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Im not sure how even the likes of Cronky are meant to be impressed by this "new plan" the club are meant to have.

In even the best case scenario, say they invest and get a decent manager and coaching team in, they are saying as soon as they win a cup or finish top 4 they will sell to the first money grabbing consortium that comes along and scrap all the theoretical good work that has been done.

If he wanted any support surely he needed to promise the investment etc and then say he will only sell if he hasn't won something in the next 2-3 years.


If someone comes along and offers him daft money (highly unlikely I know) for the club then he'll sell. Everything has a price and he knows this as well as anyone.


He's also a proven liar.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Brendan_Rice

The AO people have launched #‎AshleyEmbargo‬ (http://ashleyout.com/campaigns/embargo/).


:notbad: Pretty impressive effort, and definitely the right area to attack. Let's hope people get on board.



Something I've been doing personally for a few years, hope all our fans get on board and hit the c*** where it hurts.


Just thinking the size of the queue to kick him in the balls would be massive

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But still smaller than the queue to buy the new shirt.


This. I'm amazed by some of our fans. As a Danish supporter, I follow a few of the Danish Newcastle United groups on Facebook and it seems like every single member (bar me of course) have pre-ordered the new Wonga-tastic Puma-failure out of habit  :crazy2:

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But still smaller than the queue to buy the new shirt.


This. I'm amazed by some of our fans. As a Danish supporter, I follow a few of the Danish Newcastle United groups on Facebook and it seems like every single member (bar me of course) have pre-ordered the new Wonga-tastic Puma-failure out of habit  :crazy2:


I called into the Club shop last week at the Metrocentre, and just like the club website, they had last seasons 3rd shirt (Green/blue) marked at 50% off the RRP of £119.99, so a bargain at just £60!


Unreal - have ANY football shirts ever retailed at £120???

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Did you not see the documentary man. As soon as they get the stock into the stores they have the discount already labelled with a fake previous price underneath. I doubt many people actually believe it, but it is cheap anyway so they will always attract customers.

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Just buy all clothes from charity shops, safest option. Plus the money may go to helping the children who make half of sports directs clothing anyway. Two birds one stone.

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I don't know how Sports Direct get away with that stuff, it's blatantly misleading the customer.


I think people who shop there just really don't care. I mean where else are you going to get a shop soiled No Fear hoody for £5?

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I don't know how Sports Direct get away with that stuff, it's blatantly misleading the customer.


Complain to the CMA about this misleading practice, if enough people complain the they will have to do something.





Getting in touch with Anne Diamond Anne Robinson on Watchdog




These are things that are very easy to do and would really hurt Ashely badly, Perhaps AO.com could pick the idea up and run with. They could even go as far as to make a how to.

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But still smaller than the queue to buy the new shirt.


This. I'm amazed by some of our fans. As a Danish supporter, I follow a few of the Danish Newcastle United groups on Facebook and it seems like every single member (bar me of course) have pre-ordered the new Wonga-tastic Puma-failure out of habit  :crazy2:


Blows my mind that people drop that much money on a new kit every single year. Particularly when they're as crap as they have been the last few years.

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