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Newcastle United 6-2 Norwich City - 18/10/15 post match reaction from page 44


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watching both dummet and haidara today clearly showed mbabu is in a different level and has to start when he is fit.

Ridiculously early to say that he's on a different level to anybody.

Aye, he's played 1,5 game and people talk like he's world class. A different level ffs  :lol:


christ, this place ffs. who mentioned world class other than you?


he IS at a different level - he's COMPETENT defensively and going forward. never said he was a world beater. he's better than dummet and haidara.



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watching both dummet and haidara today clearly showed mbabu is in a different level and has to start when he is fit.

Ridiculously early to say that he's on a different level to anybody.

Aye, he's played 1,5 game and people talk like he's world class. A different level ffs  :lol:


christ, this place ffs. who mentioned world class other than you?


he IS at a different level - he's COMPETENT defensively and going forward. never said he was a world beater. he's better than dummet and haidara.

We don't really know whether he is or not given he's only played a game

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watching both dummet and haidara today clearly showed mbabu is in a different level and has to start when he is fit.

Ridiculously early to say that he's on a different level to anybody.

Aye, he's played 1,5 game and people talk like he's world class. A different level ffs  :lol:


christ, this place ffs. who mentioned world class other than you?


he IS at a different level - he's COMPETENT defensively and going forward. never said he was a world beater. he's better than dummet and haidara.

We don't really know whether he is or not given he's only played a game


who would you rather start if all 3 were fit?

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watching both dummet and haidara today clearly showed mbabu is in a different level and has to start when he is fit.

Ridiculously early to say that he's on a different level to anybody.

Aye, he's played 1,5 game and people talk like he's world class. A different level ffs  :lol:


christ, this place ffs. who mentioned world class other than you?


he IS at a different level - he's COMPETENT defensively and going forward. never said he was a world beater. he's better than dummet and haidara.

We don't really know whether he is or not given he's only played a game


who would you rather start if all 3 were fit?

I'd give Mbabu a chance as he did well in his first game but its very premature to say he's competent defensively and going forward at this stage

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Definitely better going forwards. However, defence is still shocking, although I think they were let down by lack of tracking back by those in front. That's said we really need another imposing full back, a proper left back and a more vocal keeper with a presence about him.


Replace coldsack, tiote and Anita and we would be so much stronger.  If these positions are looking to be addressed in Jan then fair enough but they won't.

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Great to get the win, but if we carry on defending like that, we'll go down.


As others have said, the back four doesn't get much protection. Pardew just had us all getting back behind the ball as soon as possible and whilst it wasn't a great spectacle, at least it was some kind of strategy. Now we seem to be trying a half-arsed attempt at pressuring the opposition further upfield, but we don't really have the players for that. It's ineffective and the other team play through us quite easily, exposing the back four.


I actually thought Dummett had a good game. He's here to stay.


And it may be my imagination, but Elliot seems to have lost a bit of weight.

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Great to get the win, but if we carry on defending like that, we'll go down.


As others have said, the back four doesn't get much protection. Pardew just had us all getting back behind the ball as soon as possible and whilst it wasn't a great spectacle, at least it was some kind of strategy. Now we seem to be trying a half-arsed attempt at pressuring the opposition further upfield, but we don't really have the players for that. It's ineffective and the other team play through us quite easily, exposing the back four.


I actually thought Dummett had a good game. He's here to stay.


And it may be my imagination, but Elliot seems to have lost a bit of weight.


We won 6-2  ???

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Great to get the win, but if we carry on defending like that, we'll go down.


As others have said, the back four doesn't get much protection. Pardew just had us all getting back behind the ball as soon as possible and whilst it wasn't a great spectacle, at least it was some kind of strategy. Now we seem to be trying a half-arsed attempt at pressuring the opposition further upfield, but we don't really have the players for that. It's ineffective and the other team play through us quite easily, exposing the back four.


I actually thought Dummett had a good game. He's here to stay.


And it may be my imagination, but Elliot seems to have lost a bit of weight.

I didn't think Elliott looked particularly blobby, either...

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Fucking loved for the first time we finally turned the screw and finished someone off. Far to often we'd have 40 odd more chances and miss all of them and either concede late or defend like we're getting invaded and the world was about to end.

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Pretty special to respond to the six we conceded against City, with a 6 of our own. Players must be on cloud nine. Good for them. Fantastic stuff. Lets push on now please. Humping fat Sam would be glorious. Just perfect!

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Pardew's amazing plan saw us conceding record breaking ammounts of goals. Our defence is total garbage, sitting back is suicidal and it's been our unwillingness to get men forwards that had us at the bottom of the league.


There's no getting round the fact that results have plummeted since Pardew left.



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