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Who fancies having a thoroughly fruitless protest against Pardew?

Guest firetotheworks

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They have won every single trophy under Ambramovic tbh.

Also true and the giant cheque book enabled everything but he's also stuck his nose in needlessly and screwed things up for no reason like when Mourinhio left the first time, an already proven winner who's well liked by players and fans and he interferes and ultimately sacks him for his own ego. Just another in the long list of daft things owners/board members have done in the history of football

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Guest BenArfa10

Waste of time protesting against Pardew because he is just a small part of the overall problem. That overall problem being the master manipulator Mike Ashley. No point of having a protest against Ashley because he is callous and laughs at us any time we show discontent. I don't understand how a multimillionaire businessman who has had his level of success can act like a spoilt three year old when things don't go his way. Essentially we are backed into a corner by Ashley. We are voiceless, faceless turnstile clicks, cash register dings and every time we protest it justifies another selfish decision he makes because in his mind he always has to win, it's an 'i'll show you' mentality. Even supporter-club liaison meetings have been sanitised to reflect Ashley's views on the club's future. Questions which would challenge his authority/decision making are swept under the carpet. As fans we are merely being dictated to by him. Media who attempt to report the goings-on at the club are simply banished from the press room because apparently stories get 'blown out of proportion'. When Mike feels threatened he lashes out, he has the emotional maturity of an infant. The ONLY kind of protest which will work against Ashley is for a large of majority of fans to stop turning up to games on a regular basis, for thousands to cancel season tickets and stop buying merchandise but that is never ever going to happen because as fans we love Newcastle United Football Club more than we hate Mike Ashley. Point very well made!

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I'm pig sick of this crap and I know people are wary of boycotts/protests. What if each fan at the games printed a shirt with 'No Ambition. No faith' or something along those lines to which match goers; who will inevitably turn up can raise awareness. It caught on with those naff scarves at Man United and its more likely for people to get on the bandwagon. IMO opinion a boycott needs to happen but isn't feasible. They try and chuck people out I'm sure but that'll help raise awareness of a club that quells opposing views. Banning press is one thing but fans is another thing altogether. Something has got to give.

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Man United score an early goal next Saturday and I think things will turn very quickly. If most of St James can be bothered to rise from their malaise.


Unfortunately not.


Barely heard a peep when the rabble down the road were busy wiping their dicks on the curtains on the way out 8 weeks ago. Not a fuck will be given next week either

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We can only hope, Midds.




Better managers than this prick have been run out of town far quicker. I'm at a bit of a loss as to why he's getting such a long leash by the rank and file.

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We can only hope, Midds.




Better managers than this prick have been run out of town far quicker. I'm at a bit of a loss as to why he's getting such a long leash by the rank and file.


We used to have an owner who would do anything to pander to the fans. The one we have now doesn't give a fuck.

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We can only hope, Midds.




Better managers than this prick have been run out of town far quicker. I'm at a bit of a loss as to why he's getting such a long leash by the rank and file.


Aye - Souness, Guillt and Allardyce to name but three. I think much of the vitriol aimed at Ashley, has kept Pardew safe. Not sure that's the case any more though. Said I wanted him gone on TS earlier, and I've not changed my mind.

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Pardew isn't in any danger at all. He's literally doing everything Ashley could possibly ask of him.


The only thing that would see him leave is resignation. And we all know that's simply not going to happen.

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Pardew isn't in any danger at all. He's literally doing everything Ashley could possibly ask of him.


The only thing that would see him leave is resignation. And we all know that's simply not going to happen.




I'd agree, with the exception that I think the goal is to get about 1.5 points per game, and our recent run is at risk of drawing attention to our shitness. We wouldn't want to attract too much negative attention for our form, that's more work for Mike.


Obviously as soon as we scrape out a 1-0 home win against some relegation threatened cloggers, everyone will hush up and we'll be back on course.

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I just urge people not to go, and convince their mates, and their mates mates.  It's the only way.  Until Ashley's wallet starts getting lighter he won't give a shit.


We got over 50k home to fucking Villa after getting beat 4-0 by Spurs.  No other club would get that stadium %. 


Until figures drop by a good ten thousand, nothing is going to change.

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Guest Roger Kint

Pardew isn't in any danger at all. He's literally doing everything Ashley could possibly ask of him.


The only thing that would see him leave is resignation. And we all know that's simply not going to happen.


This :thup:

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Yep. You'd be absolutely blind to what is going on if you think there's any chance of him being sacked. In terms of the shit he has delivered in his time here, episodes like today don't even scratch the surface.

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