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Emmanuel Rivière


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The good thing is I do recall admiring him for his desire and effort, so I'm sure he'll be useful, and could potentially improve once he gets playing.


Due to injuries at the time he got thrown straight into the team and was alone upfront in one of Pards terrible setups that left the striker incredibly isolated.


He did have some strength, athleticism and pace, and these are allvery useful attributes in this league. We see it time and time again.

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Best was way better. Would show real composure in front of goal.


Riviere can't smell an opportunity. When one comes his way he panics and the finish is poor. He's that mate that's gagging to get with any bird. But rarely finds opportunity where others would normally feast. When he does find an opening he's so on edge, nervous, eager, he lacks the composure to seal the deal. Vicious circle continues.


Seems a nice enough lad though. Works hard etc.

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Best was way better. Would show real composure in front of goal.


Riviere can't smell an opportunity. When one comes his way he panics and the finish is poor. He's that mate that's gagging to get with any bird. But rarely finds opportunity where others would normally feast. When he does find an opening he's so on edge, nervous, eager, he lacks the composure to seal the deal. Vicious circle continues.


Seems a nice enough lad though. Works hard etc.

Best couldn't hit a barn door for the first 12 months we had him though and was ridiculed until he broke his duck with that hat trick against WHU.
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Agree his hold up play could be decent despite the fact he couldn't score for shit. Do feel harsh on him as he was unlucky on a few occasions which could have got us points from games - the penalty turned down against Man U at SJP (surprise fucking surprise) and his turning shot which was handballed but can't remember who this was against.

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You just know some w*****'s going to start a you're not fit to wear the shirt chant if he comes on and we aren't winning tommorow


Well it's catchier than 'You're not good enough to adequately occupy the same position as legends such as Shearer & Milburn so we would rather not see you in the starting eleven or indeed even the substitutes bench for that matter."



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Carr's worst signing? It's not like his and Gouff's records were stellar in France.


He was Monaco's leading goalscorer the season before he came here if I remember correctly. Also very hard to judge a player who came into the colossus of a goat f*%k that was last season

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I guess the thinking was that he's a relatively big lad who happens to be somewhat quick with his feet, too, so may do well in the Prem. But his shots have seemed as weak as LdJ's. His overall play has been okay, but we need to stop signing strikers who can't bang'em in.

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