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Newcastle United 0 - 3 Sunderland - 01/02/14- Post-bumming reaction from page 43


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I think I was just one great big walking :anguish: face all of yesterday. I escorted the elderly lady who sits next to me out at half time as she wasn't feeling well and spent the second half wishing I'd gone home too. Utterly grim.

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Guest WashyGeordie

Not just yesterday but all week has been :anguish: for me.


To Cabaye going for £20mil, no replacement, 1 loan signing, and them it seems Ashley has spent the £20mil on Debenhams/his own made up 'debt', to another derby-day humiliation.


Our season is already over now (or even vs Cardiff) and now we'll be lucky to even finish in the top-half. What's the point of even attending another game this season?

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Think I've started to realise why mackems have been so bitter and twisted all those years!


On another note I spent half an hour carefully constructing a comment on Sky's match report last night about how Ashley has created a self sufficient driftwood of a club to use as a free advertising board for his shit brand and anyone who thinks Pardew isn't completely complicit to that is deluding themselves. It was carefully thought out, not angry or abusive, no bad language and yet it was never posted.


The level of comments accepted on the page range from window lickers to crayon eaters, it's like the media purposefully seek out a certain level of support to build a picture of us.

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I watched the whole game live and it summed up the difference in the directions that the 2 clubs are taking.


We looked and were, disorganised and fearful ; we played without a pattern and looked as if we were losers from the off. Every time they attacked we looked completely at 6s & 7s, they had confidence and showed it, we had none and showed it. They played a player they had just signed from a lower league club and played simple passing football, whilst Pardew kept a player who has played in the Bundesliga on the bench until we were well and truly beaten. There was NONE of the passing football we had started to play of late and an unwelcome return to the hoof-ball that Pardew prefers and it was dire - never looked like succeeding.


We looked what we are - a club in turmoil on and off the field, players with no confidence in either the manager or, most probably, the people running the club ; the fans have little faith in either and are disillusioned by the whole affair. The absence of Remy was never going to help us but the whole side lacked any sort of co-ordination or real threat - any chances to score came from scrambles after a punt into their area rather than clever movement and passing. It is hard not to go along with some who have suggested that we were so bad that their had to be a hidden reason for it because the players, apart from Tiote, hardly gave it 60% let alone 100.


There is something very rotten at the heart of this club and it is not going to be sorted out quickly - there are NO guarantees in football and because we have been a better club than Sunderland for most of the past 30 years does not mean that we will stay that way ; they are a club whose directors/owner clearly have ambition, hence Poyet's arrival, whereas we are a club riven apart by discord from the top to the bottom. No club can hope to succeed in that situation but the chances of it ending are not good.


We now face 2 games which could both end in a similar disaster but nothing will be done about it until Ashley either starts losing money on NUFC or is offered a crazy sum to sell and neither now looks likely although I do think yesterday could turn out to be a watershed for many fans who have been patient up to now.


There is only so long that you can keep banging your head against a brick wall and Ashley will find the truth of that statement sooner or later.

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Think I've started to realise why mackems have been so bitter and twisted all those years!


On another note I spent half an hour carefully constructing a comment on Sky's match report last night about how Ashley has created a self sufficient driftwood of a club to use as a free advertising board for his shit brand and anyone who thinks Pardew isn't completely complicit to that is deluding themselves. It was carefully thought out, not angry or abusive, no bad language and yet it was never posted.


The level of comments accepted on the page range from window lickers to crayon eaters, it's like the media purposefully seek out a certain level of support to build a picture of us.


Ashley has Sky in his back pocket.

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I watched the whole game live and it summed up the difference in the directions that the 2 clubs are taking.


We looked and were, disorganised and fearful ; we played without a pattern and looked as if we were losers from the off. Every time they attacked we looked completely at 6s & 7s, they had confidence and showed it, we had none and showed it. They played a player they had just signed from a lower league club and played simple passing football, whilst Pardew kept a player who has played in the Bundesliga on the bench until we were well and truly beaten. There was NONE of the passing football we had started to play of late and an unwelcome return to the hoof-ball that Pardew prefers and it was dire - never looked like succeeding.


We looked what we are - a club in turmoil on and off the field, players with no confidence in either the manager or, most probably, the people running the club ; the fans have little faith in either and are disillusioned by the whole affair. The absence of Remy was never going to help us but the whole side lacked any sort of co-ordination or real threat - any chances to score came from scrambles after a punt into their area rather than clever movement and passing. It is hard not to go along with some who have suggested that we were so bad that their had to be a hidden reason for it because the players, apart from Tiote, hardly gave it 60% let alone 100.


There is something very rotten at the heart of this club and it is not going to be sorted out quickly - there are NO guarantees in football and because we have been a better club than Sunderland for most of the past 30 years does not mean that we will stay that way ; they are a club whose directors/owner clearly have ambition, hence Poyet's arrival, whereas we are a club riven apart by discord from the top to the bottom. No club can hope to succeed in that situation but the chances of it ending are not good.


We now face 2 games which could both end in a similar disaster but nothing will be done about it until Ashley either starts losing money on NUFC or is offered a crazy sum to sell and neither now looks likely although I do think yesterday could turn out to be a watershed for many fans who have been patient up to now.


There is only so long that you can keep banging your head against a brick wall and Ashley will find the truth of that statement sooner or later.


I just want to add one thing to that - when Sunderland had one point after 7 games and then moved decisively to sack Di Canio and appoint Poyet, their squad looked in far worse turmoil than ours, and they have still spent a shitload on mediocre players. The difference is that Elliss was prepared to appoint a manager who could easily have become unpopular very quickly if he didn't turn things round. There's no way Ashley would have had the balls to appoint Poyet who many Newcastle fans don't particularly like historically. Ashley is a massive coward who would rather hide behind a PR bullshitter like Pardew because he realises our fans won't turn on this nincompoop. Pardew is the perfect buffer for Fat Ashley.

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This feeling like a Mackem business is horrific.


Feels pretty good at the moment


I think you're approaching what's technically known as the wireside line. Don't cross it, you've been decent value thus far tbf.

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Guest Howaythetoon

The thing is, because Remy couldn't play he had to put Shola in, but why change tactics?

Why could we not have set up the same as against Norwich, kept the ball on the deck in the high winds, and basically play round Shola.

Why could he not just have left Ben Arfa on the right and told him, Sammy and Sissoko to run at them?

Instead he has obviously had a word with Tiote and told him he needs more out of him so instead of him covering the back 4 he was all over the place leaving huge gaps. Ben Arfa was lost in the middle then the left and no one really knew what they were doing. Can't absolve the players of all blame, in fact they are rightly being crucified, but it can't be easy playing under this coward.


Because he has no idea how to beat Poyet and he's scared of losing to Sunderland game after game, so he reverts to his conservative tactics - keep it tight & hope that one of our flair players can create something out of nothing.  Except we're running short on flair players since they're either injured or suspended or we've yet again sold someone without having a replacement lined up and it's a tactic that never works when the opposition press our players quickly (basically doing exactly what we should have been doing from the first minute).


That style of tactics clearly don't work with the players we have, as has been demonstrated almost every time he's tried it.  He's an utter fool to try it again but he really does not seem to have any other idea of how to set a team up to play.


Good post.


He basically admitted several times last season that he couldn't win a game without Cabaye. The only time we've ever been able to pass the ball is when he's been on his game. Now he's got four months without him. It's going to be f***ing grim.



Weren't there rumours that Cabaye actually had a show-down with Pardew over the way we played at times last season?

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This feeling like a Mackem business is horrific.


Feels pretty good at the moment


I think you're approaching what's technically known as the wireside line. Don't cross it, you've been decent value thus far tbf.


Ok I'll stop. Sorry lads I know how it feels.

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Neil Cameron's Derby Verdict: Everyone to blame for Newcastle's defeat to Sunderland

2 Feb 2014 11:07


The men in charge of Newcastle United looked bemused yesterday. It's hard to see why as Neil Cameron explains


Lee Charnley, the man partly responsible for Newcastle United’s signings, wore a bemused look at the end of yesterday’s game.


It was if the club secretary, the man who runs things on a daily basis, had no clue as to why his team were lucky to get zero in a 3-0 defeat by their most bitter rivals .


But surely this is an easy one to figure out.


Any Premier League side who has few young players coming through and goes two transfers windows without signing a permanent player, and therefore not spending any money, is asking for trouble.


And trouble called in at St James’ Park yesterday with a Big T dressed in red and white, or actually yellow in his case.


Running on to the park is idiotic, but you can understand the fans’ frustration. It is hard to believe that in many ways this is actually, sort of, a good season.


But this is Newcastle United. Whenever things start to go well, it’s as if they automatically regress into chaos.


Selling Yohan Cabaye to PSG is understandable. Not even really trying to get in a replacement, or at least having one lined up, is unforgivable.


Last summer, one other striker and a midfielder should have been bought in.


But the trio of Mike Ashley, Joe Kinnear and Charnley thought the squad didn’t need that, and a mostly good season seemed to back up that decision – certainly in their eyes.


Then Loic Remy gets himself suspended, leaving Alan Pardew with Shola Ameobi , who hasn’t scored a league goal in over a year, Papiss Cisse , who the club want rid of, and new guy Luuk De Jong , who has had the grand total of one day’s training with his new team-mates.


This is the reason why Newcastle lost yesterday. They were always only a couple of absentees away from struggling.


Newcastle’s season is now officially over. It is February 2.


I will defend Alan Pardew to a point. He doesn’t have much of a say in who stays or goes. So you can’t blame him for everything. His toeing of the party line is also understandable, although his first interview after he gets sacked is going to be interesting.


And there are more than a few Newcastle supporters who would welcome a change of manager now. Not in the summer, but now.


That’s three years Pardew has had. There has been more good than bad.


But one derby win out of seven is awful. His record in the cup is deplorable. Comments such as “that win was for Mike” after the win against Chelsea don’t do him any favours in the eyes of the Toon Army.


While feelings are always raw after a derby defeat, it’s hard to escape the feeling that Pardew is under real pressure. In his defence, the biggest problem is the men at the top and what they think is good enough for the football club.


But the manager himself needs to take stock. I mean – what exactly was yesterday’s grand plan? Punt the ball to Shola and hope something happens. Or give it to Hatem Ben Arfa and hope he does something.


And before we go on, Ben Arfa is in danger of throwing away what should be a wonderful career. He tried a run early on, it came to nothing, and it was almost as if he decided there and then not to bother any more.


Steven Taylor is another who is surely fighting to save his Newcastle career.


Running up to the fans and pumping your fist before a game might get something of a cheer, but they would much prefer him to win headers and not allow Jack Colback a clear shot on his left foot.


Not good enough. Again.

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Each of those players should be ashamed of themselves but we know they won't be - if they gave a shit they wouldn't keep doing this to us. It's the point of no return for all of them now, I'll never forgive them. They can fuck off, as far as I'm concerned.


The defending was embarassing and the predictability of our attacks was cringeworthy. Second half saw a slight improvement but the damage was already done. Particularly bad was Santon, Shola and Williamson but they were almost all 1 out of 10 performances (at best). Hatem was out best player. My highlight was the pitch invaders, at least the first one tried to make a point. It just hurts to know that they'll always let us down like this.

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