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Sexual Abuse in Football


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Horrible horrible stories, and the only silver lining is that it is good that it's finally coming to the surface. My heart goes out to the victims.


I suppose it's also better that the ignorant opinions of certain people can be out so that they can be challenged.

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Just have to hope that there's been a cultural change in society and this kind of thing isn't swept under the carpet anymore. I'm sort of confident.


There has been a shift I believe, but only high levels of government and other powerful institutions will make sure they avoid scrutiny, as we have seen with the purposeful torpedoing of the ongoing child abuse enquiry. It's a state sanctioned coverup, so that the truth will never be allowed to come out. :(

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Unlike Derek Bell seems like Eatock was abused while at the club.


However unlike the Crewe stories Eatock's account sounds like he was approached away from the club and without any involvement from the club.


I've read this post a few times now and I'm still struggling to grasp the point you're apparently trying to make, assuming that you are indeed trying to make a point and not doing a Bristow?


isn't he saying eatock was abused when a player at NUFC but the abuse was unrelated to the club itself?

Well he's wrong, it was on the club's watch.


The article said he was stalked to his hotel, unlike the Crewe case where Gradi was driving kids to Bennell's house.


There was simply no knowledge and we binned him immediately when we found out. Unlike Crewe.


Thanks for clarifying that, James. I still think the club has a duty of care, regardless. I suppose the thing that bothers me here is that there will be varying degrees of ineptitude, myopia and (god forbid) some actual malice or neglect uncovered as this whole thing unravels. Utterly grim and heartbreaking on the one hand, but hopeful (if that's the right word) in terms of these deviants finally beginning to be uncovered and hopefully turned over to the justice system.

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Unlike Derek Bell seems like Eatock was abused while at the club.


However unlike the Crewe stories Eatock's account sounds like he was approached away from the club and without any involvement from the club.


I've read this post a few times now and I'm still struggling to grasp the point you're apparently trying to make, assuming that you are indeed trying to make a point and not doing a Bristow?


isn't he saying eatock was abused when a player at NUFC but the abuse was unrelated to the club itself?

Well he's wrong, it was on the club's watch.


The article said he was stalked to his hotel, unlike the Crewe case where Gradi was driving kids to Bennell's house.


There was simply no knowledge and we binned him immediately when we found out. Unlike Crewe.


Having only skimmed the article as I'm at work, I can't see that in the article?

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Guest firetotheworks

I can only put forward that there's probably a big difference between duty of care then and duty of care now. It seems like these pieces of shit ran amok in a time where national hysteria wasn't as high and it was more of a 'keep your doors unlocked' approach to the era. Obviously it's nowhere near the biggest issue, but it's tragic that these incidents have such an impact on the wholesale distrust of everyone.


Let's hope these scumbags and anyone complicit and/or guilty of negligence get what they deserve and the victims can start moving towards a better life.

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i think parents are a lot more switched on as well. i have 2 boys  aged 8 and 10 who play for local teams, and 2 little girls who go gymanstics, basketball, brownies etc. there's no way there'd be sleep overs etc or trips without chaperones etc nowadays. my kids are quite clued up as we've spoken to them and also its on tv all the time and if they ask what is going on in a news item about abuse , we are quite open with them.


just hope this is becoming more of the case in general nowadays.

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With the Jimmy Savile case and now this in our national sport...is this a British thing?  I mean we never hear about this level of  stuff from any other country, is it really just us?


Is it a case of or media willing to investigate where other countries just don't bring this to public knowledge???

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With the Jimmy Savile case and now this in our national sport...is this a British thing?  I mean we never hear about this level of  stuff from any other country, is it really just us?


Is it a case of or media willing to investigate where other countries just don't bring this to public knowledge???


Pretty sure it's worldwide... look at the Spotlight case in USA for example.

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This is going to unravel like the BBC by the looks of things. Problems across the game that were either covered up or just not taken seriously.


Pretty much this. Easy prey due to threatening of careers, living away from home and the macho culture.


Hopefully the club have done the right thing, if not they deserve everything they get but as usual it will be the fans who suffer.

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With the Jimmy Savile case and now this in our national sport...is this a British thing?  I mean we never hear about this level of  stuff from any other country, is it really just us?


Is it a case of or media willing to investigate where other countries just don't bring this to public knowledge???


Pretty sure it's worldwide... look at the Spotlight case in USA for example.


Yeah that's a good example but that was massive abuse by the catholic church on a grand scale, what I sort of mean is this weird culture of grooming kids and burying yourself in a profession where you will be looked over...if you catch me drift. 

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it is worldwide. know for a fact that it goes in in asia as have heard horrific stories when been to visit my cousins in the past. unfortunately there its still quite a taboo subject. its hard enough for an adult to get someone chanrged with rape, never mind a child get someone to believe them about abuse. its better now but there was a time when it was thought by kids that it was normal to be abused.

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Obviously easier said then done, but help and support for people with those tendencies needs looking at. A safe place. It seems evil and to act on it and exploit children is, but the urge in the first place must come from somewhere.


Hopefully the whistleblowing over the last few years will see that happen.

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Presumably it will be investigated and witnesses interviewed eventually. But yeah, given the amount of regime change in football it's going to be tricky.


Actually is incredibly difficult to investigate, like the BBC but in 20 or 30 completely different organisations.

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