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So - when Rafa quits... What then?

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For many of us, we are invested from birthright, having been introduced to the club by our black and white dads, brothers, uncles, etc. That simply can't be turned off on a whim, but there are things that can be done to register your protest. As it is, as long as St James Park is full, Mike Ashley wins. I won't be part of that off my own bat, though. I get to go to the odd game, but that's to accompany one of my best mates who is registered disabled and I go as his 'carer' when he asks. That's as much as I will do until the fat oaf is gone. Until then, I will make do with TV and radio.

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For many of us, we are invested from birthright, having been introduced to the club by our black and white dads, brothers, uncles, etc. That simply can't be turned off on a whim, but there are things that can be done to register your protest. As it is, as long as St James Park is full, Mike Ashley wins. I won't be part of that off my own bat, though. I get to go to the odd game, but that's to accompany one of my best mates who is registered disabled and I go as his 'carer' when he asks. That's as much as I will do until the fat oaf is gone. Until then, I will make do with TV and radio.


Spot on

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To protest and get rid of him. Ashley will be here for a period of time, Newcastle will leave on. There will be a day when he fucks off. I genuinely believe in the power of protest with him as we've seen it hurts him. Lets all get on his back again and stay on it until he fucks off. No interviews on Sky to keep fans quiet this time.

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I don't think it's a 'point'. If you could ask a lot of fans to flick a switch tonight and forget about nufc then they probably would. But you can't.


We love football. We love Newcastle United and we dream of the day it succeeds. Until then, we continue to follow this absolute s*** show.

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For many of us, we are invested from birthright, having been introduced to the club by our black and white dads, brothers, uncles, etc. That simply can't be turned off on a whim.


Something far too many don't understand.

That's what it is for me. I've tried speaking to my dad, who I go to games with and he has been going since the early 70s, about packing it should the worst happen, but he just can't. Far too obstinate.
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Welcome to ten years ago. I always said there was little point in supporting this club while Ashley is at the helm. What is a football club if it has no sporting intention.


Ashley has no sporting intention, but Rafa and at least some of the players do. As we saw this Saturday, for example.


Don't really see how this transfer window changes anything, how can anyone be surprised?

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For many of us, we are invested from birthright, having been introduced to the club by our black and white dads, brothers, uncles, etc. That simply can't be turned off on a whim.


Something far too many don't understand.



How do you feel about the rest of his post?

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For many of us, we are invested from birthright, having been introduced to the club by our black and white dads, brothers, uncles, etc. That simply can't be turned off on a whim.


Something far too many don't understand.


Understandable. I'm a foreigner and I've supported Newcastle for almost 25 years now. I've wished so so many times that I could just turn it all off, but I can't no matter how much I'd want to.

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To protest and get rid of him. Ashley will be here for a period of time, Newcastle will leave on. There will be a day when he fucks off. I genuinely believe in the power of protest with him as we've seen it hurts him. Lets all get on his back again and stay on it until he fucks off. No interviews on Sky to keep fans quiet this time.


This. It hurt him so bad that the fans turned on him after Keegan that he's still determined to fuck us over as much as possible years later. He's been waging war war on the fan base for a long time now with very little coming in return. What form of protest would be most likely to have the desired effect? It would have to be quite something I'd imagine.

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For many of us, we are invested from birthright, having been introduced to the club by our black and white dads, brothers, uncles, etc. That simply can't be turned off on a whim.


Something far too many don't understand.



How do you feel about the rest of his post?


Fair enough. I've got a season ticket, if Rafa stays I'll be there for the rest of the season. Sorry.

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For many of us, we are invested from birthright, having been introduced to the club by our black and white dads, brothers, uncles, etc. That simply can't be turned off on a whim, but there are things that can be done to register your protest. As it is, as long as St James Park is full, Mike Ashley wins. I won't be part of that off my own bat, though. I get to go to the odd game, but that's to accompany one of my best mates who is registered disabled and I go as his 'carer' when he asks. That's as much as I will do until the fat oaf is gone. Until then, I will make do with TV and radio.


This, basically.


Live outside the NE now though and wised up in recent years. I've realised my money is better spent elsewhere.

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Don't get me wrong, fellas - I'm time served. Used to go to Simod/ZDS Cup games, through the McKeag years, etc. I live and breathe Newcastle United still - I just don't go to games any more. Too many people I think simply go to the match out of habit - it's a way to escape the wife and bairns for a few hours. Habits can be broken though and they will have to be, if this man is to be forced out.

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