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"I took over Palace in a similar situation and took them from relegation to 10th"


Completely neglects what happened there-after. :lol: It must be fucking mint being Alan Pardew living in Alan Pardew world. Free cowies and 3 points for everyone!

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5 Live guest reckons WBA fans will be delighted with the attacking football Pardz will bring.


I can guarantee you none of them will be WBA fans themselves. Probably stifling their giggles into a handkerchief while they were saying it.

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Of the first 4 games I can only see them getting something at Swansea. Palace the way they are playing will batter him first match.


Clement will be delighted. Swansea will definitely beat West Brom under Pardew.


Have you forgotten what happened when his Palace side played them?

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