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FIFA World Cup


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What legal case could Ireland have had anyway? Referee fails to spot handball? That's an extremely common occurrence in football.

lost income due to ref incompetence? enough of a case to bribe the fai off anyway

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Henry punching it down for himself was fucking hilarious, even moreso given how they totally fucked off the WC when they got there while Ireland were crying at home kidding themselves that it's not a proper tournament without their lifting brand of football.

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What legal case could Ireland have had anyway? Referee fails to spot handball? That's an extremely common occurrence in football.


Game was rigged? FIFA didn't want to run the risk of getting into difficulties over a lengthy court case....


Or you know Ireland could have just ponied up a cause of action against fifa, ref incompetence cost them money. Fifa appoints ref etc

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Henry punching it down for himself was f***ing hilarious, even moreso given how they totally f***ed off the WC when they got there while Ireland were crying at home kidding themselves that it's not a proper tournament without their lifting brand of football.


Trappatoni deserved to be a part of that tournament.

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Wasn't it supposed to be that there was no seeding but because France and Portugal both fucked up they decided to seed the play offs instead? There was more to the fuck up than the Henry goal.

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Henry punching it down for himself was fucking hilarious, even moreso given how they totally fucked off the WC when they got there while Ireland were crying at home kidding themselves that it's not a proper tournament without their lifting brand of football.


That's not even slightly true. We've been to 3 world cups ever so we were just angry that we were denied a fourth by referee incompetence

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Henry punching it down for himself was f***ing hilarious, even moreso given how they totally f***ed off the WC when they got there while Ireland were crying at home kidding themselves that it's not a proper tournament without their lifting brand of football.

Been bottling that up for a while? It was a shambles, they had every right to feel cheated.

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Is there any chance Platini could be dragged into this, particularly if there were bribes handed out for France 98?


They've said in the unsealed testimony that the France 98 bid was the result of bribery, so very possibly.


Isn't the bribe from Morocco though because they wanted to host it, not France?

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Wasn't it supposed to be that there was no seeding but because France and Portugal both f***ed up they decided to seed the play offs instead? There was more to the f*** up than the Henry goal.


There's definitely something dodgy about France. Not only did FIFA do that, they changed the rules again at the last World Cup to ensure an easier group for France. They always get p*ss easy groups in the draw and France were one of the few UEFA nations to vote for Blatter last week.

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John Delaney the day after the henry debacle




and what he said today

"That was a Thursday and on Monday the agreement was all signed and all done. It’s a very good agreement for the FAI and a very legitimate agreement for the FAI."


so sporting intregity is prices at either $5m or €5m (FIFA and the FAI can't seem to agree on the denomination)

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I must be mental but I don't really see the problem with the Ireland thing. If Ireland sued Fifa the best they could have hoped for was monetary compensation. Fifa essentially gave them that money before they had chance to take it to court. This kind of thing happens in all walks of life all the time, especially in business. Think it's a non story.


The rest of the allegations are a different matter however.

my issue isn't with FIFA on this, its with John Delaney and the FAI for keeping this quiet for 5 fucking years

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