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Rafael Benitez

Jesse Pinkman

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I don't think he'll demand a particular budget. He'll be aware there'll be cut backs and will no doubt need to sell, but as long as he's in control of who he gets to bring in with that budget, I think he'll take it.

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I'm sure I read that he said he doesn't expect a war chest, but he does want enough money to buy the right players, I guess you can't put a figure on that. Plus with the money for finishing 18th/19th and an exodus of player sales should be enough to get what he needs without the fat man having to put his hand in his pocket.


However I have said from the start, I'm not as worried about Rafa wanting to stay as I am about them wanting him to stay. If there's a way to muck this up, I don't trust them not to do it.

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Basically, what we can take from these latest reports is that if Rafa doesn't stay then it's because the club have not done enough to keep him... which worries me immensely!  :(


yep my gut feeling is hes talking about top end things , Europe etc, and our lot are shitting themselves at the implications of moderate success.


absolute tossers.

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It really is the biggest point in our recent memory, whether or not this bloke stays.


If Rafa stays, he'll potentially be able to keep a very good squad of players who want to play for him. The likes of Townsend will buy into what he plans to do and will be happy to knock around in the Championship for a year. We'll attract great players for the Championship and have a team all pulling together for a change.


The changes he'll force at boardroom level will see us function as a football club, rather than the shower of piss we are at the moment.


We'll average mid-high 40's in the Championship, have a team far too good for that level and a manager way above it. We'll comfortably win promotion and then he'll be able to build on the foundations already put down. Rafa also loves a cup run, so we'll forget watching our side limp out of 2nd and 3rd round ties against average opposition.


The thought of all of this against any other option is sickening, we simply must keep hold of him.

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Basically, what we can take from these latest reports is that if Rafa doesn't stay then it's because the club have not done enough to keep him... which worries me immensely!  :(


yep my gut feeling is hes talking about top end things , Europe etc, and our lot are shitting themselves at the implications of moderate success.


absolute tossers.


Ashley doesn't want success for NUFC. It genuinely terrifies him, I believe. It's always been about accepting the bottom line - and now it's blown up in his face twice.

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It really is the biggest point in our recent memory, whether or not this bloke stays.


If Rafa stays, he'll potentially be able to keep a very good squad of players who want to play for him. The likes of Townsend will buy into what he plans to do and will be happy to knock around in the Championship for a year. We'll attract great players for the Championship and have a team all pulling together for a change.


The changes he'll force at boardroom level will see us function as a football club, rather than the shower of p*ss we are at the moment.


We'll average mid-high 40's in the Championship, have a team far too good for that level and a manager way above it. We'll comfortably win promotion and then he'll be able to build on the foundations already put down. Rafa also loves a cup run, so we'll forget watching our side limp out of 2nd and 3rd round ties against average opposition.


The thought of all of this against any other option is sickening, we simply must keep hold of him.


Absolutely. The importance of these next weeks cannot be stressed enough for the future of this football club.

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IF Rafa stays you can guarantee that whatever agreements are in place will be heavily pawed over by his legal team and he'll get Ashley over a barrel if he goes back on any of his promises. That may be a stumbling block however Rafa will be aware of how certain managers have been treated by the regime in the past and he'll make sure that doesn't happen to him.

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I can see Ashley giving him the TV money but not putting his hand in his own pocket for transfer funds. The TV money isn't that much in the Championship is it? Anyone know the figure?


He doesn't ever have to use his own money. He never has to dig into his own pocket. Everything goes against the club anyway.


Rafa will have to be silly to expect a significant transfer fund too.

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He doesn't ever have to use his own money. He never has to dig into his own pocket. Everything goes against the club anyway.


The club is his money and last time there was a cash injection into the club to keep things running.


The need this time is not as severe, but unless we can raise some cash by selling players and getting the wage bill down in the process, the club as a business will struggle to create anything to play with in the transfer market.





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That Warcock link is just the journo trying to get a rise out of us.


I know it's not a popular thing to say but even if Rafa doesn't take the job (god knows i hope he does), there won't be a shortage of decent managers wanting it.


Although it's never who wants it, it's who the idiots running the club appoint. We're still a decent pull for managers out there, no doubt about that in my mind.

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Not sure Rafa will expect a large transfer kitty, just reassurances that players won't be bought without his agreement.


It should go without saying that we should be spending more than any other championship club.

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