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The other games today - 2014/15


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As long as they win their 3 home games against QPR, Sunderland and Leicester, while losing the away ones they'll be sound, aye.


We are incapable of beating anyone. We are down.


Trust me, I remember 1986-7. I walked out of the first match, a hopeless 3-0 home loss to Spurs and said to my mate "take my word for it, I can smell relegation, and this club stinks of it, we're done for". And i was right.


I smell exactly the same thing this season. This is a worse team than that year.

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As long as they win their 3 home games against QPR, Sunderland and Leicester, while losing the away ones they'll be sound, aye.


We are incapable of beating anyone. We are down.


Trust me, I remember 1986-7. I walked out of the first match, a hopeless 3-0 home loss to Spurs and said to my mate "take my word for it, I can smell relegation, and this club stinks of it, we're done for". And i was right.


I smell exactly the same thing this season. This is a worse team than that year.


Would you take relegation if it meant getting rid of Lambert and starting afresh with someone new?

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As long as they win their 3 home games against QPR, Sunderland and Leicester, while losing the away ones they'll be sound, aye.


We are incapable of beating anyone. We are down.


Trust me, I remember 1986-7. I walked out of the first match, a hopeless 3-0 home loss to Spurs and said to my mate "take my word for it, I can smell relegation, and this club stinks of it, we're done for". And i was right.


I smell exactly the same thing this season. This is a worse team than that year.


Would you take relegation if it meant getting rid of Lambert and starting afresh with someone new?


I appreciate I'm kind of dodging the question, but depressingly, I don't think he'd sack Lambert even if we went down. He's that fucking deluded.


So I can't answer that because part of that sentence won't happen.


What is so depressing is that it isn't the "if you went down" bit, it is the "starting afresh with someone new".


The chairman has manifestly lost interest in the club. He's trying to sell it, he has admitted he wants out. He basically just doesn't care.


Anyone sticking money on Lambert as next manager to go is absolutely wasting their money, he's just been given a four year contract. That's a manager who has lost 23 of our last 36 games. A manager who has the record for fewest home wins in a season in 139 years, and what's more, he also has the record for "second fewest home wins", too.


A manager currently delivering our longest run of defeats in 47 years.


At some point soon he will stop breaking our all-time shitness records, not because we'll be playing better, but because he'll run out of records to break.


It isn't his shitness that irks me most, it is that the chairman doesn't give a fuck.

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Only going to get worse in the foreseeable future n all with TV deal renegotiation up again soon.


English football has sold itself to Sky for the benefit of two dozen odd owners and bureaucratic bell ends and to the cost of thousands.

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Only going to get worse in the foreseeable future n all with TV deal renegotiation up again soon.


English football has sold itself to Sky for the benefit of two dozen odd owners and bureaucratic bell ends and to the cost of thousands.



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Burnley look done already.

Leicester will struggle now the promotion bounce has worn off.

QPR will stay down there all season and it will be touch and go.

Palace & Sunderland will trade blows and positions all season, which makes tomorrow's game quite a big one for me.


After them 5 you can start to look at villa, WBA, hull, stoke and us....one of them is the outsider team than inevitably gets sucked in during the final run in, ATM villa are looking the weaker of that lot, however I still can't see past burnley, Leicester, qpr & palace, with the mackems escaping yet again.


Having watched them play recently, I'm not sure why you're putting them in the same category as us. That front six alone (barring massive injuries) should be more than enough to take them to upper midtable.

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Some of their finishing has been absolutely woeful too. Good thing Reus is back, he'll get them around 15 if he stays fit for the rest of the season.

Then he'll sign for Bayern. :anguish:


turned them down when he signed for BVB. could well go abroad.

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Some of their finishing has been absolutely woeful too. Good thing Reus is back, he'll get them around 15 if he stays fit for the rest of the season.

Then he'll sign for Bayern. :anguish:


I dunno with him, tbh, I reckon he'll go abroad. I'd love to see him in England, fear it'll be with Man U if they finish in a CL spot though.

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Some of their finishing has been absolutely woeful too. Good thing Reus is back, he'll get them around 15 if he stays fit for the rest of the season.

Then he'll sign for Bayern. :anguish:


I dunno with him, tbh, I reckon he'll go abroad. I'd love to see him in England, fear it'll be with Man U if they finish in a CL spot though.

Would be better for Citeh. They need some more fire power up front and wide imo.
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