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For a work argument - does anyone have that screengrab of Pardew's results in the last two/three seasons where the losses are all in red, the few wins in green etc etc

Like this? (spoilered for size)







edit: oh, not like that. :lol:

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How can you not hate him?


He's the worst person in history. Hitler > Pardew


Agreed and I'm Jewish.







I'm not really but if I was, I would still agree.


I'll see your Alan Pardew, and raise a Mike Ashley... (quietly shuffles Cattermole, Ball, and Wise cards in his hand...)

Ball and Wise. Sounds like a game of fantasy comedy acts.


Those two would only be funny with a bayonet sticking in them... (catchphrase: "Fuck-off Tommy!")

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Like they aren't smokin man :lol:


For being British chicks I guess they're okay.


I'm going to come to Sweden and Kaiz is going to have to take me to these clubs. Field test.


Anyway, 3 is a skinnier version of Kat Dennings, I hate when we do these ratings things when people are sitting down, Now no clue who is who once we go past 3.

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The more I look, the more grotesque everything becomes. Kind of like Pardew.


Loads of Brad Pitt types on this forum I see  :lol:



This is the most idiotic comment ever in these situations. What the ranker might or might not be able to pull has no cause and effect on his ability to rank.

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Like they aren't smokin man :lol:


For being British chicks I guess they're okay.


I'm going to come to Sweden and Kaiz is going to have to take me to these clubs. Field test.


Anyway, 3 is a skinnier version of Kat Dennings, I hate when we do these ratings things when people are sitting down, Now no clue who is who once we go past 3.


Kaiz is from some little shit hole in Norway though.


Girls in Norway easily beats girls in Sweden though.


Or well, not easily. There's not that much difference. Swedish blondes > Norwegian blondes, other hair coloured Norwegian chicks > other hair coloured Swedish chicks.

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They may have fit bodies but none of the girls in that picture have a nice face. Fucking eagle beaks and man-faces  :scared:

As stated 10 & 3 are as good as it gets in that respect


Madness. Number 8 is winning the face contest by so much it's not even a contest.

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Like they aren't smokin man :lol:


For being British chicks I guess they're okay.


I'm going to come to Sweden and Kaiz is going to have to take me to these clubs. Field test.


Anyway, 3 is a skinnier version of Kat Dennings, I hate when we do these ratings things when people are sitting down, Now no clue who is who once we go past 3.


Kaiz is from some little s*** hole in Norway though.


Girls in Norway easily beats girls in Sweden though.


Or well, not easily. There's not that much difference. Swedish blondes > Norwegian blondes, other hair coloured Norwegian chicks > other hair coloured Swedish chicks.


Kaiz is my Northern European source. Scando bar hopping is where it's at.

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10 has a face like a bag of conkers, crazy to group her in with 3 who is genuinely fit.

What. The. Fuck. 10 is third from the right standing up with blonde hair, I suspect we're talking about the same lass and you've counted back row first then the bottom two are 12 & 13 or whatever. Standing row third from the right has the best face, though three might be OK it's harder to tell with her.

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10 has a face like a bag of conkers, crazy to group her in with 3 who is genuinely fit.

What. The. Fuck. 10 is third from the right standing up with blonde hair, I suspect we're talking about the same lass and you've counted back row first then the bottom two are 12 & 13 or whatever. Standing row third from the right has the best face, though three might be OK it's harder to tell with her.


So... 8? That is an acceptable opinion.

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10 has a face like a bag of conkers, crazy to group her in with 3 who is genuinely fit.

What. The. f***. 10 is third from the right standing up with blonde hair, I suspect we're talking about the same lass and you've counted back row first then the bottom two are 12 & 13 or whatever. Standing row third from the right has the best face, though three might be OK it's harder to tell with her.


So... 8? That is an acceptable opinion.

So there's some doubt re who this "10" is, OK, because if extreme right back row is potential no. 10 then I'd rather shag Ayoze (ish). She's actually my least favourite, no.13 on the 'To Do' list (behind 3a Hi-Vis Lady). That said, I had an unusual (amongst pool of friends) Spice Girl shag list: Scary, Ginger, Baby, Sporty, Posh. So maybe I have unusual taste.

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