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The "How would you set the team up?" thread


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Sissoko's bloody awful defensively, like. Just not his game at all.




Like Wijnaldum, he shows the odd bit of desire to get back but he's generally awful at it. Spurs away last season was the only game where I thought he looked like a proper box-to-box midfielder at breaking up play and driving us forward.

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I wouldn't say he's been awful. More like good, then poor, then dropped, then promising when he returned. Also he's our only proper attacking midfielder.


When was he good? He's been praised for his appearance against Bournemouth, I've no idea why, he ran around a bit, lost possession deep in our half at least twice by trying to be clever (which left us out of shape) and instead of going to the corner in the last minute he put in a cross where we had no-one to get on the end of it.


He's got an awful lot to improve on, if we had everyone fit, from what little we've seen of them, I'd have Aarons in. I hope Thauvin comes good but he's not quick and he seems to have a heart the size of pea. As for what formation we should play, I think we have to go with what we've got for now and if we can buy a proper, mobile, defensive midfielder in January we can think about trying a diamond shape. If we tried that now we'd look like we weren't playing with a midfield.

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I remember Ayoze being as bad as Thauvin when he came on against Sheff Wed but he's kicked on again since starting regularly again. I guess if we'd been getting results we could have given him a bit time to get games under him. I'd put him in with Wijnaldum or Sissoko going central with one of the other 3 centre midfielders.

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I didn't see the Bournemouth game but I do like the intentions of having Wijnaldum, Sissoko and Perez all playing off Mitrovic - even if that means having two of those starting in an unnatural position on the wing. It has the potential to really hurt on the counter-attack whilst being pretty fluid if we have the lionshare of possession at home.


We're aching for a centre-midfielder. Talking about our 'best line-up' is a little bit futile because that part of the pitch is so gash, it inhibits everything else. As a priority it comes way ahead of anything else because Anita/Colback/Tiote have no discernible positive attributes and, between them, a long list of weaknesses. We're not going to see a settled unit; the team isn't going to 'click' until that part of the pitch has serious investment. I just hope we're not adrift by the time January comes around (I doubt we will be), and we can still attract someone half-decent.


We need a Cabaye signing. As in, signing someone whose presence effectively transforms the performances of the whole set-up - like Cabaye did in 2011.


Bournemouth are cannon-fodder atm but will spend in January. Villa will improve under Garde. Sunderland might improve as well. So we're definitely gonna have to get the chequebook out in January if we want to pull away.

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Janmaat Mbemba Dummett Kev


Sissoko Wijnaldum Tiote Thauvin





Like this line up. thauvin on and wiji in the middle is a huge step up from Anita/colback. If we bought a decent defensive midfielder in Jan this could be an excellent side...

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Janmaat Mbemba Dummett Kev


Sissoko Wijnaldum Tiote Thauvin





Like this line up. thauvin on and wiji in the middle is a huge step up from Anita/colback. If we bought a decent defensive midfielder in Jan this could be an excellent side...


This opinion is largely based on a number of unproven players/players in certain positions.

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Guest firetotheworks

Personally I'd go with



Janmaat  MBemba  Dummett  De La Rocha


                Anita        Tiote    <-------------------------UGH!


Sissoko              Perez          Wijnaldum





But honestly, who cares, what a pile of shit team that is.

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I didn't think Thauvin was anywhere near as bad as being made out. He had a decent couple of games, went missing against West Ham (along with the rest of the team), was the only player trying to do anything in the first half against Watford (then faded in the second half), then was dropped, then came back in and looks promising.


Totally agree.

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Guest neesy111

I didn't think Thauvin was anywhere near as bad as being made out. He had a decent couple of games, went missing against West Ham (along with the rest of the team), was the only player trying to do anything in the first half against Watford (then faded in the second half), then was dropped, then came back in and looks promising.


He didn't look promising against Sunderland.

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Guest firetotheworks

I've spent loads of time defending players like him and Cabella over the years, but I just simply think that neither of them are all that good at all.

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Thauvin has shown zero quality from what i've seen. He's been worse than the average Obertan performance in his only 2 league starts. He's not highly rated in his own country.


Of all the newbs I have the least faith in his ability.


To describe him as worse than the average Obertan is pretty short sighted tbh. Obertan can't cross, shoot or even keep his legs steady when he's in a one on one position. Thauvin looks like he might be able to do all those things if he can adjust to the pace of the game here.

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Thauvin has shown zero quality from what i've seen. He's been worse than the average Obertan performance in his only 2 league starts. He's not highly rated in his own country.


Of all the newbs I have the least faith in his ability.


To describe him as worse than the average Obertan is pretty short sighted tbh. Obertan can't cross, shoot or even keep his legs steady when he's in a one on one position. Thauvin looks like he might be able to do all those things if he can adjust to the pace of the game here.


He really doesn't. Against West Ham and Watford he attempted (which is good and shows heart unlike Obertan)a total of at least 8 take on and 8 crosses or corners.  Didn't beat his man once.  Didn't put in a single good delivery.


Hasn't shown ANY ability. You can already tell he's not got the ability of a Robert, HBA. Not even a N'Zogbia.

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Janmaat              Coloccini            Mbemba                               




                  Sissoko  Wijnaldum                                     

Aarons                                            Thauvin




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Janmaat              Coloccini            Mbemba                               




                  Sissoko  Wijnaldum                                     

Aarons                                            Thauvin




Skirge alert.

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