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Newcastle United vs Man City - Tuesday 19th April 2016 @ 19:45 (Sky Sports 1)


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How much is that in the Quayside Bar?


I noticed they had it in Fitzies but I just had a pint of Coors because that's what I had on Saturday and it brought a bit of luck.


I also re-iterate Paully, stay the f*** away like you did on Saturday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Ha ha! It was a good mate's wedding!


It's a remarkable £3.40! Not sure it's wise at this time mind! Ha ha!

Aye, Coors is a scandalous £3.40 in Fitzgeralds.


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I'd bring Perez and Mitrovic in for Cisse and Mrs Fantastic.


Nope, keeping Mitrovic fresh to wreck havoc on their tiring defenders is the way to go, keep as is.


Mitrovic doesn't rely on tired defenders to succeed though IMO, his form is reliant on how arsed he is to battle with all he has. Besides, by the time he gets brought on the game could be long gone. Can't see why you wouldn't start with your best players. It's not even as though Cisse really helps to keep it tight until later on in the game in this Mitro supersub plan.

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I'd bring Perez and Mitrovic in for Cisse and Mrs Fantastic.


Nope, keeping Mitrovic fresh to wreck havoc on their tiring defenders is the way to go, keep as is.


Mitrovic doesn't rely on tired defenders to succeed though IMO, his form is reliant on how arsed he is to battle with all he has. Besides, by the time he gets brought on the game could be long gone. Can't see why you wouldn't start with your best players. It's not even as though Cisse really helps to keep it tight until later on in the game in this Mitro supersub plan.

Mitrovic hasn't played well when starting in ages from memory, every time he comes off the bench he wreaks havoc. I would bring him on a bit sooner tonight though than the weekend as Cisse got very tired after about an hour the other day

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The only thing I'd change is Perez for Wijnaldum on the left hand side. I think Perez offers us a better attacker in the wide and box positions; ie: he actively tries to take a man on or shoot. I also think he does well to get back and defend too.


The Wijnaldum in the 1st half of our season would be the 1st name on the sheet for me; on counters he's ferocious, he's got a brilliant turn of pace and quick feet to hold up the ball and get by 1 or 2 men with his dribbling ability. He'd also get into the box and attack crosses or get shots on goal.... He was also putting in some excellent 1 v 1 tackles using his pace and getting control of the ball. Wijnaldum of today is very much putting in 25% of the effort we saw before and he's not taking on anyone but 1x or 2x in the first 10-15 minutes or so. He also is slowing our attack down to a crawl when he receives the ball...


Other than that, I'd continue Tiote and Colback central to work very hard behind the ball and continue to press and tackle and provide cover. I'd normally want Shelvey there but he's worthless in defending situations and I think we need some legit presence there.  Play Moussa in the free role #10/box-to-box central and Townsend wide right. Same back 4. Mitro or Cisse is a toss up; I'm fine with either.


The only other wrinkle I'd throw is Moussa for Colback and Siem De Jong in the #10 role more advanced to add a bit more intelligence and experience in our attack.

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Personally think we need 7 more points to have any chance at all of staying up, given the fixtures Sunderland and Norwich have left.  Would be amazing if we could get 3 of those points tonight.


I doubt we'll stay up with 7 as that means 35 points and would mean Norwich only need a win and a couple of draws or two wins for the mackems. I actually think the mackems could easily take seven or eight points from their games and will finish ahead of Norwich (I really wanted a draw between them at the weekend) so I think we need ten points to put them both under pressure and give ourselves a fighting chance. Three wins and a draw from somewhere. Anything less and I wouldn't like to put too much money on us staying up.


There are so many factors in this - we really don't want Everton or Watford getting to the cup final as they have to play both Norwich and the mackems in the last two games of the season - that's a shocker how that has turned out - our failure to knock Watford out of the cup could come back and really bite us on the arse, which would be ironic considering how much MA has promoted the league over the cup to remain on the gravy train.


We could do with Leicester being more than three points ahead of Spurs on the last day, and Spurs being more than three ahead of Arsenal.


I still think we're down and we were after the Norwich and mackems games. However, if we somehow take 2 or 3 points from the next two games we will have a real chance, as our following two games are probably the easiest of all three teams in the run in. I'll definitely be cheering on Palace against Watford at the weekend!

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Personally think we need 7 more points to have any chance at all of staying up, given the fixtures Sunderland and Norwich have left.  Would be amazing if we could get 3 of those points tonight.


I doubt we'll stay up with 7 as that means 35 points and would mean Norwich only need a win and a couple of draws or two wins for the mackems. I actually think the mackems could easily take seven or eight points from their games and will finish ahead of Norwich (I really wanted a draw between them at the weekend) so I think we need ten points to put them both under pressure and give ourselves a fighting chance. Three wins and a draw from somewhere. Anything less and I wouldn't like to put too much money on us staying up.



I doubt it as well, that's to give us the slimmest of chances IMO.  To have a really good chance I think we need 10.  If Sunderland get 7 or 8 points from their remaining fixtures they'll have done incredibly well, certainly don't see it being easy though, far from it.  They certainly don't have two games left as winnable as Palace at home and Villa away.

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Guest Howaythetoon

Fans can make the difference tonight, kind of like the 4-4 vs Arsenal. We need to just go fucking ackers for the full 90 and you never know. A draw would be a good result in all honesty.

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