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Alan '48 points' Pardew

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Yeah I think you're right actually, Souness on the verge of getting sacked but we decided to be kind and give them compensation to take him. Then Blackburn hired Hughes who went on to do pretty well for them.

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Alan Pardew will punish himself with community service after technical area misdemeanors



Must be good being a kid on one of the youth teams, knowing that putting up with you is the coach's punishment for nutting someone :lol:


He'll do no work for 80 minutes then try and do it all in the last 10.

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f***ing hell... just did a quick google for examples of other fines for out-of-the-ordinary misdemeanours and found that when Mourinho poked Vilanova in the eye he was fined... 600 Euros. Ooof


Doesn't count on here because he's one of the best managers in the world, it happened in another country and it was assault on a coach and not a player.

:lol: Brett acting as if these things aren't factors.


Well at least you didn't bold the first part which people reckons makes a difference, if you're shit, the headbutt is worth sacking, if you're world class, it's not sack worthy :lol:


For the other two, of course they are factors however there's not a zero game ban to a sacking here between the two incidents, or even at least a 10 plus stadium ban.


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Alan Pardew staying at Newcastle shames the memory of this once-great club - what would Sir Bobby say?

• Mar 03, 2014 20:30

• 6

• Opinion

Ten years ago, Sir Bobby Robson was in charge of Newcastle - and now there couldn't be a greater contrast with their current boss, says Dave Kidd

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It is the mantra of every radio phone-in halfwit that a manager must, above all, “show passion”.

Well, 10 years ago, Newcastle United employed that most passionate of all football men, Sir Bobby Robson.

To attend one of his post-match briefings was one of the truest privileges my profession could offer. A great man still talking about football with ¬child-like enthusiasm after a lifetime in the game.

Yet somehow you couldn’t have imagined Sir Bobby sticking the nut on an opposition player.

There was plenty wrong with Newcastle’s previous board, under Freddy Shepherd, but while Sir Bobby was in position, the club boasted one of world football’s greatest statesmen as its figurehead.

The man oozed class. He understood the Geordie nation, sure, but he also understood the importance of football to the working man, the world over.

Sir Bobby Robson loved ¬football. Newcastle’s current manager, Alan Pardew, appears to love only himself.


A football man: Newcastle miss the class of Sir Bobby Robson

And when Pardew head-butted Hull’s David Meyler on Saturday, you could have seen it coming a mile off. Firstly because even some sensible people have swallowed the nonsense that theatrics in the technical area represent ¬necessary “passion”.

And secondly because, under Mike Ashley’s stewardship, Newcastle United has become a rogue football club.

Pardew had just been sacked by a third division club when Ashley appointed him to succeed the dignified, ¬promotion-winning Chris Hughton. So he is Ashley’s man.

He stands for the regime which twice appointed the potty-mouthed clown Joe Kinnear to positions of authority, which renamed St James’ Park after Ashley’s chain of ¬plimsoll shops, agreed a sponsorship deal with the pay-day loan company Wonga, banned the North East’s well-respected regional newspapers and refused to sack Joey Barton after he was jailed for a violent assault.

Little surprise Barton is just about the only man in football seeking to defend Pardew. So why sack Pardew now? It’s not as if Newcastle’s great cathedral on the hill has enjoyed the moral high ground for years.

Many Londoners felt the Toon Army were being rather ¬parochial when they protested against their club’s ‘Cockney Mafia’. Yet how right they have been proved. And Pardew has proved himself little better than the thug who punched a police horse after defeat by Sunderland.

At least the horse-puncher could cite drunkenness and a derby thrashing. Pardew was sober, his side 3-1 up in a match of limited importance, when he assaulted Meyler. But let’s not be too harsh on him as he has ‘anger management issues’, according to English people who have started talking like Americans.

In Bobby Robson’s day you wouldn’t have heard of ‘anger management issues’. You may, however, have been told about good manners.

And Pardew’s chief problem appears to be he has none. From his West Ham days, comes an extraordinary anecdote ¬courtesy of club ¬photographer Steve Bacon, one of several staff to dine with Pardew in a hotel before a game at Sunderland.

“When the gaffer sat down with his backroom team, deciding on his order, he asked fitness coach Tony Strudwick what he was getting – and told him he’d take it if it looked good.

“When the meals arrived, Pards said to Tony, ‘Yours looks better, I’m having that,’ and swapped plates.

“I told him you can’t just take someone else’s dinner. Pards retorted, ‘When you’re the king, you can do anything’.”

Serena Taylor

Still in charge: Pardew has kept his job, despite a mounting charge sheet

And while the shoving of a linesman, the abuse of Manchester City’s Manuel Pellegrini and touchline bust-ups with Martin O’Neill and Arsene Wenger say much for Pardew’s character, the -Strudwick incident is somehow more revelatory still. Have you ever heard of anything so ill-mannered?

When Pardew loses his head, he usually attempts post-match contrition. Yet at Hull, even this was half-hearted. ‘It wasn’t a head-butt, honestly officer, I was pushing him away with my head’.

And Pardew’ plan to avoid future flashpoints? He will sit down and leave the touchline ranting to assistant manager John Carver, rarely mistaken for Boutros Boutros-Ghali himself.

The FA will surely impose a stadium ban and strike Pardew off the extremely short list of Englishmen with the potential to manage England.

Ashley, a true price-of-everything-value-of-nothing-man, merely fined Pardew a hundred grand and slapped his wrist.

That Pardew remains manager brings shame on a once-great club. Yet it will surprise no one with even the faintest knowledge of Ashley’s classless regime.




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Guest Roger Kint

It's really annoying me that only now are the press giving Pardew any kind of abuse, while for that last few years, some of the things that have come out of his mouth have been just as "shaming to Sir Bobby's memory"


What was shaming to Sir Bobby was the abuse he got at the Wolves game by the "fans".


On a roll slagging off our fans arent you.....

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It's really annoying me that only now are the press giving Pardew any kind of abuse, while for that last few years, some of the things that have come out of his mouth have been just as "shaming to Sir Bobby's memory"


What was shaming to Sir Bobby was the abuse he got at the Wolves game by the "fans".


On a roll slagging off our fans arent you.....



Ive got wise, Hes a Mackem in Disguise.

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f***ing hell... just did a quick google for examples of other fines for out-of-the-ordinary misdemeanours and found that when Mourinho poked Vilanova in the eye he was fined... 600 Euros. Ooof


Doesn't count on here because he's one of the best managers in the world, it happened in another country and it was assault on a coach and not a player.

:lol: Brett acting as if these things aren't factors.


Well at least you didn't bold the first part which people reckons makes a difference, if you're shit, the headbutt is worth sacking, if you're world class, it's not sack worthy :lol:


For the other two, of course they are factors however there's not a zero game ban to a sacking here between the two incidents, or even at least a 10 plus stadium ban.


Yeah I think a 10 game stadium ban would be a little over the top. As for the first bit it depends if the club feel he's worth keeping on because of the negative press he brings with his behavior, a world class manager will obviously get a lot of leeway in that regard. Fergie having bust ups with his players as an example. Not that it would make the offence any less ridiculous and the FA shouldn't take that into regard at all.
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Guest chopey

I just want Pardew out of the club, he has now taken us to Joe Kinnear levels of embarrassment with his antics. I say bring in Michael Laudrup and bring back some dignity.

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It's really annoying me that only now are the press giving Pardew any kind of abuse, while for that last few years, some of the things that have come out of his mouth have been just as "shaming to Sir Bobby's memory"


What was shaming to Sir Bobby was the abuse he got at the Wolves game by the "fans".


On a roll slagging off our fans arent you.....



Ive got wise, Hes a Mackem in Disguise.


Yawn.  At the Wolves game people were going nuts. Bobby was a "senile old c**t"  etc etc.


My memory is pretty good ..... obviously yours isn't.

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It's really annoying me that only now are the press giving Pardew any kind of abuse, while for that last few years, some of the things that have come out of his mouth have been just as "shaming to Sir Bobby's memory"


What was shaming to Sir Bobby was the abuse he got at the Wolves game by the "fans".


On a roll slagging off our fans arent you.....



Ive got wise, Hes a Mackem in Disguise.


Yawn.  At the Wolves game people were going nuts. Bobby was a "senile old c**t"  etc etc.


My memory is pretty good ..... obviously yours isn't.


I dont remember that like, i remember the stadium emptying rather quickly.


But i dont remember abuse.

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It's really annoying me that only now are the press giving Pardew any kind of abuse, while for that last few years, some of the things that have come out of his mouth have been just as "shaming to Sir Bobby's memory"


What was shaming to Sir Bobby was the abuse he got at the Wolves game by the "fans".


On a roll slagging off our fans arent you.....



Ive got wise, Hes a Mackem in Disguise.


Yawn.  At the Wolves game people were going nuts. Bobby was a "senile old c**t"  etc etc.


My memory is pretty good ..... obviously yours isn't.


I dont remember that like, i remember the stadium emptying rather quickly.


But i dont remember abuse.


I don't remember chants of abuse, more random outbursts being yelled at him like you get at most games when things turn sour. Then obviously moaning amongst yourselves on way out about how he's gone senile and needs sacked.

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Guest neesy111

Chants of abuse at Bobby what absolute rubbish.  There were just moans/groans etc at the players and management.

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Guest reefatoon

Hasn't someone just said they heard them? Any reason it would be made up? Don't find it unbelievable that some fans could turn on the manager TBH, no matter who he was.


Depends on who you want to believe Ian.  I was there and heard no chants of abuse at all.  There was frustration and anger, but no collective chants of abuse towards him.

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I was there and there was certainly no chanting. 2 or 3 individuals shouting that he'd lost it but hardly a chant.


Exactly the same as me. Just few people around me shouting directly at him. You would have had pockets of them idiots scattered about. Certainly no chanting.

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I was there and there was certainly no chanting. 2 or 3 individuals shouting that he'd lost it but hardly a chant.


Exactly the same as me. Just few people around me shouting directly at him. You would have had pockets of them idiots scattered about. Certainly no chanting.

even then saying directly at him, that was from the gallowgate middle tier so I'm not sure he'd have heard, nor if they'd have shouted had he been 10ft away. sometimes people have big gobs when the target can't hear!.


can't say they were idiots for it, it's what I was thinking. (him being past it, not the abuse)

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I was there and there was certainly no chanting. 2 or 3 individuals shouting that he'd lost it but hardly a chant.


Exactly the same as me. Just few people around me shouting directly at him. You would have had pockets of them idiots scattered about. Certainly no chanting.

even then saying directly at him, that was from the gallowgate middle tier so I'm not sure he'd have heard, nor if they'd have shouted had he been 10ft away. sometimes people have big gobs when the target can't hear!.


can't say they were idiots for it, it's what I was thinking. (him being past it, not the abuse)


:lol: Yeah when i said directly don't mean he could actually hear what was being yelled.


I wanted Robson sacked as well, the vast majority did at the time but when i say it's idiots i mean the ones going further than just shouting 'fuck off, you're shit' etc.  :lol:


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I was there and there was certainly no chanting. 2 or 3 individuals shouting that he'd lost it but hardly a chant.


Exactly the same as me. Just few people around me shouting directly at him. You would have had pockets of them idiots scattered about. Certainly no chanting.

even then saying directly at him, that was from the gallowgate middle tier so I'm not sure he'd have heard, nor if they'd have shouted had he been 10ft away. sometimes people have big gobs when the target can't hear!.


can't say they were idiots for it, it's what I was thinking. (him being past it, not the abuse)


:lol: Yeah when i said directly don't mean he could actually hear what was being yelled.


I wanted Robson sacked as well, the vast majority did at the time but when i say it's idiots i mean the ones going further than just shouting 'f*** off, you're s***' etc.  :lol:



You wanted Robson sacked for finishing 5th but you are more then happy to tell everyone else how we should all be on board with Pardew and Ashley???

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I was there and there was certainly no chanting. 2 or 3 individuals shouting that he'd lost it but hardly a chant.


Exactly the same as me. Just few people around me shouting directly at him. You would have had pockets of them idiots scattered about. Certainly no chanting.

even then saying directly at him, that was from the gallowgate middle tier so I'm not sure he'd have heard, nor if they'd have shouted had he been 10ft away. sometimes people have big gobs when the target can't hear!.


can't say they were idiots for it, it's what I was thinking. (him being past it, not the abuse)


:lol: Yeah when i said directly don't mean he could actually hear what was being yelled.


I wanted Robson sacked as well, the vast majority did at the time but when i say it's idiots i mean the ones going further than just shouting 'f*** off, you're s***' etc.  :lol:


not at all sure the majority wanted him sacked or pushed upstairs or whatever. I think he had the majority behind him even on the day he got the boot.
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