of the best posters on here full stop, the fact it was my first away day and that I work there quite a lot.


By the way, I work all over England, Scotland and Wales, I'm probably on the road at least 4 days a week and in the main most footy fans consider us a big club with great fans etc. Yet weirdly say Ashley has done good for us as we are well run financially. The same people also say we should have either kept Big Sam or Pardew. Ignorance is bliss?!


The internet brigade of fans in general although typically knowledgeable, can be very troll like and because of social media its easier to act the bollocks. In short if you take the web at face value we are a laughing stock, arrogant, deluded and not really a big a club.


In the real world, however, its a totally different picture.


I always get the "its such a shame Newcastle are down there because yous are a big club, great fans and Newcastle is a great City" type of response in general.


London is the worst when it comes to cliches, we are deluded, KK was a failure, a quitter and we deserve to go down for hounding out Allardyce and Pardew.


Chelsea fans in particular.


Yet when I lay into them for the way they basically hounded Rafa, someone who won them trophies, they are all like "He's a fat cunt, said nasty stuff about us, is a Liverpool man"


Spoiled bastards the lot of them.


So now I'm generalising....


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It's not a full stand, is it? Just the upper tier.


We do it when we can't sell out games against European tinpot clubs.


Never done it for a league game though, not even in the Championship and our ground has 10,000 more seats to fill than theirs.

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