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Newcastle 1-0 Derby - 4/2/17 - Match Thread - Post match reaction from p. 16


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Rafa changed the side about a bit and we looked pretty relentless in the first just bombing on. Second half McClaren must have shored them lot up. Ince was anonymous first half then turned up in the second half. Diame was good to have back, im still unsure how Perez is getting selected as hes very average. Yedin bossed his side and saved us some blushes. Gets my vote as best performance.


Lets just win this division  now.

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Thought we were good for about 60 minutes or so then, for whatever reason, we lost control, the game descended into scrappiness for the next 10-15 and Derby were then in the ascendancy for the remainder. Really though the game should've been killed by then; Hayden and Diame both had two good chances first half and Mitro ought to have scored in the second (although, for my money, it wasn't quite the sitter that it has been made out to be). Hopeful that our ruthless streak will return when Gayle's back.

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Good pic, that.

Cracking pic that !!! Love the shearer one !!! Working all day so I didn't see the game or hear any match reports but I'm just so relieved to get the 3 points especially with reading dropping points !!! What was the atmosphere like today ? Any abuse directed to McLaren ?

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Much louder and more sustained noise primarily in support of Rafa. Nothing at all against Mclaren just Bent.



good to hear- dont think Mclaren did anything worthy of being an enemy here tbh.

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Just got back, why do I always go to super nervy ones  :lol: Good win, tense second half (loss of hayden unbalanced us) and we were poor in keeping posession and slow in buildup, but we got the goal and they only looked like scoring at the end. Super inconsistent ref.

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Gutted.i know you fuckers will laugh but i lost my season ticket/card, couldnt get in (long long argument)


So glad we won but fuck me what a piss on .


Gutted tonight.pissed but top


They normally would check your card details the ticket was set up on? Is that not how it works

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Gutted.i know you fuckers will laugh but i lost my season ticket/card, couldnt get in (long long argument)


So glad we won but fuck me what a piss on .


Gutted tonight.pissed but top




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Genuine question for the Mitrovic White Knights Brigade : how do you sleep at night?

Great player, only young, loads of potential, 17th best goals per minute record in Europe, 33rd best assists per minute record in the world, passion, desire, fight, hes got it all, need to give him a run, get his confidence up. etc etc


You think Gayle will be briliant after bad injury.put some money he will score 3 goals next week?Give Mitro a break!When he was in good form,motivated..he was on bench..First time when he knew he will be starter he picked up injury.His morale now is close to 0....With all that in mind..he gave solid performance today.He assisted to Ritchie today...He dont smile,head is down..empty look in eyes.Give him some boost,we win today


In fairness, I thought he did well today. Looked interested, decent link up play, took some pretty rough treatment from their defence and should have had the most blatant penalty for shirt pulling I've ever seen. If he puts a shift in like that every time he plays from now til the end of the season I'd be happy with that.


It's when he's shuffling around the pitch looking like he's not bothered and wasting shitloads of one-on-ones (oxford being the most recent example) that he deserves the grief.


Gayle's scored 20 goals already this season man, surely you can see why he's got to be first choice?

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Delighted we won. Didn't think Derby were very good at all until they brought Camara on. Thought Dummett nullified Ince really well, similar to Knockaert at the start of the season. Absolutely hate watching us defend set pieces

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Gutted.i know you fuckers will laugh but i lost my season ticket/card, couldnt get in (long long argument)


So glad we won but fuck me what a piss on .


Gutted tonight.pissed but top


They normally would check your card details the ticket was set up on? Is that not how it works


I was in that much of a wizz checking, home and the bus company, sniffing round toon it got to kick off and i couldnt be arsed to argue with the ticket office and ended up watching it in Nines, on the bus yem feeling gutted like a loss.weird.


Never mind, had a lot to drink, thought we looked solid if not brilliant, job done, big 3 points

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Just read this on Twitter from McClaren's post match comments:


"McClaren: Gameplan was to isolate Yedlin.


Yedlin MOTM  :coolsmiley:

TBF That's what QPR said their gameplan was aswell, said he bombed on so left space behind in which they would then attack Lascelles.
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