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Rafa Benítez (now unemployed)


Would you have Rafa back?   

463 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you have Rafa back?

    • Yes, as manager, immediately
    • Yes, as manager, but at some point in the future (eg if relegated)
    • Yes, in an advisory or DoF role
    • No, not in any meaningful capacity

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For those branding Rafa supporters a cult. What exactly are the mistakes? Who would do better as manager with this squad under these conditions of working under MA? What system and tactics would you play? How would you go about scouting and signing players under 15-16m pound? How would you figure out how to work within those boundaries? How would you rotate a thin squad that has ton of injuries?


i asked the exact same thing and have yet to see a suggestion


you might argue that an allardyce might be able to work with the defence we have and rondon up front but i honestly don't see how you get more out of this squad in the areas that rafa is currently struggling with


no one is gonna get this group of players playing like wolves or whatever, not a chance in hell, so what so critics of rafa actually want?


I don’t even know what someone like Allardyce could do with the defence, aren’t we already one of the best in the league defensively?


Our limitations are purely attacking, because offensive players cost money.


Aye that's the point

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Just wrote this on FB. Thought you's might like a read;


To my fellow Newcastle supporters


What does NUFC mean to you? To me, it is memories and pride. Going to the match with my dad, as a bairn during the Keegan Day's of the 80's - standing in the family enclosure and watching KK, Beardsley, Waddle and later Gazza grace the hallowed turf.


The Second coming of Keegan - Andy Cole, Peter Beardsley, Rob Lee, Sir Les and Alan Shearer - title challenges. So near and yet so far. By this time I was locked out as a poor student, but I still have happy memories.


Sir Bobby Robson's years - Nobby, Shearer, Bellamy, Laurent Robert and Gary Speed. Title challenges, Champions League including a trip to Juventus, then watching us beat that team at home. Seeing Barcelona at St James, UEFA Cup run to the semis, classic FA Cup games v Chelsea and Spurs.


I become a dad for the first time in 2008 - Mike Ashley has taken over the club. Newcastle beat WBA 2-1 on the day Cally was born. I long for the day I can take her to the match, as my dad did with me. But NUFC go off the rails due to Ashley's mismanagement. I still attend the odd game, taking Cally a couple of times, but it's not the same. The magic has gone - perhaps lost forever.


I still have my memories and always will. But make no mistake, Mike Ashley would have them too if he could. Plastered with Sports Direct advertising and sold to the highest bidder,. Under this man, nothing is sacred.


So the time has come and what to do. Do you take a stand and fight, or do you shrug your shoulders and continue do nothing?


At least like me, you will still have your memories. But it's all you will only ever have.

Jesus, you're on my friends list  :-X

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I can't see the point of Rafa not talking about transfers I'm hoping he's just keeping his powder dry until after the window shuts and then he will explode however the whole thing just seems a bit limp.

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He won't explode. He'll make some thinly veiled comment about the fans being clever and on we go like normal.


If it was Liverpool fans they would go ape shit, when we lost out on the league to Man Utd loads of people smashed up the town. (not saying this should happen but at least it was a reaction)


Now you get middle classed fans telling others to sit down and be quiet.


The atmosphere is gone because the working classes who weren't afraid to show a bit of passion got priced out of it.


Rafa Benitez is saying exactly what he can, it's up to the supporters to grow some balls and do something about it.

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It’s sad to say but Rafa is almost part of the problem now. He obviously believes that there is some purpose in NUFC staying in the league this season, even though he probably knows he’s going to resign. It’s a really strange situation. He’s hurting the club by preventing the fans from realising how bad things really are, and he’s a sticking plaster over a horrific wound. But at same time he’s being ‘professional’ and doing the right thing under most normal measures.


We really shouldn’t have to deal with things like this :lol:

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He's gone at the end of the season, that decision was probably finalized in his mind whenever this latest "takeover" collapsed. His contract is up and there is literally no reason why he'd sign a new one. His stock might not be as high as it once was but he'll have no trouble finding offers from clubs who have more ambition than finishing 17th and exiting both cups ASAP every season.

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Why would he walk away, he can make mistake after mistake and know he won't be held accountable for any of it, the cult wouldn't allow it.


Maybe that's why he stays?


Have you been able to talk to someone about how sucking rock hard cock as a child affected you psychologically as an adult?


:lol::lol: fucking hell.

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go to bed child :lol: you don’t deserve this shit. Support another team brother.


I'd be lynched. :lol: The greedy fat cunt can certainly knock my enthusiasm for it though. First game I've deliberately chosen not go to yesterday. Didn't pain me like I thought it would've done. Also noticing a change in my dad, was in the past the most obstinate bloke in terms of cancelling and not going anymore. But learned before the Cardiff game he sometime wakes up and thinks about telling the club to shove it up their arse but can never come around to doing it. Think if/when Rafa goes that'll be him and me done in terms of going.

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He's gone at the end of the season, that decision was probably finalized in his mind whenever this latest "takeover" collapsed. His contract is up and there is literally no reason why he'd sign a new one. His stock might not be as high as it once was but he'll have no trouble finding offers from clubs who have more ambition than finishing 17th and exiting both cups ASAP every season.

This is exactly how it's going to unfold.


There is no reason to expect Rafa to resign on Feb 1. It would be great if he did, complete with a scathing press conference, but he is simply too professional to expect him to do anything except fulfill his contract and aim to finish as high as possible.


At first, Ashley's spokesmen will talk about the wonderful contract terms offered to Rafa. After it becomes clear that Rafa won't re-sign, the press will begin a quiet Rafa Out campaign to condition the sheep to the notion that losing Rafa in May is no big deal.

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Social media is a toxic place after a Newcastle defeat but I loved how a certain number of fans have taken Rafa's words after last nights game to mean we need to invade the pitch during the Man City game, I'm up for it but it's a long way down from level 7.

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Social media is a toxic place after a Newcastle defeat but I loved how a certain number of fans have taken Rafa's words after last nights game to mean we need to invade the pitch during the Man City game, I'm up for it but it's a long way down from level 7.


That came from a Liverpool fan tbh.

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