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'Instead of pulling their Stone Island on' :lol:


This whole affair is a farce. The only positive is that some money has been raised for charity I guess. Still deeply embarrassing craic all round.

Thats assuming the money actually goes to charity. All donations have been made to his personal account, to my knowledge has hasn't provided proof of what's been received or proof of any donation.

Bare in mind he is allegedly a former Gremlings member then you can see why trusting him isn't the wisest thing in the world.

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I've just decided I'm not going to think about it any more.  Bradley's family have now come out and diplomatically said it's "thoughtful" while also saying they can understand why people think it's inappropriate, which is enough for the people behind it to claim their backing.  If I let myself get worked up about it I'll just end up ranting on Chronicle Facebook comments and end up getting deaththreats from squinty thumbheads.

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I've just decided I'm not going to think about it any more.  Bradley's family have now come out and diplomatically said it's "thoughtful" while also saying they can understand why people think it's inappropriate, which is enough for the people behind it to claim their backing.  If I let myself get worked up about it I'll just end up ranting on Chronicle Facebook comments and end up getting deaththreats from squinty thumbheads.

Someone really needs to show these threatening messages and calls he's been making online and report the cunt to the police.
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Guest chopey

I can see the Stadium of light from my house so i'll have a perfect view of this shitstorm of an idea.

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Who wants to cosign an angry letter to the Chron and donate a bit?

Chronicle have really dumbed down in the last few years. They used to be decent for local news, now with no access to NUFC and everyone knowing about everything via Facebook and Twitter as it happens they have nothing left. All they do now is keep wheeling out people like John Sayers and Paddy Conroy for their regular interviews. It is little surprise that they have partnered with this cunt in order to win the race to the bottom.


I don't buy the Chronicle anymore, now I use Apple news for news updates. The Chronicle comes up often, most of it is click bait articles, but some have actual news. The problem is they only put 1 paragraph on News and the rest you have to go to their website for. If you use their website in desktop then there is that many adverts that the website struggles to load, you have to have an ad blocker to make it usable.


Their reporting is getting worse, click bait articles and glorifying thugs, think I'm just going to stop reading the website full stop.

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Part of the "banter" brigade ✓


St George flag profile pic ✓


Racist ✓


The sooner this generation die off the fucking better. Thing is these people are going to be on the receiving end of great medical advancements, assisted by immigrants, with the addition of living the end of their life with what will be the last state pension, all of which my generation is going to have to pay for, despite them making everything harder by voting leave. Honestly man, they are going to make the baby boomers look reasonable.
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Who wants to cosign an angry letter to the Chron and donate a bit?

Chronicle have really dumbed down in the last few years. They used to be decent for local news, now with no access to NUFC and everyone knowing about everything via Facebook and Twitter as it happens they have nothing left. All they do now is keep wheeling out people like John Sayers and Paddy Conroy for their regular interviews. It is little surprise that they have partnered with this c*** in order to win the race to the bottom.


I don't buy the Chronicle anymore, now I use Apple news for news updates. The Chronicle comes up often, most of it is click bait articles, but some have actual news. The problem is they only put 1 paragraph on News and the rest you have to go to their website for. If you use their website in desktop then there is that many adverts that the website struggles to load, you have to have an ad blocker to make it usable.


Their reporting is getting worse, click bait articles and glorifying thugs, think I'm just going to stop reading the website full stop.


Yep its pathetic how they generate about 10 articles from what should be one column, but its how they think is only way to get any advertising revenue, kinda inevitable in some ways, but you'd have thought theyd want some decent content to draw people onto the clickbait site in teh first place

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