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2 X 10 pound tickets per season ticket holder for Chelsea tonight plus the usual foisting of free tickets on schools and colleges.  Free tickets falling out of the sky like autumn leaves for the Southampton game. They are putting themselves in direct competition with the Northern League for supporters. Scabby dogs.

Apart from holding the title for most empty seats in the PL they must have just about the lowest gate receipts too.


The last set of accounts they released showed they made an average of just under £16 per seat in gate reciepts which was the lowest in the league (we made £26). It'll be far less than that for them this season as they have flooded their games with cheap and free ticket offers to try to maintain a 40k average.


Love it when you go on their site and they're all patting each other on the back because of their crowds. Of course you're going to get decent crowds when you're giving tickets away left, right and centre and heavily discounting 1000's of others. In fact they should be ashamed that despite all that they still have the most empty seats in the league.


And only likely to be getting worse in the near future.

I said ages ago they should have moved into the Darlo Arena and kept the SoS for the music gigs and the Newcastle match  :)


They even dished out loads of free tickets to local schools and government offices in the week leading up to the match against us when they realised there was no chance of it selling out.


So its only Take That and Coldplay who can fill out Sunderland's "football" stadium now. How sad.

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Any Newcastle fan who gets offered a free ticket has an obligation to accept it.


And then not go.


If you decline the ticket, it'll be offered somewhere else. If you accept, that's one more guaranteed empty seat. It's a small gesture, but very worth doing.

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Was looking at the last three years of tables today, I think just about every team that's went down in the last three years had more points than the mackems at this stage. Apart from qpr who had six. They spent a shit load and still went down.

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It's impossible to call at this point in time, but one thing is for sure: if they don't seriously pick up very soon, as in the next two months, they're toast, especially as their end of season fixtures are possibly worse than what they started the season with. Also, for all their optimism about a better, more confident style of play under Poyet, they have failed to translate the new manager bounce into solid points on the board, and their confidence is likely to be shot even more if they get a few more bad results vs opposition they should supposedly beat easily. Also, getting a reaction by sacking the manager is a card they have already played, and to no great effect either. I'd say it's 50/50 at the moment, but if you read RTG today you would think they were a top 6 team having a bad start to their campaign the way some are going on about getting 15-20 points between now and the end of January.

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It's impossible to call at this point in time, but one thing is for sure: if they don't seriously pick up very soon, as in the next two months, they're toast, especially as their end of season fixtures are possibly worse than what they started the season with. Also, for all their optimism about a better, more confident style of play under Poyet, they have failed to translate the new manager bounce into solid points on the board, and their confidence is likely to be shot even more if they get a few more bad results vs opposition they should supposedly beat easily. Also, getting a reaction by sacking the manager is a card they have already played, and to no great effect either. I'd say it's 50/50 at the moment, but if you read RTG today you would think they were a top 6 team having a bad start to their campaign the way some are going on about getting 15-20 points between now and the end of January.


7pts isn't a bad return so far for Poyet, think the new manager bounce has kept them in touching distance. There been a huge improvement in belief and style of play as well. Things are a lot more positive, but I think their start and like you say end will be too much for them. Away from home they'll get next to nothing, at home though they've got games where they can pick up a good total of points.

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It's impossible to call at this point in time, but one thing is for sure: if they don't seriously pick up very soon, as in the next two months, they're toast, especially as their end of season fixtures are possibly worse than what they started the season with. Also, for all their optimism about a better, more confident style of play under Poyet, they have failed to translate the new manager bounce into solid points on the board, and their confidence is likely to be shot even more if they get a few more bad results vs opposition they should supposedly beat easily. Also, getting a reaction by sacking the manager is a card they have already played, and to no great effect either. I'd say it's 50/50 at the moment, but if you read RTG today you would think they were a top 6 team having a bad start to their campaign the way some are going on about getting 15-20 points between now and the end of January.


7pts isn't a bad return so far for Poyet, think the new manager bounce has kept them in touching distance. There been a huge improvement in belief and style of play as well. Things are a lot more positive, but I think their start and like you say end will be too much for them. Away from home they'll get next to nothing, at home though they've got games where they can pick up a good total of points.


They do, but because they're already 5 points behind their relegation rivals (possibly more if they lose at the weekend) these homes games against "easier opposition" become must win games. The pressure will be huge on them to perform and take all three points rather than just the one to keep them ticking over. It will be interesting how they deal with this.

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It's impossible to call at this point in time, but one thing is for sure: if they don't seriously pick up very soon, as in the next two months, they're toast, especially as their end of season fixtures are possibly worse than what they started the season with. Also, for all their optimism about a better, more confident style of play under Poyet, they have failed to translate the new manager bounce into solid points on the board, and their confidence is likely to be shot even more if they get a few more bad results vs opposition they should supposedly beat easily. Also, getting a reaction by sacking the manager is a card they have already played, and to no great effect either. I'd say it's 50/50 at the moment, but if you read RTG today you would think they were a top 6 team having a bad start to their campaign the way some are going on about getting 15-20 points between now and the end of January.


Good post, great point. Other teams may have the bounce to look forward to.

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Just got an email from sunderland uni inviting me to go and pick up a free pair of 'premium tickets' for their game against Spurs at the weekend. I'd love to know how many of the people in the stadium actually pay full whack, i'd be absolutely livid if I was one of their season ticket holders.


One of the mackems that used to post on here seems suitably pissed off



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There are 14 games yet to play..


What the actual spackering f***?


There are 14 games yet to play, and we are on 8 points. Which means we require 2.3 points per game to get 40 points (22 points from 14 games.)




However 40 points is what teams who want to stay up are aiming for. 2.3 points per game over the course of a season would get you 86 or 87 points, which is title winning form.


On the other hand, we've had all of our hard home games and have quite an easy home run in to the end of the season




There are plenty of reasons to be optimistic



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Makes you wonder, when they are mathematically relegated, but still have a few games left to play (here's hoping), will there be a few on there still confident they can stay up if they get over 3 points a game..? They really are that f***ing stupid.. :lol:


eeeyre, weyill be sayif, awey goals count double and that marra  :laugh:

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