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FIFA World Cup


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Remember watching Golé! 100’s of times when I was young. My dad hired it out of Gateshead Library. The amount of times he hired it for me he could’ve bought it 10 times over probably ?



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Ian Hislop isn't wrong but I don't really see what choice Neville or any other broadcaster has got. Has anyone (who you'd expect to be making a meaningful and visual appearance at the tournament) declared that they're refusing to go? I'm sure there are some and fair play to them; but I saw, for instance, BBC's line-up, and all the usual suspects are going, including Alex Scott who recently made public that she'd been in a same-sex relationship, which is illegal in Qatar. And why shouldn't they go if everyone else is?


Maybe at some point in the past there existed an organised strategy/opportunity to really damage and completely devalue the entire tournament, thereby demonstrating that football isn't beholden to corruption and nor will it pander to oppressive regimes - but that has long, long gone. So I don't see why any one individual, be it Gary Neville or even a player, make the call to not go now, and deny themselves a colossal career milestone. 

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21 minutes ago, Yorkie said:

Ian Hislop isn't wrong but I don't really see what choice Neville or any other broadcaster has got. Has anyone (who you'd expect to be making a meaningful and visual appearance at the tournament) declared that they're refusing to go? I'm sure there are some and fair play to them; but I saw, for instance, BBC's line-up, and all the usual suspects are going, including Alex Scott who recently made public that she'd been in a same-sex relationship, which is illegal in Qatar. And why shouldn't they go if everyone else is?


Maybe at some point in the past there existed an organised strategy/opportunity to really damage and completely devalue the entire tournament, thereby demonstrating that football isn't beholden to corruption and nor will it pander to oppressive regimes - but that has long, long gone. So I don't see why any one individual, be it Gary Neville or even a player, make the call to not go now, and deny themselves a colossal career milestone. 

It's probably that Neville has been more outspoken than most. His 'get them around the table' and 'highlight the issues' shtick is naivety at best and a weak excuse at worst.


Lineker will likely excuse himself as well. Rules for thee not for me 



Edited by Kid Icarus

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I would feel sorry for him as he looked proper deer in the headlights. But if you're agreeing to host HIGNFY less than a month before you're going to commentate on the most controversial World Cup ever, it's probably best to brush up on your arguments for the inevitable digs to come.

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they've had how many years to really protest and highlight the issues but they will till now.

i'm talking about the celebs, ex players, etc - not human rights groups.

there should have been massive pressure, threatened boycotts, public statements etc years ago.

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A do think lot of people come across as very mackem esque when it comes to human rights . They only highlight it when it suits their agenda . You either decide you want nothing to do with anything related to human rights. You don’t watch a particular football club or the World Cup etc because you feel that strongly against it , or you just decide you tolerate it and continue to live your life as normal . I personally think it’s class being a Newcastle fan at the moment, therefore can’t really take the moral high ground when it comes to the World Cup or Gary Neville or anyone else when it comes to human rights . Others for example will cry on all day long about our owners but watch the World Cup with a clear conscience which is just totally wrong and actually makes a mockery of human rights .

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7 minutes ago, huss9 said:

they've had how many years to really protest and highlight the issues but they will till now.

i'm talking about the celebs, ex players, etc - not human rights groups.

there should have been massive pressure, threatened boycotts, public statements etc years ago.


Exactly. The nature of the awarding to Qatar was utterly transparent from the word go; there should have been a widespread, organised rejection of the entire thing instantly, not literally a decade later.


Resisting now is not so much 'horse has bolted' as it is: horse has bolted, had esteemed and prestigious career in horse racing, had horse grandchildren who've had esteemed horse racing careers of their own, whilst original horse's grave has become a pilgrimage for horse history buffs. 

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1 hour ago, LFEE said:

Remember watching Golé! 100’s of times when I was young. My dad hired it out of Gateshead Library. The amount of times he hired it for me he could’ve bought it 10 times over probably ?



I loved World Cup ‘82. 

My first one and genuinely think it was the best in terms of quality and entertainment I’ve ever seen. 

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Remember in 2010 when the 2018 and 2022 World Cup hosts were announced, being really excited that England might host it in 2018 and being furious they were awarded to Russia and Qatar. It stank then and it stinks now, especially Qatar. 


Also recall all the talk being that Qatar had promised they could host it during the summer and just have pure loads of air con all over the shop, was only a few years ago them and FIFA bit the bullet on that one. 

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1 hour ago, Geogaddi said:

A do think lot of people come across as very mackem esque when it comes to human rights . They only highlight it when it suits their agenda . You either decide you want nothing to do with anything related to human rights. You don’t watch a particular football club or the World Cup etc because you feel that strongly against it , or you just decide you tolerate it and continue to live your life as normal . I personally think it’s class being a Newcastle fan at the moment, therefore can’t really take the moral high ground when it comes to the World Cup or Gary Neville or anyone else when it comes to human rights . Others for example will cry on all day long about our owners but watch the World Cup with a clear conscience which is just totally wrong and actually makes a mockery of human rights .


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29 minutes ago, Interpolic said:

Remember in 2010 when the 2018 and 2022 World Cup hosts were announced, being really excited that England might host it in 2018 and being furious they were awarded to Russia and Qatar. It stank then and it stinks now, especially Qatar. 


Also recall all the talk being that Qatar had promised they could host it during the summer and just have pure loads of air con all over the shop, was only a few years ago them and FIFA bit the bullet on that one. 

Oh yeah, my favorite part of Qatar's bid was that they were going to invent a new air conditioning technology that would allow them to cool open air stadiums.


Fucking shocker that one hasn't worked out.



Edited by Miercoles

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21 hours ago, Optimistic Nut said:


1982 World Cup had groups of 3 in the Second Round, anyone got any idea how they went? Might have been the only time so guessing the fact it was gone by 86 suggests it was shit.

Nothing will ever be as crackers as the 1950 World Cup, which didn’t actually have a final - instead it had a group of four with the team on top winning the WC.  It just happened that the final game played between Brazil and Uruguay was between the only teams with a chance of still winning it …

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Just now, huss9 said:

they've had how many years to really protest and highlight the issues but they will till now.

i'm talking about the celebs, ex players, etc - not human rights groups.

there should have been massive pressure, threatened boycotts, public statements etc years ago.

One of the reasons I'm okay with our takeover is because for 20years before it this is where football has gone, against my wishes.

If our takeover was the first of these sorts of things I'd have been against it but for 20years from Abramovich to the last world cup I've been told its good for football and geopolitics doesn't matter and feel were just playing the game that they created.


Until very recently there seemed as much concern about this World Cup as the one in the US - with fears they'd change the rules, size of the goals, quarters rather than halves and going to a non-football country.

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17 minutes ago, Kid Icarus said:

Interesting conflating of populations and governments into 'you' there. 


You condemning Qatar hosting the world cup is also implicitly saying the people of Qatar are not allowed to see their country hosting such event.


I doubt you'll be complaining if England win the rights to host Euro 2028. 


Anyway, a bit of perspective never harms:



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