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Brentford manager: Alan Judge won't join Newcastle this summer


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This is really the best we can do? All of Europe to sign players from and we're signing some c*** who can't even play for months. We'll be 20 games in by the time he gets on the pitch.


If only he was called Alain Juge and we signed him from some shithouse French club.  Useless Irish plodder.


In all seriousness, though.  It does seem a bit odd that we're signing him, when he's crocked.  If he was fit, then it would be a decent signing, IMO.

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Very highly thought of by my work associate Neil a Brentford Supporter who is a Threatre Technician who likes walking his dog and pina colada.


A small player who can play on both wings, good crosser, scores good goals. Brentford wanted to sell as he is in the last year of his contract, recovering from a broken leg.

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Perhaps the view is get him signed now rather than have him get fit and play games, score goals and get assists for Brentford in November and December who are essentially a promotion rival.

It may be he has other offers so the chance to sign him is there now rather than in January.

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I've never heard of him but his performance data is very impressive. A goal or assist every other game in the Championship for over 100 games, so completely proven at this level. His height is down as only 1.69m, so one in the eye to anyone who thinks that the Championship is a league for big plodders.


He hasn't missed much time in other seasons, so tempting to think that the injury is a one-off and not a sign of a poor general condition.


27 and historically consistent at this level, worth a go I reckon.

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I thought with Rafa, these type of signings were history, we are in desperate need of a natural winger to come in right away, as has been obvious in all our games so far. Basically we are an injury to Ritchie or Aaorns away from having Anita back on the wing. Been a pretty uninspiring window all together after the excitement following Gayle and Ritchie.

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Would be a nice squad signing by the sound of things. We would still need another winger of course, unless Gayle really is going to end up there. I wouldn't be opposed to that at all tbh, he's done well so far obviously but doesn't seem like an out and out striker.

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We need a winger. One that's fit and available would be ideal.


What's with us sniffing around the bargain bin? If Sissoko goes we'll have the lowest net spend in the division/entire football pyramid.


Staying, do we think?

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