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John Alder & Liam Sweeney - Memorial Garden unveiled at SJP reception


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I'm pretty sure from mates who knew John that he doesn't have any immediate family. Probably the reason The Scum focused on him with their disgusting front page yesterday as they knew there wasn't any family to object.


had on what's this?



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Been away on holiday for a few days so just been catching up with this properly now...


Turns out it's a mate of mine who started this off so have just spoke to him on the phone and thanked him from us all...


Sadly have to report he's got a bit of abuse from some people (general Mag Lover comments and questioning his reasons and loyalty etc) which is disgusting... He actually only planned/hoped to raise enough money for some nice flowers... Apparently it's now at the £25k mark...



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Been away on holiday for a few days so just been catching up with this properly now...


Turns out it's a mate of mine who started this off so have just spoke to him on the phone and thanked him from us all...


Sadly have to report he's got a bit of abuse from some people (general Mag Lover comments and questioning his reasons and loyalty etc) which is disgusting... He actually only planned/hoped to raise enough money for some nice flowers... Apparently it's now at the £25k mark...

Some people are never going to see the bigger picture, the fact that his fellow Sunderland fans have raised that much though suggests that the ones who don't see the bigger picture are in the minority.
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Was there any coverage on Look North, in particular the Sunderland lads effort?


Yeah, most of the coverage was on the tributes at the ground, but there has been some about the fundraising and that tributes have come from all the north-east teams, as well as elsewhere.

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Scammers are using the MH17 disaster in east Ukraine to spread objectionable links, online security experts have warned.


A link to a pornographic website disguised as a video of the Malaysia Airlines crash was posted on a Facebook page dedicated to one victim.


Many tweets have been posted that appeared to report the disaster, but actually included spam links.


One expert said the firms should take more responsibility for removing them.


The chief intelligence officer of anti-spam body Spamhaus, Richard Cox, said that it was common for spammers to exploit anything being discussed by a lot of people online.


"It is a fairly rapid and predictable response by the individuals behind it. They are all to make money. There is no compassion involved," he said.


Mr Cox added that the perpetrators might be using software that could detect what was being posted regularly and repost using the same hashtags.



A Facebook community page dedicated to Liam Sweeney, one of the 298 people victims, uses his name and picture.


Its sole post is a link entitled: "Video Camera Caught the moment plane MH17 Crash over Ukraine".


However, the link takes users to a pornographic website. Moreover, anyone who clicks on it is then asked to call a phone number in order to verify that they are aged 18 or older.

This World :anguish:

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Just popped up to the ground to have a look at the tributes. Both beautiful and heartbreaking. I'd have stayed longer and read every inch of what was written but was finding it far too emotional and had to leave to go back to work when I started welling up.

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Just popped up to the ground to have a look at the tributes. Both beautiful and heartbreaking. I'd have stayed longer and read every inch of what was written but was finding it far too emotional and had to leave to go back to work when I started welling up.


:thup: I went yesterday afternoon with a lad from work who lay down an Everton shirt. Was reading all the tributes but had to leave after a while as it was awful.

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There's a good report of the Sydney game on .com with words and pictures on the tribute to the two lads. Choked me up a bit. It'll be an emotional SJP for our next home game.

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The Floral Tribute from the Donations raised through RTG




Nice touch that, this region is unreal at times. For all the rivalry and piss taking that tends to be where it ends (For the majority). Some decent people and magnificent effort in the money they raised which will go to great causes.


Nice touch in New Zealand also and the club seem to have it right in paying respect

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We simply must turn it up a notch for the first game against Citeh. This is what supporting Newcastle is about - the comradery. We must do it for Cajun, John and Liam. Flags, scarves, songs. Show unity, show strength, show support. NEWCASTLE UNITED WILL NEVER BE DEFEATED.


p.s. top effort from the SMB's.

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