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FIFA World Cup


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Do all these shitty little nothing countries get the same vote as the big countries?




Absolute disgrace.



The fact that England or Spain could be outvoted by Timor Leste and Montserrat (for example) is a total joke. They have nothing to do with the game.

You can't have a global governing body that only focuses on the elite players. One of the reasons Blatter is so popular is because he treats the smaller and poor nations well. Its like saying the richest guy in America's vote in an election should count for more than an ordinary working class person


Yes you can, and no it's not. Football is a non-essential part of society.


Would you be happy if a all football decisions in this country were dictated by Man City, Man Utd, Chelsea and Arsenal i.e. Distribution of TV money?

:thup: Good analogy


Right, any sort of system that weights things towards the bigger nations will inevitably lead to them making decisions that secure there hegemony at the expense of the smaller nations, which in turn will lead to the gap between the two only growing larger and larger.


Part of FIFA's purpose is to spread the game worldwide. You can't do that if you have a system that automatically disqualifies you from having a voice if you're shit at football.

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Do all these shitty little nothing countries get the same vote as the big countries?




Absolute disgrace.



The fact that England or Spain could be outvoted by Timor Leste and Montserrat (for example) is a total joke. They have nothing to do with the game.

You can't have a global governing body that only focuses on the elite players. One of the reasons Blatter is so popular is because he treats the smaller and poor nations well. Its like saying the richest guy in America's vote in an election should count for more than an ordinary working class person


Yes you can, and no it's not. Football is a non-essential part of society.


Would you be happy if a all football decisions in this country were dictated by Man City, Man Utd, Chelsea and Arsenal i.e. Distribution of TV money?

:thup: Good analogy


You mean they're not  :razz:


The smaller nations should have a say, unfortunately Fifa is run like a mafia racket, those that are loyal are rewarded and those that aren't get less, a lot of smal nations with equal votes makes it incredibly easy to build a huge power base if you;re corrupt. 1 federation 1 vote may make sense however if the finances etc were all extremely transparent with an independent body with huge powers to police it all, as it is it is asking for corruption.


I do however agree, that Football should not be run by the rich european federations, however imo changing voting systems etc, it's all slightly irrelevant, how football is run over all needs to be completely changed.

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Think UEFA will threaten to pull out of the WC now. They'll never do it, but no doubt they'll pretend to.

Will they boycott the one that takes place in their federation or the one that their president voted for I wonder

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What an absolute joke. A disgusting, ridiculous and saddening outcome if ever there was one, I have to think now though that the time is right for the main footballing powers to remove themselves from what is quite blatantly a corrupt and limited organisation.

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Karen Espelund (UEFA Executive Committee) says there will be meetings in UEFA next weekend in Berlin and that it's very probable UEFA will react "heavily" to this. Says Spain and Russia do not share the view of the rest of UEFA, but that UEFA is a democracy.


Says UEFA's view is that Blatter is responsible for the corruption in FIFA as he is the boss, and there is no reason why he should not step aside.


English FA representative have turned down a role for FIFA.


"You can see that Blatter is moved. However how much of that is acting, I can't say. He says he'll change FIFA, but he's been saying that for 17 years and now FIFA have never been in a worse position."


Interviewer: "So a World Cup without UEFA teams can be a possibility?"

Espelund: "It is a big possibility. We need to show our muscles."


Possibility of a UEFA + USA + Invitees replacement tournament.

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What an absolute joke. A disgusting, ridiculous and saddening outcome if ever there was one, I have to think now though that the time is right for the main footballing powers to remove themselves from what is quite blatantly a corrupt and limited organisation.

I would love to see countries take a strong stance, but it will never happen sadly.

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