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The other games today 2018/19


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Probably not best to base your opinions off watching Brazil. Filipe, IMO, is better than both as much as I like Marcelo, but who really cares.


From watching those players in big games and CL. Obviously dont watch any of them against smaller teams and while decent Filipe Luis is never the best fullback in the world. Oh and I care cause I’m pissed Filipe got a spot in the NT qhead of Alex sandro even if the reason behind it is logical.

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How many players do you allow for "World Class"? I would say probably around 20-30, in which case both Alexis and Pogba would comfortably qualify IMO.


Me, about 15-20. When you open the doors to everyone, you then start looking at the likes of Vardy and Sterling, top top players who should ought to never be considered.


Again from the PL: Ederson, De Bruyne, Augero our however you spell his name, De Gea, Hazard, Kane and Salah. That’s 7. I won’t include Messi or Ronaldo because they are two of the best of all-time if not the best and are so far ahead, it’s a bit of a joke really. I wouldn’t even class Bale as world-class these days.


I’d include Suárez, Ramos, Neymar, Neuer, Modric, Lewondowski and a few others. Admittedly my knowledge of European and World football isn’t the best.


If the likes of Sanchez are considered world-class you have to start looking at players like Vardy, Eriksen, Firminho, Sterling, Ali, Son, Mane, Ozil, Rashford even based on talent and ability and I think when you do that, you are devaluing what world-class means and the very very top players in that bracket.

You don't think David Silva should be in that list?
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Guest Howaythetoon

Vardy is performing to the same level as Shearer in the Robson era?


f***. OFF.


I didn’t quite say that, Shearer wasn’t a world-class player during Sir Bobby’s time, certainly not towards the end anyway and although he was better than Vardy during that time, not massively so. Again I think Vardy is underrated. He’s more than a speed merchant, he’s a clinal finisher with either foot and also with his head, he’s brave, strong, quick and works the front-line really well. His rise has been huge. I’d love a player like him at Newcastle.

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Guest Howaythetoon

Never rated Carlos as a world-class player myself. He lived off that wonder goal and played in an all-star Madrid side. Now Cafu...

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Guest Howaythetoon

How many players do you allow for "World Class"? I would say probably around 20-30, in which case both Alexis and Pogba would comfortably qualify IMO.


Me, about 15-20. When you open the doors to everyone, you then start looking at the likes of Vardy and Sterling, top top players who should ought to never be considered.


Again from the PL: Ederson, De Bruyne, Augero our however you spell his name, De Gea, Hazard, Kane and Salah. That’s 7. I won’t include Messi or Ronaldo because they are two of the best of all-time if not the best and are so far ahead, it’s a bit of a joke really. I wouldn’t even class Bale as world-class these days.


I’d include Suárez, Ramos, Neymar, Neuer, Modric, Lewondowski and a few others. Admittedly my knowledge of European and World football isn’t the best.


If the likes of Sanchez are considered world-class you have to start looking at players like Vardy, Eriksen, Firminho, Sterling, Ali, Son, Mane, Ozil, Rashford even based on talent and ability and I think when you do that, you are devaluing what world-class means and the very very top players in that bracket.

You don't think David Silva should be in that list?


I dunno, he’s having a great season and has always been a top player for Man City, forgot about him to be honest.

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Marcelo is waaaaaaay better than Luis man. It’s not even close. 


Forget Luis. Marcelo is better than Roberto Carlos was.  Marcelo is an all-time great.


Marcelo is too much of a liability at the back. Luis is more balanced. It's a matter of what you want more in a FB, but I don't think there's much between them tbf.

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Never rated Carlos as a world-class player myself. He lived off that wonder goal and played in an all-star Madrid side. Now Cafu...


:lol: Ridiculous. Lived off that goal. A leftback who scored over 100 goals in his career. The best offensive left back of all times.

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Guest Howaythetoon





Mourinho is a busted flush. He needs a year out or something. Sanchez is a top player but he will not shine in this team, nor Pogba who is never and never will be a world-class player. If we played like that even with our s**** team I’d be unhappy. They should go all out for Pochettino.

Pogba was already world class at Juve, man. Christ.


Was he f***, he was a top player in that league, but genuine world class? Unless standards have fallen so low the likes of him are considered world class. He’s a good player, very good, but not world-class and never will be. He was abysmal when he came on and has been average since he joined Man Utd. World-class players perform regardless.


Yes, yes he was, comfortably. I presume Sanchez isn't world class as he's not performing as well then?


We must have different ideas of what world-class means. Sanchez was never world-class. He is a level below the likes of Augero for example, now he is world-class. He and Pogba are very good players when on form, top players, but not up there with the very best in the world, no way man [emoji38]


I'm out. Your opinions on football are utterly mental to me at times, man. Sanchez not world class ffs. [emoji38]


How is he world-class? Is he as good as Augero? Hazard even? I think there is a genuine derth of world-class players about at the moment, especially in our league, that someone very good is considered world-class. If you regard Sanchez in that type of league, would you say Vardy is world class? How about Marches? Is Firminho, Eriksen, Son, Ali? Sterling, Mata? Honestly if you think Sanchez is one of the world’s very elite and best players then carry on, I think such an assertion is absurd :lol: if he is then Vardy must be also.


Sorry, all of that is nuts. I recommend you check out what Sanchez has done away from what you've seen e.g. Player of the Tournament in the Copa America - the tournament Chile won, and that Messi played in - before coming out with things like comparisons to Jamie Vardy.


Ooh, look at me I’ve watched him play for Chille a few times... I’ll throw in the Premier League for Vardy, a tournament he starred in and won, and that Sanchez played in. 


Anyway you think he’s world-class, up there with other world-class players like Ronaldo, Messi, De Bruyne, Hazard... Pogba etc. I don’t. I think he is a top player on his day, but no different to many like him such as Firminho, Eriksen, Sterling, Silva, Ozil when he can be bothered etc. All top players, but none genuinely world-class.


It’s weird because back when the talent pool was wider and more varied, I’m sure the likes of Lampard, Gerrard, Beckham et al were never considered genuinely world-class. Not a patch on Xavi, Iniesta, Pirlo or players of that ilk were the common theme.


I’ve seen enough of Sanchez, 5 times in person, to believe he’s just not at that level of being a genuine world-class player.


Nah, more a look at yourself tbh. If you'd watched him more you'd maybe understand why someone might call him world class, perhaps not be so assured with your assessment, and almost certainly not compare him with Jamie Vardy. A bit like how for example someone who had only watched Shearer under Gullit wouldn't get away with telling you what sort of player he was without incurring an HTT reply so long that Dave would have to put us into maintenance mode again.


Shearer was a world-class player prime Blackburn and when he first joined us, after his injury, he was a top-class player. Not in the same league as others, despite his scoring record. And I say that as one of his biggest fans. Today he’s be Around the level of Vardy, the Shearer of the Sir Bobby Years. In his prime he was undoubtedly world-class, the ultimate CF for me with no-one better as an all-rounder. Obviously, and we’ve been here before, Ronaldo was the much better footballer.


Sanchez, again I’ve seen him in person a good few times and watched him a lot for Barcelona, Arsenal and even Italy and he’s my kind of player, but at no point, not even during his prime Arsenal days did I consider him as one of the best players on the planet. Especially not now.


You may disagree or may not like the comparison, but if he’s world-class than so is Vardy, similar goals to games record in the PL and assist, albeit the former in a much better team. Vardy is regularly Leciester’s best player, scores goals of all kinds, works hard, creates goals and is a top player, but oh no he can’t be compared to the great Sanchez. If he is world-class, then god knows what Augero is, out of this world?


I think we have different meanings and interpretations of what world class is or top-class which is fine, but don’t come the I know best and you are insane s***. IMO Sanchez is a top-class player in the same way Shearer was for us under Sir Bobby or Vardy is for Leicester. Nowhere near one of the very elite and best in the world and I’d apply that to Pogba too. I could name 5 better CM players in the PL alone than him, hell even Matic out performs him and he was being written off a year or so ago.


It's Aguero, man. Jesus wept. :lol:


Honestly, I can't be arsed. The comparison with Vardy is something you've created and I'm not participating in because it's absolutely bonkers for a huge number of reasons that shouldn't need to be pointed out, but what the hell, just the basics as players - completely different positions, different roles, completely different styles, vastly different levels of skill, huge differences in versatility, different physiques, different strengths, different weaknesses and on and on.






So we can’t say one or the other is or isn't world-class/top-class because they are different players and have different roles and positions? I wasn’t comparing them on that basis clearly anyway, I’m saying I rate them similarly in terms of standard of player. For what it’s worth I’d rather have Vardy in my team. He can not have a sniff all game or be out of the game and still pop up with a winner. He’s very hard to defend against.


Don’t get me wrong, as I’ve stated before, I rate Sanchez, he’s a top player, but he lags behind lots of others who I’d class as better, some much better.


You’ve got a habit of being seemingly outraged that anyone can have an opinion that goes against the grain or doesn’t suit your own. You think Sanchez is one of the best players in the world and Pogba likewise, I don’t and I’ve expressed my reasons for my thinking, but again you seem genuinely outraged or offended.




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Guest Howaythetoon

Never rated Carlos as a world-class player myself. He lived off that wonder goal and played in an all-star Madrid side. Now Cafu...


:lol: Ridiculous. Lived off that goal. A leftback who scored over 100 goals in his career. The best offensive left back of all times.




Not a patch on Maldini though.


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Never rated Carlos as a world-class player myself. He lived off that wonder goal and played in an all-star Madrid side. Now Cafu...


:lol: Ridiculous. Lived off that goal. A leftback who scored over 100 goals in his career. The best offensive left back of all times.




Not a patch on Maldini though.



I agree. Maldini on one side, Cafu on the other.

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Guest Howaythetoon

Never rated Carlos as a world-class player myself. He lived off that wonder goal and played in an all-star Madrid side. Now Cafu...


:lol: Ridiculous. Lived off that goal. A leftback who scored over 100 goals in his career. The best offensive left back of all times.




Not a patch on Maldini though.



I agree. Maldini on one side, Cafu on the other.


Agreed  :thup:

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Guest Howaythetoon

Hopefully Chelsea will get a good thrashing. Only Emglish team I want to do well in the CL now is Liverpool.

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