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It's exactly the same man. There are people exactly like that within this thread alone let alone within our supporters. You're being naive in the extreme if you think it's all one-way traffic.


This is one thread, about our rivals, on a Newcastle forum. It's all in context unlike their mass thread starting craziness.


People who go to RTG for their daily fix of laughs aren't obsessed. It's comical observation and no different than someone visiting redit, clickhole (some other shitty place)etc etc for their daily fill.


I don't post in this thread much...but I read it...and laugh.


Doubt anyone would say it's one way traffic...but to suggest it's equal is far more naive (not saying you're personally suggesting it).


The 'obsessed' thing gets bandied about too much, and whilst it may be true of some supporters on both sides, I think the overriding trait from them is Bitterness towards us. As long as I can remember, Sunderland supporters have always had a massive chip on their shoulder about anything 'Newcastle' or 'Tyneside', and that chip is only getting bigger/worse.


A fairy irregular glance at their forum will always see threads about 'Mags' or 'Newcastle'... its like they just try and think of ways to bitch about the club, the supporters or the city/area.


Again, some would call this obsession, but almost all of the posts in these threads include a huge amount of bitterness, which I think is a better word for it.

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Sadly, this is true.


Bumped into a coach of Norwich fans at the services on the way home, was having a chat with the driver and he mentioned this happened.


Its down to Norwich fans vandalising the sbr memorial garden a few years ago. Seems retaliation is on a few minds.

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From what I heard it was mostly kids just shouting at a bus full of Norwich fans. Talk of bottles being thrown but it's not explained that it's empty plastic bottles of coke.

Not good behaviour by any means, but it's being made out as though it was full on hooligans when in reality it was kids acting like kids that you get no matter where you go. A night out in any given city/town would see more animosity.

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I've said it a million times but we massively affect their lives. Last nights result will have resulted in many of them on there not being able to sleep. They would have been that "seething" and "rattled" that it is an absolute fact that many of them didn't get to sleep until 4 or 5 in the morning, if at all.

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Guest firetotheworks

It's exactly the same man. There are people exactly like that within this thread alone let alone within our supporters. You're being naive in the extreme if you think it's all one-way traffic.


This is one thread, about our rivals, on a Newcastle forum. It's all in context unlike their mass thread starting craziness.


People who go to RTG for their daily fix of laughs aren't obsessed. It's comical observation and no different than someone visiting redit, clickhole (some other shitty place)etc etc for their daily fill.


I don't post in this thread much...but I read it...and laugh.


Doubt anyone would say it's one way traffic...but to suggest it's equal is far more naive (not saying you're personally suggesting it).


:lol: Yeah, I wasn't suggesting that though, so ye nah.

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The way they talk about us on that site reminds me of the way little children go on when they're called gay or something, it's just weird.


Just an absolute refusal to speak rationally in fear of been labeled 'a mag', becuase they 'proper fucking hate the mags #ftm'. They'll all be caught sucking off a mag in the back of a taxi when the're older.


We 'spent £55m' even though we didn't.

They 'relegated us', along with 16 other teams who were better than them.

We'll 'get one in the last minute like we always do, jammy cunts'. Last night was the only game we've stole points from the death this season.


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Unusually there are still one or two level headed Mackem posters on there, how can they be arsed with meeting "mag" and "bedwetter" every time they post an accurate and level headed post?


Mob mentality on that board, that's all it is.

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I find it funniest when a fan of another club says something good about us on there and is immediately shot down as being a "mag". However If they say something bad about us they're added to the football friends list.

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Without checking I bet we're still the topic of conversation on there today.

Had a quick check. Seem to think we'd stopped a Norwich coach in some kind of Mad Max style shake down. Bricks through windows, people vaulting onto the roof from their cars, a rocket launcher involved...


EDIT: At one point a Norwich fan walks off the bus to roundhouse kick a fat mag in Lonsdale trainers :lol:

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Without checking I bet we're still the topic of conversation on there today.

Had a quick check. Seem to think we'd stopped a Norwich coach in some kind of Mad Max style shake down. Bricks through windows, people volting onto the roof from their cars, a rocket launcher involved...


EDIT: At one point a Norwich fan walks off the bus to roundhouse kick a fat mag in Lonsdale trainers :lol:


Electrifying stuff.

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