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Alan '48 points' Pardew

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When he gets sacked I think we should keep a dedicated thread going so we can slag him at his new club. It never gets old.


Nah I'd rather nothing him once he leaves tbf. Wish he'd got the fucking England job after he was manager of the year. Yeah that happened by the way. Manager of the year.

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If we're going to use the 0 shots on target thing as a stick to beat Pardew with (not unfairly) then we should look at the other 'stats' too.




If you look at the passing specifically the accuracy for the majority is up around 90% which isn't bad at all. Krul still punts it long aimlessly far too often for my liking but the rest of them combined played 30 long balss, 20 of which were 'accurate'.


I try and treat each game individually and I liked what I saw today as I've said.


It took you until the last sentence but at least you have admitted that you know nothing about football.


Go on then, enlighten me with your wealth of Footballing knowledge.


I don't have a wealth, but I don't need a wealth to tell you that treating each game individually is foolish and will blind you to the failings of shitehawks like Pardew. Our team is desperately poor at playing football regardless of the players, a bit of huff and puff on the first day doesn't change that, regardless of statistics. If you took the time to recall the way we've played under Pardew for the last few years, you'd know that.


It's all hot air, man. We're shit, he makes us shit.

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If we're going to use the 0 shots on target thing as a stick to beat Pardew with (not unfairly) then we should look at the other 'stats' too.




If you look at the passing specifically the accuracy for the majority is up around 90% which isn't bad at all. Krul still punts it long aimlessly far too often for my liking but the rest of them combined played 30 long balss, 20 of which were 'accurate'.


I try and treat each game individually and I liked what I saw today as I've said.


If you liked what you saw on Sunday, please tell me what was different to the two matches against City last season?, nothing at all and at least in those games we actually made the keeper make a save. From what I have seen in preseason and on Sunday, not one thing has changed since last year. I am totally bewildered by some of our fans stating things are looking up after exactly the same tactics were deployed as last season and in my opinion we actually played better against City last season in both home ties than we did on Sunday.

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He's already contradicted himself this season talking about champions league then the "48" points mark :lol: I'm sure I saw a quote recently from July about needing another striker and now he's got no room for a new striker in the squad taken from this month.


You just know if we're struggling to get goals in October it'll be "yeah we're a little bit short.......we'll look at that in January" downgraded from all the stuff recently about all the additions and his new attacking options :lol:

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He's already contradicted himself this season talking about champions league then the "48" points mark :lol: I'm sure I saw a quote recently from July about needing another striker and now he's got no room for a new striker in the squad taken from this month.


You just know if we're struggling to get goals in October it'll be "yeah we're a little bit short.......we'll look at that in January" downgraded from all the stuff recently about all the additions and his new attacking options :lol:


It's hard to keep up with the man's continual stream of cuntish contradictions. Whatever he says, just assume it's a lie - that's not an unfair defailt position, is it?

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This headline made me click the link.


It's like 10 meaningless tweets from someone who's sleeping.


Lee Ryder: Alan Pardew managing expectations at Newcastle United

Aug 20, 2014 06:30


Lee Ryder on where Newcastle United are aiming to finish this season, and why


Alan Pardew feels anything more than 48 points will be a good season for Newcastle United.


He did state he dreamt of higher in the Premier League table but overall Pardew has approached the season with caution.


That was the same story for the manager ahead of the 2-0 loss to Manchester City, when he warned Newcastle could not be expected to play an attacking game against teams with bigger resources than theirs.


In throwing caution to the wind Pardew is attempting to manage expectations.


But let’s be honest, few Geordie fans have been expecting anything but surviving in the last two years.


Pardew nearly led Newcastle to relegation in 2013 and with Joe Kinnear making a mess of recruitment only a good run of pre-Christmas form prevented another struggle.


The days of United pushing for Europe seem distant - even if Pardew himself guided the team to fifth spot just two years ago.


Should Newcastle - as a club - be aiming for the top six these days?


Or is turning up and just seeing what unfolds becoming the norm for fans?


I see the top five spots in the Prem being sewn up by those with ambition and no fear in Man City, Chelsea, Liverpool, Arsenal and Man United.


Everton and Spurs will not be far behind.


Newcastle seem to be happy for the right to be best of the rest these days.

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Guest hydeous

Has Lee Ryder always been a terrible journalist? Or has he just taken his job for granted over the past few years and decided to not give a shit anymore? I tend to spell and grammar check anything I type, just so I don't make any obvious mistakes. And this is for emails to my friends and the occasional shitty blog post.

This guy is a journalist whose articles are read by thousands. I can't imagine he doesn't proofread before submitting stuff.

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Guest Roger Kint

You need to pull three words out of that last sentence for it to make any sense.  Why is it always new sentence = new paragraph for this cunt as well?


:lol: Dont get why he put 'for the right' in there. Him and Cameron are shocking considering its their job.

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I don't want to come across as a pompous Southerner but from what I've seen I have to say the standard of journos in the North East is absolutely shocking, the pick of the bunch being Ryder.


'I don't understand,


his writing style,


why he feels the need,


to seperate the most elementary of sentences,


into bitesize chunks more applicable to 3 year olds,


in addition to huge chasm-like gaps between lines,


Random end sentence.'



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Guest firetotheworks

That's not what "throwing caution to the wind" means, Lee. :lol:


Fucking hell. Honestly, how does he have that job? He's genuinely fucking thick.

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