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Crystal Palace manager


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Honestly, feel like punching this c*** straight in the mouth as soon as he starts speaking.


So f***ing smug man.

That noise he makes when he pauses. It makes me ill.


You mean that godawful licking his lips sound? It makes me ill too.

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Happy to be a critic of Pardew but he got it right today. We are well suited to teams trying to dominate us and are getting better on the break. Would have been interesting if Abied was fit to see if he would have started ahead of Tiote. Was Cabella injured or just a tactical sub?

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Comments from someone on FB, when I stated I wasn't eating humble pie, or being fickle about Pardew...


"You ****ing with me? You want him sacked for what? To be replaced by who? The third question's the burning one. Under the current regime, who's going to come in and do better? Pardew's no genius, but he's no slouch: you ought to be thanking him for doing so well given the resources available to him and the financial constraints he's working under.


Hatem's coming back though so ..."



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Resources and financial constraints :facepalm:


These numpties do not realize that it's the talent of our players which has pulled us through time and time again, rather than the manager knowing what to do given any set of players because he likes to play a certain way that gets results. We consistently get pulled out of the shit by purples hitting purple patches for long enough to keep us in this division.


There has been a marked difference in Pardew's use of Gouffran as a defensive winger though, and for that I give him credit.

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Loads of people simply parrot what they've read in the press & heard from professional pundits on TV and radio.  They can recognise when something is going wrong but get a lot of conflicting messages about the cause, you get former players giving interviews to say that it's the player's fault, too many foreigners unused to the style of football, etc.  They'll say that Pardew is doing as well as he can with the resources he has been given (partially true, it is possibly the best he can do with the players), that it's all Ashley's fault for not spending more money (again, partially true, he could spend more money).


You have to remember that Pardew, Bruce, Pulis, Allardyce, etc. are considered top English managers, yet loads of people consider them to be blithering idiots.  The vast majority of managers aren't exactly intellectual elites, most of them will have largely dropped out of mainstream education age 14-16 to devote themselves to football and yet we're amazed that managers who didn't play professionally (Mourinho) or who later went into further & higher education (van Gaal, Wenger) turn out to be the best managers around.  I suspect that a huge proportion of Football Manager players would run rings around most "top" managers if it weren't for the fact that the players wouldn't take notice of them since they had no background in football.


People will believe the "experts" despite a lot of the pundits being coaches who aren't going to slag off a potential employer, or managers who aren't willing to have a go at a friend & colleague so that when they get their own chance again they'll hope to be given the same ludicrous leeway that Pardew gets, or former players who completely out of touch with the modern game.  A lot of the press are just as bad, they won't be truly critical of the club in case their access is removed (look at the difference in reporting before & after media outlets have been banned by the club) or, like the local press, the writing is so incompetent that school kids would get in trouble for submitting such badly written rubbish.


We're supposed to listen to experts like Andy Cole and respect his opinion, the same Andy Cole who was banned from talking to the press by us and Man Utd for years because everyone recognised that he could barely string a sentence together.  Nicky Butt tells us that Pardew needs to win a cup as if that's some amazing revelation, why did no one else ever consider winning a cup as a way to please fans?  Absolute fuckwits the whole lot of them.

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It's times like these that reveal the vast unthinking mob rule of bad punditry. They accuse Newcastle fans of being fickle and having short memories not thinking that we have longer memories and know that for the decent runs of results Pardew also brings awful runs of results, that maybe it is actually legitimate to want to be entertained, to try and win the cups and that mid table mediocrity is actually a really shit thing for fans of any club to have to put up with. But no it's a patronising 'know your place, you should be happy at not being relegated' to any club that isn't rich enough that if they're not winning the league it's a crime. I don't like Pardew because I want to watch attacking good football when I watch Newcastle. It's not such a big fucking ask.

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Loads of people simply parrot what they've read in the press & heard from professional pundits on TV and radio.  They can recognise when something is going wrong but get a lot of conflicting messages about the cause, you get former players giving interviews to say that it's the player's fault, too many foreigners unused to the style of football, etc.  They'll say that Pardew is doing as well as he can with the resources he has been given (partially true, it is possibly the best he can do with the players), that it's all Ashley's fault for not spending more money (again, partially true, he could spend more money).


You have to remember that Pardew, Bruce, Pulis, Allardyce, etc. are considered top English managers, yet loads of people consider them to be blithering idiots.  The vast majority of managers aren't exactly intellectual elites, most of them will have largely dropped out of mainstream education age 14-16 to devote themselves to football and yet we're amazed that managers who didn't play professionally (Mourinho) or who later went into further & higher education (van Gaal, Wenger) turn out to be the best managers around.  I suspect that a huge proportion of Football Manager players would run rings around most "top" managers if it weren't for the fact that the players wouldn't take notice of them since they had no background in football.


People will believe the "experts" despite a lot of the pundits being coaches who aren't going to slag off a potential employer, or managers who aren't willing to have a go at a friend & colleague so that when they get their own chance again they'll hope to be given the same ludicrous leeway that Pardew gets, or former players who completely out of touch with the modern game.  A lot of the press are just as bad, they won't be truly critical of the club in case their access is removed (look at the difference in reporting before & after media outlets have been banned by the club) or, like the local press, the writing is so incompetent that school kids would get in trouble for submitting such badly written rubbish.


We're supposed to listen to experts like Andy Cole and respect his opinion, the same Andy Cole who was banned from talking to the press by us and Man Utd for years because everyone recognised that he could barely string a sentence together.  Nicky Butt tells us that Pardew needs to win a cup as if that's some amazing revelation, why did no one else ever consider winning a cup as a way to please fans?  Absolute fuckwits the whole lot of them.


Great post this.

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Loads of people simply parrot what they've read in the press & heard from professional pundits on TV and radio.  They can recognise when something is going wrong but get a lot of conflicting messages about the cause, you get former players giving interviews to say that it's the player's fault, too many foreigners unused to the style of football, etc.  They'll say that Pardew is doing as well as he can with the resources he has been given (partially true, it is possibly the best he can do with the players), that it's all Ashley's fault for not spending more money (again, partially true, he could spend more money).


You have to remember that Pardew, Bruce, Pulis, Allardyce, etc. are considered top English managers, yet loads of people consider them to be blithering idiots.  The vast majority of managers aren't exactly intellectual elites, most of them will have largely dropped out of mainstream education age 14-16 to devote themselves to football and yet we're amazed that managers who didn't play professionally (Mourinho) or who later went into further & higher education (van Gaal, Wenger) turn out to be the best managers around.  I suspect that a huge proportion of Football Manager players would run rings around most "top" managers if it weren't for the fact that the players wouldn't take notice of them since they had no background in football.


People will believe the "experts" despite a lot of the pundits being coaches who aren't going to slag off a potential employer, or managers who aren't willing to have a go at a friend & colleague so that when they get their own chance again they'll hope to be given the same ludicrous leeway that Pardew gets, or former players who completely out of touch with the modern game.  A lot of the press are just as bad, they won't be truly critical of the club in case their access is removed (look at the difference in reporting before & after media outlets have been banned by the club) or, like the local press, the writing is so incompetent that school kids would get in trouble for submitting such badly written rubbish.


We're supposed to listen to experts like Andy Cole and respect his opinion, the same Andy Cole who was banned from talking to the press by us and Man Utd for years because everyone recognised that he could barely string a sentence together.  Nicky Butt tells us that Pardew needs to win a cup as if that's some amazing revelation, why did no one else ever consider winning a cup as a way to please fans?  Absolute fuckwits the whole lot of them.


Great post this.


I wish I could Get everyone to read this before entering a conversation about Newcastle, Pardew or football in general. Would make like a lot less frustrating.

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Going on earlier on MOTD2 extra or whatever the fuck it's called about us setting up to counter Chelsea. Fair enough with Chelsea, but if these cunts paid attention every week they'd see that we mostly set ourselves up to counter a team, home or away. We always set up as if we're on  the back foot. If Chelsea had had one of two of those first half chances on target they'd have scored and we'd have lost. Fair enough yesterday, they didn't and we did well. But the reason why we're shit and people can't even get excited about winning is because we're never excited about taking games to teams. We never expect us to go and play football, try and keep the ball, dominate, out pass... I hate wins like this where Chelsea's poor finishing was as much to do with us winning than us actually being good. It'd be okay if thats how our game was analysed: Newcastle did well after theyw were let off the hook for not being good enough with the ball. Are we meant to watch every week, in the hope teams don't take their chances when we allow them the ball and accept our place as a team that when we win, regardless of who against, it's an achievement, rather than a given. We should win a lot of games as a given, and I'd like to feel like that going in to any game. But I don't.

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We are set up to defend first and then to attach on the break. It is great when we get result against the big teams but it is embarrassing when we play teams like burnly and do the same thing. Bad that we dont have plan B.


hi, welcome to 3.5 years ago, we're glad you came

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Loads of people simply parrot what they've read in the press & heard from professional pundits on TV and radio.  They can recognise when something is going wrong but get a lot of conflicting messages about the cause, you get former players giving interviews to say that it's the player's fault, too many foreigners unused to the style of football, etc.  They'll say that Pardew is doing as well as he can with the resources he has been given (partially true, it is possibly the best he can do with the players), that it's all Ashley's fault for not spending more money (again, partially true, he could spend more money).


You have to remember that Pardew, Bruce, Pulis, Allardyce, etc. are considered top English managers, yet loads of people consider them to be blithering idiots.  The vast majority of managers aren't exactly intellectual elites, most of them will have largely dropped out of mainstream education age 14-16 to devote themselves to football and yet we're amazed that managers who didn't play professionally (Mourinho) or who later went into further & higher education (van Gaal, Wenger) turn out to be the best managers around.  I suspect that a huge proportion of Football Manager players would run rings around most "top" managers if it weren't for the fact that the players wouldn't take notice of them since they had no background in football.


People will believe the "experts" despite a lot of the pundits being coaches who aren't going to slag off a potential employer, or managers who aren't willing to have a go at a friend & colleague so that when they get their own chance again they'll hope to be given the same ludicrous leeway that Pardew gets, or former players who completely out of touch with the modern game.  A lot of the press are just as bad, they won't be truly critical of the club in case their access is removed (look at the difference in reporting before & after media outlets have been banned by the club) or, like the local press, the writing is so incompetent that school kids would get in trouble for submitting such badly written rubbish.


We're supposed to listen to experts like Andy Cole and respect his opinion, the same Andy Cole who was banned from talking to the press by us and Man Utd for years because everyone recognised that he could barely string a sentence together.  Nicky Butt tells us that Pardew needs to win a cup as if that's some amazing revelation, why did no one else ever consider winning a cup as a way to please fans?  Absolute fuckwits the whole lot of them.


Great post and great points about education.  It's not the be all and end all obviously.  It won't increase someone's natural intelligence, but it will give them more of a sense of awareness and different perspectives.  One of the main things higher levels of education teach are abilities to think of and support a logical argument.  It's no coincidence that the best managers, often bat away journalist questions with ease, simply providing their simple and logical reasoning for their choices.  When you listen to a manager like Pardew by comparison, his reasons are all from a small toy box of idiotic football cliches.  "We lacked fret, so I stuck a fast runner on."


A lot of the dinosaur managers also seem to view Football like it exists in some kind of vacuum.  Pardew sets up a game plan and then expects it to work, because it should counter what the other team normally does.  It's not very often he realises that they'll react to his plans and change their game during the match, especially when losing.  The amount of times we've been doing alright in a game, the other team has changed it and Pardew has had no answer is shockingly bad.  Even yesterday he got away with it.  We countered Chelsea's threats well, but when they put Drogba on and went more direct, they just battered us for twenty minutes.  Pardew had no answer at all and we just about clung on for grimm death.  This is exactly what I'd expect from the poorly structured thinking of the poorer managers in the league.  The ones that people revere have three or four different plans they can use, know which of their players properly change games and when to use them.  They certainly don't employ the old "Oh look my watch says 60 minutes I'll make a sub" technique of a Pardew type manager.

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I think for a long time it have struggled to understand Pardew's footballing philosophy since Cabaye left (and possibly before) but I think it is really starting to become a little more consistent and coherent.


This philosophy is a clear defensive, counter attacking game.


As a Plan A, with no other coherent strategy this philosophy is our biggest Achilles heel.


The system relies on confidence in defence, and confidence in attack. If both are good, we can win several games in a row against all kinds of opposition.


But if the defeats start creeping in, a key player gets injured, sold or is just lacking form then it takes the whole team down with them and we can go on a run of negative results.


Should the opponent get an early goal, we are liable to be thrashed. If we are ahead the opposition will be given time on the ball to attack out box, and that will often pay off.


A visionary chairman would acknowledge that Pardew has in four years built a solid platform on a pile of sand, and would let a new manager to sort the groundwork out whilst retaining and developing the platform.

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