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RIP Freddy Shepherd


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So. Farewell.





Geordie businessman

And working-class hero.

You brought us highs.

That glorious day in '96 when

you brought Shearer



And then there were the lows.

Floated like a butterfly king prawn,

but stung by a Fake Sheikh.

Called wor lasses dogs,

and Wor Alan "Mary Poppins".


And despite saying Wor Bob was


You. Still. Shot. Bambi.


But still despite all that

You weren't

A Fat Cockney Bastard.

So, in summary

You'll be missed.


Rest in Peace.


[with apologies to E.J. Thribb, Private Eye]

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very mixed legacy, the manner of Sir Bob leaving, his replacement and reckless spending on shite left the club on a slippery slope which ultimately lead to the first relegation (obviously Ashley did his part too) and he did milk the club for his own personal gain but I have no doubt he did honestly want what was best for the club and he did preside over some great times.

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So. Farewell.





Geordie businessman

And working-class hero.

You brought us highs.

That glorious day in '96 when

you brought Shearer



And then there were the lows.

Floated like a butterfly king prawn,

but stung by a Fake Sheikh.

Called wor lasses dogs,

and Wor Alan "Mary Poppins".


And despite saying Wor Bob was


You. Still. Shot. Bambi.


But still despite all that

You weren't

A Fat Cockney Bastard.

So, in summary

You'll be missed.


Rest in Peace.


[with apologies to E.J. Thribb, Private Eye]


:lol:  Brilliant!

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Souness was the worst decision, Bobby to Souness just baffles me everytime I think about it.


The managerial appointments were always polar opposites of the last guy. Robson was considered too soft and pally with the players...


One thing you can't knock him for IMO, apart from a couple of oddball decisions like Roeder and Souness, he genuinely did try and hire top managers. The problem was he went for big names, usually British, who's CVs didn't really stand up to scrutiny.

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A big part of the good times. The fake sheikh incident showed what him and Dougie thought of us though, so no forgiveness for that. His time also coincided with the internationalisation of the Premier League and I would seriously question whether he had the acumen to handle it without constantly calling Willie McKay to see who would come without (alleged) back handers. Ashley was left to pick up things with Fat Sam after all.


But when it was good, it was very good, so RIP.



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I gave Newcastle a negative reply when they called. I was having a great time at Depor. I put in fine performances, lived in a beautiful town and there was no reason to leave. (But) they came up with an offer too good to refuse. I had a talk with then-chairman, Freddie Shepherd, and told him how much I wanted to earn. It was a ludicrous amount, but he didn’t bat an eyelid. The negotiations with Deportivo were also over in no time. (President Augusto Cesar) Lendoiro told Shepherd the asking price was £9.5m and Shepherd simply said ‘yes’ twice.”


:lol: How times have changed!


If only we could get an owner that acts somewhere in between Ashley and Shepherd.

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Had his faults BUT ultimately he had ambition for the club, he wanted us to be the best club and that is something sadly missing right now


His over riding ambition was to cream as many millions as he could possibly get.


Took us from signing Shearer for a the record fee to Guisseppi Rossi on loan which he tried to pass as a major coup.


Where would the club be now if Ashley hadn't came along? The debt was massive.  John Hall knew to piss off rather sharpish...

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How did Freddie Shepherd rob the club, or get rich through the club?


Don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting he wasn't a slippery fucker. It's just everyone says he got rich off the back of nufc but nobody can explain how. Or is as simple as having his hands in the till?

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Had his faults BUT ultimately he had ambition for the club, he wanted us to be the best club and that is something sadly missing right now


His over riding ambition was to cream as many millions as he could possibly get.


Took us from signing Shearer for a the record fee to Guisseppi Rossi on loan which he tried to pass as a major coup.


Where would the club be now if Ashley hadn't came along? The debt was massive.  John Hall knew to p*ss off rather sharpish...

You're entitled to your incorrect opinion

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Crumpy's bang on mind. While Souness was an horrendous appointment, appointing Roeder because he was the cheap option after his good spell as Caretaker, then the likes of Rossi, Onyewu, Sibierski, Srnicek & Bernard were a sign that things were poor financially. Duff was signed on the relative cheap (which he boasted about in the Stock Exchange release iirc) while Martins was an act of desperation after Shearer's retirement, Owen's injury at the World Cup, and failure to get first choice targets like Kuyt.

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Had his faults BUT ultimately he had ambition for the club, he wanted us to be the best club and that is something sadly missing right now


His over riding ambition was to cream as many millions as he could possibly get.


Took us from signing Shearer for a the record fee to Guisseppi Rossi on loan which he tried to pass as a major coup.


Where would the club be now if Ashley hadn't came along? The debt was massive.  John Hall knew to p*ss off rather sharpish...


f*** off with this where would we be crying bull s*** about Ashley saving us from oblivion by saving us from the debt "crisis" we had created for ourselves. A point that has been made far too often and lapped up. Ashleyout.com had some great points about that very topic and how much PR bull s*** that was. We don't owe Mike Ashley a single fucking thing. Someone  else would have came through and bought us I would put money on that person being a better owner over the same 10 year period than some cunt who's relegated us twice, doubled our debt owed to him, sold off land near the stadium, embarrassed and insulted club legends and fans, and etc.

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