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Newcastle 3-3 Burnley - 1/1/15 Post-match reaction from p.42


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The approach for second half and the substitutions were just laughable. Riviere was doing an ok job and Armstrong is nowhere near ready to lead the line upfront just yet. Don't understand why Carver didn't just slot Haidara into left back when Taylor died as Dummett is a lot better in the center of defense. Tiote was a disaster and I barely noticed Colback. One of Coloccini's worst games for quite some time now.

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We looked vulnerable defensively throughout the game. I think there's more than one problem. Burnley were not put under any pressure when in possession, and the midfield didn't protect the back four. Tiote actually looks slower than before. Maybe he's just being asked to go forward a bit more and gets more exposed.


None of our back four look confident on one on ones. Janmaat, whatever his good qualities, always looks a bit tentative in defence.


The third goal typified our defending. Their striker was surrounded by three defenders but still gained possession comfortably, and Alnwick was slow getting down to the shot. He does look like a third choice keeper.


Carver went out there with a more attacking attitude, but then once our pace dropped our frailties were really exposed.

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Also on Colback, how does a central midfield player hide like that? Its like he had 5 touches in the entire second half.


Absolutely cowardly from him and Tiote.


Tiote wasn't hiding at least, although he was terrible nonetheless.

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all three sub made zero sense to me, surely haidara should have come on for taylor with dummett going centre back and then gouffran off cabella on. 1st half actually decent apart from the defending for the goal, we are so suspect from long balls as well

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NOW the home crowd boo FFS ! :lol:


Booing doesn't help, but I can understand why it happened. The second half was the worst 45 minutes I've seen us play all season. We couldn't attack or defend.


An old subject, but we really lack leadership on the field. Colo often struggles a lot with his own game, and it's hardly inspiring if the captain is at sixes and sevens.

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NOW the home crowd boo FFS ! :lol:


Booing doesn't help, but I can understand why it happened. The second half was the worst 45 minutes I've seen us play all season. We couldn't attack or defend.


An old subject, but we really lack leadership on the field. Colo often struggles a lot with his own game, and it's hardly inspiring if the captain is at sixes and sevens.


What possible effect could it have after the game?



help anlwick find his way to the side of the pitch?

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It takes a special kind of idiot to turn such a positive first half into such a shit second. God knows what Carver said at half-time but let's hope he doesn't get too many more chances to say it again.


Probably along the lines of 'Lets do it for Alan'.

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The speed at which, after initial promise, we resorted to type today was frightening. What did Carver say at half time to produce such an inept performance? "Ok they havent got any subs left so job done, just go out and enjoy yourselves, or something. Make Alan proud!"



Edit - *looks up*, ah already been said.....

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It takes a special kind of idiot to turn such a positive first half into such a s*** second. God knows what Carver said at half-time but let's hope he doesn't get too many more chances to say it again.


Probably along the lines of 'Lets do it for Alan'.



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