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Forum donations - New donation link

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I've chucked some money in. Is it possible to set a regular donation, like a gofundme type thing? I'd be happy to give a couple quid every month.


edit: I don't think I meant gofundme but can't remember the site I did mean. Lot's of YouTubers use it.


Didn't see it. I'll look later and try and set up a regular.


And NUFC54 is right, iwas thinking of Patreon but if it's easy to do on Paypal then great.


On the PayPal link there's an option to make it a monthly payment, at least there was on the link I clicked on.

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Going to make a donation.


As it happens my cousin has a company that hosts websites and such (actually has his own fibre optic line between Newcastle-Manchester-London). If you wanted I could see if he could possibly host the website cheaper (he specialises in mega fast internet, has a couple of MOD contracts).



Edit: Donation made.

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Cheers everyone. Really appreciated.

In a few days or once everyone has had a chance to put in could you lets us know how much you've raised. I'm not asking for actual numbers, just something like we have raised enough to cover the costs for a month-6 months-year.
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So it's been 24 hours since I started this thread and I have to say, the response has been absolutely magnificent. Fairly staggering in fact.


Many, many thanks to everyone that has donated. :thup: :clap:

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I absolutely despise ads in every way, shape or form so like a few other already have said, I love that this forum has no ads. I cringe a lot of times when I happen to follow  a link to other teams forums because it looks so shit layout/ads-wise.


This forum looks awesome and it's by far the site I spend most time on, so I'll happily contribute to keeping it running!


Big thanks to Dave and anyone else working to keep this place the best forum around :thup:


P.S When I donated there was a box you could check which said "Make this a monthly payment" or something similar. Guess people could just use that it they want to make monthly donations? D.S

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