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Likeable, Meh and Detestable Nufc Players


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After reading a comment or two about certain players being very likeable for one or more facets of their game, personality or whatever, thought I would start a thread where we can give our reasons for liking, disliking or just plain not bothered about some of our squad.

My main ones would be as follows:


Ayoze - Love the commitment, battling defenders twice his size and he never gives up, add to that his comments interviews and he sounds like a real nice lad. To add the cream to the cake he has those "moments" where he dazzles with his ingenuity!

Jonas - Always liked him, even when it was plain to see that he had lost his legs and was no longer any use as a winger. good attitude, sound bloke and seems to be well liked by all and sundry.

Janmaat - Just the fact he is a good dependable defender and we get a real high level of football from him every game.

Krul - Fight with Colo ranked him in this section, shows he cares for us a lot... cap doffed!


Colback, Raylor, Dummet, sammy, cabella and rest not mentioned. Players that do nothing for me both personality wise and footballing wise.

DETESTABLE (may be a bit harsh....don't likes?)

Colo - Complete coward for a while now. When you think about what he could be capable of doing for us he leaves me really irritated. Also past moves to leave etc. grind with me.

Iron Mike - Just his complete lack of skill required to defend capably at this level. the fact he turns like a ship and treats a pass like an electric shock means that whenever he's in the team I'll scream.

Sissoko - The "come and get me" pleas in the press. Get a fu**in life you twa*. Plays when he feels like it and is never up for the fight if we are down. Add to this that we know he is capable of lifting this team to another level and he just doesn't want to on too many occasions.

Carver - Lack of finesse, backing of Percy/Ashley and having a go at our own... not on!

Riviere - Waste of space. Point.

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Always liked Cisse. Has a great attitude and plays the game with a smile on his face. He's also bailed us out of ths hit on a couple of occasions this season. Shame he was treated like shit at times by Pardew.


Abeid seems like a decent lad as well. Admittedly i've never heard him speak but he's developed a bit of cult status this season despite being out in the wilderness for most of his time here.


Anita - another one with a decent attitude. Treated like shit by Pardew but still wants to stay and fight for his place.


De Jong - shame he's a perma-crock. Seems like a sound guy and a decent footballer


Steven Taylor - can't help loving the guy.


Can't stand Williamson - woefully out of his depth. Not his fault really and he seems alright but i've developed a proper hatred of him as a footballer.

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Love Janmaat, Cissé and Ayoze.

Like Krul, Dummett, Abeid and Cabella.

The rest of them I don't care for enough to rank, but Williamson, Ryan Taylor and Gouffran are at the very bottom of the list.

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Like: Janmaat, Tiote, Sissoko, Bigi, Abeid, Sammy

Meh: Krul, Jonas, Raylor (all formerly likable), Williamson, Perez

Dislike: Everyone else except...

Destestable: Cisse, Saylor, Blob


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Cisse's shit-eating grin every time he missed (when I still wanted us to win) is burned in my brain. Also, I just think he's an overrated streak of piss who couldn't trouble a decent defence (of which there are admittedly few these days).


Williamson makes me laugh.

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Still can't bring myself to dislike Gouffran - the guy was well and truly Pardewed and hasn't recovered.

Came as a striker, got a few goals, became a crowd favourite and then Pardew worked his magic and now he looks like a Championship clogger - and to make matters worse he now has to operate under a man with seriously mental issues. 

I still think there's a decent player in there somewhere but he'll probably need a move to rediscover his form and ability.


F*cking Pardew man!!!

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There's a few inoffensive ones but I like Jonas and that's about it. Obviously I wouldn't have him anywhere near the starting eleven in an ideal world. Ayoze seems a good lad but he'll be off soon and I couldn't blame him. He has a future and it's pointless him ruining it by staying with our cunt of a club.


Pleased to see Dummett doing well I suppose.

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I like Jonas, Perez & Abeid

I tolerate Janmaat, Haidara & Krul

I pretty much dislike everyone else to varying degrees with Gouffran being the tip of the shit iceberg.

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As blokes, most of them come across as pretty sound, which is basically part of the problem. I can't detest someone just for being quite average as a footballer :lol:

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I can't get myself to dislike a player for not being talented enough for our once very high standards, or for having lost his legs. I like Ryan Taylor. I like Shola Ameobi. I may dislike a player for his attitude, self-centered pricks like Cristiano Ronaldo who starts whining because a team mate scored a goal he possibly could have scored himself, or Kieron Dyer, who seemed to feel he was too talented to get himself properly fit.

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Give me a self-centred prick like Ronaldo any day of the week. I want to watch football not nice people playing badly.


Of course. But if you decide to like or dislike players purely for how good they are at playing football, then this thread might as well be about how you rank our players.

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Guest firetotheworks

One of the most likeable players in that squad spat at someone. That sums it up. They're all hateable in their own way. I'll always have affection for Jonas though.

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Like: Ayoze, Abeid, Anita, Cisse, De Jong, Jonas, Janmaat, Haidara


Meh: Sissoko, Dummett,


Can't stand anybody else.


Sissoko used to be up in the Like section but he's the most frustrating player on our books.

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It changes almost weekly :lol:


I cannot really say I truly hate any of them tbh though, perhaps Coloccini because of the bullshit with Ben Arfa and Williamson for being a spineless lickarse. The rest I sort of feel for, they're being viewed as cowards, not fit for the league etc and I'm not sure how much of it's true, and how much is down to the fact they've been managed by Alan Pardew and John Carver.

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Love Cisse, De Jong looks like he has something about him, strong character and future captain, Dummett for all the hate he got is doing alright at CB, Ayoze is a cut above, Jonas is a genuinely likable character who actually cares, Abied's I'd another favourite, looks good on the ball and kind of personifies the stand against a regime that for some reason doesn't rate him and finally Janmaat looks good every time I've seen him.


Cabella needs to improve, was never going to step into HBA shoes as much as the club wanted him to, Krul seems likeable enough, moved up in my estimations with recent stories but has really declined, Heidara was a promising player but just seems to be too absent, can't really hate Riviere for not being good enough and don't know enough about Chucky to form an opinion.


Detest what Colo has become, was a cult icon not too long ago but has done too much damage as the heartless captain, Willo drives me insane, useless sack of shit, Taylor needs to go beat his chest elsewhere, Raylor needs to be as far away from this team as possible, living off one goal, Sissoko is a self serving brain dead twat, Colback is a waste of space who keeps Abied out of the team and he's not even half the player, Blobby is the epitome of Pardball all gob, no product,  waste of a wage, Gouffran and Obertan, try and fail at being footballers, no fault of their own that I hate them, I just don't want them on the pitch.

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Like: Ayoze, Abeid, Anita, Cisse, De Jong, Jonas, Janmaat, Haidara


Meh: Sissoko, Dummett,


Can't stand anybody else.


Sissoko used to be up in the Like section but he's the most frustrating player on our books.


This is basically where I'm at.

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