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Newcastle United 1 - 1 West Brom - 09/05/15 - Post-match reaction from page 28


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I would like to say that Anita was fucking boss today. Fantastic in endless energy, effort, beautiful close control, nicking it off the feet of their lazy attackers, being first to almost every ball, and always looking to take men on and going through a few players before not losing the ball and laying it off for others in our team.

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I mean this as a compliment - but there were times in the match where we were ok. I swear some of them wanted to win too. We scored a goal, didn't lose and the injuries are starting to clear up. I'm not as convinced as others that we'll beat QPR but today was certainly a start.


Anita, Cabella and Coloccini (!!!) were quite good.

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I would like to say that Anita was fucking boss today. Fantastic in endless energy, effort, beautiful close control, nicking it off the feet of their lazy attackers, being first to almost every ball, and always looking to take men on and going through a few players before not losing the ball and laying it off for others in our team.


No shock really, he's a quality player.

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We applied a lot of pressure in the second half, that should lift the confidence a lot.


I thought the Arsenal second half was another such glimmer of hope. I'm not entirely sure why these halves aren't replicated, what the hell does Carver tell them?

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Assuming that Carver is simply non-existent, I have mixed feelings towards the performance today


1.  credit to the players who managed to pick up their form by their own effort and produce an average performance; or

2.  fuck off these cunts what the hell are they doing during the last 8 matches?

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I would like to say that Anita was fucking boss today. Fantastic in endless energy, effort, beautiful close control, nicking it off the feet of their lazy attackers, being first to almost every ball, and always looking to take men on and going through a few players before not losing the ball and laying it off for others in our team.


No shock really, he's a quality player.


But he sounds like a girl. This confuses me.

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I would like to say that Anita was fucking boss today. Fantastic in endless energy, effort, beautiful close control, nicking it off the feet of their lazy attackers, being first to almost every ball, and always looking to take men on and going through a few players before not losing the ball and laying it off for others in our team.


No shock really, he's a quality player.


But he sounds like a girl. This confuses me.


Are you saying girls can't be bosses?









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I think the quality of the performance was a fairly big leap forward from previous efforts, but we still looked every bit a team at the bottom. We still looked like the same old team we've come to recognise for large parts of the last few years; no real cohesion or gameplan. But fortunately the likes of Jonas, Sissoko and Anita put in a real shift and those three in-particular drove us forward. Quality finish from Ayoze, too.


Everyone will have a big boost from that and I reckon we'll probably beat QPR.

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Guest reefatoon

West Brom needed a point to be safe. West Brom played for a point. West Brom got a point. If West Brom needed the three points, I am sure they would have got them too. This draw was nothing to do with us or how we played and all to do with what the opposition wanted. We are s***.

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I mean this as a compliment - but there were times in the match where we were ok. I swear some of them wanted to win too. We scored a goal, didn't lose and the injuries are starting to clear up. I'm not as convinced as others that we'll beat QPR but today was certainly a start.


Anita, Cabella and Coloccini (!!!) were quite good.


Thought Cabella was pretty average tbh, just like the rest of the season

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Aye I don't really know what the deal with Cabella is. He's got some nice footwork but he's lightweight and has poor decision-making. Obviously, this current incarnation of a football team is no real place to judge players on an individual basis, but I'm not sure he's really any good. The downgrade from Ben Arfa is enormous.

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Guest ElCid

I mean this as a compliment - but there were times in the match where we were ok. I swear some of them wanted to win too. We scored a goal, didn't lose and the injuries are starting to clear up. I'm not as convinced as others that we'll beat QPR but today was certainly a start.


Anita, Cabella and Coloccini (!!!) were quite good.


Thought Cabella was pretty average tbh, just like the rest of the season


Agree he takes a couple of players on but his end product is virtually zero and he reminds me of Jonas when he was playing on the wing. It could be the shit coaching not getting the best of him, could be the physical side of the premiership not suiting him or it could be we paid 12 million for an average player. Prepared to wait and see if different coaching can make a difference but not convinced.

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To me it just feels like he has to beat a man 3 times just to get past him. Its awful comparing him to Ben Arfa but HBA could burn past people with just a drop of the shoulder, Cabella can't.

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He certainly doesn't seem to have the best football brain around, but he's isolated plenty of times. Whenever I watch you, I often see him beat a man and find himself without options after that, usually fluffing the play as a result.

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I thought Cabella was decent yesterday. I wouldn't mind so many stepovers if any of our other players would use the opportunity to get into some bloody space or make a run.

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I think this is always going to be the case with our wide players, tbh, unless they're really good (not that we're not massively short of quality in that area). We saw it with Ayoze yesterday, he'd beat someone then have nobody within 15 yards of him to pass to. We have the age-old issue of barely anyone in the box arriving with any pace as well. There were times yesterday where our attacking 3 were going forward but the 3 midfielders were standing within 10 yards of each other around the centre circle. The result was wide players doubled up on with about one person to aim for in the box. We pretty much only see midfielders in the box when full backs are overlapping, which is often a pretty slow play with the opposition back and organised.


Yesterday was better but it just, once again, shows how much of an utter shambles we are overall.

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