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Not worthy of a thread - UEFA Euro 2016 edition


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The final of the 1960 tournament - when the Soviet Union beat Yugoslavia 2-1 in extra time - was a game between what are now 22 different countries.


There's 15 ex-USSR countries and 5 ex-Yugoslavia. So 20 or 21 if you stretch to include Kosovo. Who's the other?

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The final of the 1960 tournament - when the Soviet Union beat Yugoslavia 2-1 in extra time - was a game between what are now 22 different countries.


There's 15 ex-USSR countries and 5 ex-Yugoslavia. So 20 or 21 if you stretch to include Kosovo. Who's the other?


Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia & H., Serbia, Montenegro, FYROM, Kosovo. 7?


+15 USSR, 22

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I asked the same on here but for a high res image for my screen at work. Tried a couple and they were unreadable unfortunately so I thought I'd switched it back to blank then later on minimised my Outlook and this was my wallpaper, thank fuck nobody saw it [emoji38]



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You don't really need the TV fixtures on since every game is televised on either BBC or ITV (with the obvious exception of the last group games being on two channels/red button).


These ones are all a decent size: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=euro+2016+chart&safe=off&tbm=isch&source=lnt&tbs=isz:l&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiajKC0jKPNAhWIF8AKHWaUAdQQpwUIFg&dpr=1&biw=1366&bih=765

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Brazil getting ripped apart is still some of the best tv I've ever seen, not just football or even sport in general just the most sensational, dramatic shit I've ever seen. :lol:

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