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Lee Charnley


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  • 2 months later...


How does lee charnley manage to stay under the radar so much?

After all , he is responsible for every single decision which isnt made by ashley , he is a fundamental part of the problems at nufc but seems to get away it for some reason?

Part of me thinks he may be sacked pretty soon .

With attendances down , there is increasing pressure on the club to stem the tide .

I can see this happening for sure if they continue to drop and fail to pick up points.

Charners will take the next hit.

And the knackers will  go flooding back!

I have thought about who ashley could possibly bring in  if this were to happen  , as his pool of potential football employees decreases. I couldnt get past kenyon.

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In fact , having thought a little more , i can now answer my own question.

Its because hes so completely and utterly fucking useless noone can be bothered with him .

He is no threat.

Like a 5yr old girl on the opposition mens over 40's rugby team you sort of just let her have the ball and run now and again and maybe score a try.


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Guest Howaythetoon

He’s doing a great job for Ashley, and is therefore safe as houses as far as his job is concerned. Furthermore, he doubles up as a scapegoat, a figure who those without a backbone can target to direct their faux irate, concerns and questioning rather than going after the big boss who he answers to, who he carries out all orders for and who is chief culprit and not some 100k a year former accountant turned dogs body and moth piece running a football club on his own and very successfully if you’d ask his boss...


Going after Charnley would be like going after Bishop or Bruce or shouting at the doors of SD on Northumberland street. The real target is MA and all efforts should be directed his way and his way only. If you don’t like the product he’s selling, stop fucking buying it then.


All those people who don’t buy from SD now because of Ashley, but still go to games. All those people who piss and moan about LC or SB but do fuck all against MA. The very people who have a go at the Chronicle for doing nowt and likewise AshleyOut for suggesting protest plans, they do fuck all the most and do the most fucking complaining.


Want LC to fuck off? Stop giving your money to his boss who your money is used to pay his wages, and Colback and Bruce and so on...


An empty stadium every week, an empty bank account, who thinks Ashley will spend his own money to keep the doors open on that basis? He’d walk away quicker than he could fly in his chopper.


Until, NUFC is like printing his own money to spend for him!


But hey, what about that Charnley fella and Steve fucking Bruce eh? Boooooo!

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Guest Howaythetoon

Aye, I wasn’t agreeing with HTTs nonsense.


Target him all you like, it serves only to deflect away from Ashley and gives him a free pass or an out of jail card. I used to think along the same lines, target the likes of LC and SD or Pardew, but doing so further distances oneself from the true target who by firing on those closer in range the main target’s range gets bigger and more out of sight.


Any effort against Ashley should be zeroed in on him only, as the only target. No-one else. Had the powers that be used all their might against Hitler during WW2 instead of against his henchmen, his underlings, his power base would have crumbled down from beneath him. LC can resign or be sacked, he will be replaced by another LC still just as Pardew has been replaced with Bruce.


Sack Pardew pressurised him to leave which having him no longer as our manager over him remaining, wasn’t some kind of win because a few years on and nothing has changed, if anything Bruce is even more inept than he was. Do we go after Bruce as we went after Pardew. Or do we now go after LC? Just say he was pressurised to leave or got the sack. Goal achieved, no more LC. Just as SP achieved with no more Pardew. But Ashley remains and always will until the goal of ?????? Out is achieved. And that will never happen by moving the goals posts around.


I hate LC as much as the next person and would welcome anything directed towards him, but only to see him squirm and either desert Ashley or get the chop to satisfy my own I’ll feelings towards him. His replacement, I’m sure, would quickly take his place as someone to hate all the same. All the while serving a layer between that person and me MA can insulate himself from fully becoming exposed naked to.


There was more than one reason why Rafa was allowed to walk other than over finances, in Rafa Ashley didn't have that layer of insulation that would keep him from being burned when the heat was on like LC does, like Pardew did, like Bruce provides. It’s no coincidence money is released to the likes of McLaren and Bruce and not Rafa. Because if they fuck up, he can put them in the firing range, as targets to be shot at, not himself. With Rafa, he placed himself directly in the firing range as the big target. Bruce fails? He’s who fans and media will go after, he was backed after all... who appointed him? Remember Mike doesn’t get involved, LC runs the club.


So all you angry fans, you don’t like me, you want me to sell up, but you keep on targeting them manager, LC, a SD store on Northumberland Street, you all keep this in your cross hairs and fire shots at while I stay in the background in sight, but out of your range. Guess who wins again...


MUGS! I mean MAGS!

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He’s doing a great job for Ashley, and is therefore safe as houses as far as his job is concerned. Furthermore, he doubles up as a scapegoat, a figure who those without a backbone can target to direct their faux irate, concerns and questioning rather than going after the big boss who he answers to, who he carries out all orders for and who is chief culprit and not some 100k a year former accountant turned dogs body and moth piece running a football club on his own and very successfully if you’d ask his boss...


Going after Charnley would be like going after Bishop or Bruce or shouting at the doors of SD on Northumberland street. The real target is MA and all efforts should be directed his way and his way only. If you don’t like the product he’s selling, stop f***ing buying it then.


All those people who don’t buy from SD now because of Ashley, but still go to games. All those people who p*ss and moan about LC or SB but do f*** all against MA. The very people who have a go at the Chronicle for doing nowt and likewise AshleyOut for suggesting protest plans, they do f*** all the most and do the most f***ing complaining.


Want LC to f*** off? Stop giving your money to his boss who your money is used to pay his wages, and Colback and Bruce and so on...


An empty stadium every week, an empty bank account, who thinks Ashley will spend his own money to keep the doors open on that basis? He’d walk away quicker than he could fly in his chopper.


Until, NUFC is like printing his own money to spend for him!


But hey, what about that Charnley fella and Steve f***ing Bruce eh? Boooooo!


Having a go at those who actually turned up for the original protest, nice one.


Who the fuck do you think that was targeted at like? :lol:

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Guest Howaythetoon

He’s doing a great job for Ashley, and is therefore safe as houses as far as his job is concerned. Furthermore, he doubles up as a scapegoat, a figure who those without a backbone can target to direct their faux irate, concerns and questioning rather than going after the big boss who he answers to, who he carries out all orders for and who is chief culprit and not some 100k a year former accountant turned dogs body and moth piece running a football club on his own and very successfully if you’d ask his boss...


Going after Charnley would be like going after Bishop or Bruce or shouting at the doors of SD on Northumberland street. The real target is MA and all efforts should be directed his way and his way only. If you don’t like the product he’s selling, stop f***ing buying it then.


All those people who don’t buy from SD now because of Ashley, but still go to games. All those people who p*ss and moan about LC or SB but do f*** all against MA. The very people who have a go at the Chronicle for doing nowt and likewise AshleyOut for suggesting protest plans, they do f*** all the most and do the most f***ing complaining.


Want LC to f*** off? Stop giving your money to his boss who your money is used to pay his wages, and Colback and Bruce and so on...


An empty stadium every week, an empty bank account, who thinks Ashley will spend his own money to keep the doors open on that basis? He’d walk away quicker than he could fly in his chopper.


Until, NUFC is like printing his own money to spend for him!


But hey, what about that Charnley fella and Steve f***ing Bruce eh? Boooooo!


Having a go at those who actually turned up for the original protest, nice one.


Who the fuck do you think that was targeted at like? :lol:


The store door security, the till girl? Or the owner hundreds of miles away laughing his tits off? Or while that was occurring, did he sneak into SJP unnoticed to have a cup of tea with LC?


I’m not having a go, just saying if people want to have a go, it’s not some high street shop or LC or the manager people need to directly go after, its MA himself, in person, up front, directly and hard, hitting him where he’ll hurt the most, his pockets. Stop giving your money to MA. Withdraw your money period and there is no money left. Forget money from Sky, they and others will not pay to televise a fixture played in an empty stadium. SD shareholders certainly won’t pay to keep 11 men in a wage to turn out in black and white and Ashley won’t because he can’t as he’s about as cash rich as I am. Banks won’t loan him money either, to secure against what? He doesn’t own the stadium or training ground and the land he did own he’s sold, as for players, owning their registration isn’t worth the paper they are written on. They are worth nothing playing to an empty ground, who once Sky’s contract is up which right now has only a few months left to run, either Ashley pays their wages or no-one does. So what exactly does he own? He owns a licence to copyrights and trademarks - Newcastle United Football Club. He owns a signed contract with Sky. He owns player registrations. He owns retail contracts. That’s it. Without fans’ money, fans’ attendance, he owns fuck all really.


And yet fans allow him to own them, to own their spending which as long as he owns the rights to, he owns NUFC and can do as he pleases.


Go after LC, KB, the manager, SD, fellow fans even, you’re just allowing Ashley to go after the one thing keeping him in business, your money. Remove that and you remove the club away from Ashley, away from SD, LC, KB, Bruce. You take back what’s yours, what’s ours, where it belongs, with us all. Our club, our team, and ours only.


Right now it’s Ashley’s and fans’ money pays for him to keep it all for himself and to do whatever he pleases with as he sees fit and to hell with what is fit best for the club, fans, team, manager, payers and future. What’s best for business, Ashley’s business, his personal wealth and SD.


He chose Bruce over Rafa for fuck sake, if that’s not bad enough, the fact 40k plus chose to still pay Ashley after this and everything else to watch games, is the worst.


Enjoy Bruce-ball, relegations, spankings, Carroll’s injuries and participating in the demise of our club.



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This is a prime example of perfect being the enemy of good. Sure it’d be great if everyone boycotted/withheld their money and showed him up royally but you dig away using what and at who you can. Ashley included - I’ve been on demonstrations confronting him personally 3 times now, it doesn’t mean letting Charnley off the hook as is happening.

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