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Guest The Little Waster

By back to basics does he like when little kids play footy and just all follow the ball around in one big mass ?

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By back to basics does he like when little kids play footy and just all follow the ball around in one big mass ?

it's called brucenpressing and you're going to look silly when it wins us the league.
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Basically he's come in, seen all this fancy defensive drilling and highly detailed planning his predecessor put in place, decided that's worthless so taken us back to basics and just work hard and show pride etc, then every time it goes wrong it's back even further to basics until presumably at end of the season we are hunting wooly mammoths with sharp sticks or something.

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"The biggest problem of all is the club had been used to playing in a certain way for the last couple of years. With the personnel we've got, I don't think we can change."




Can see his point. A former European Champions League winning manager with a fixed idea of how to set up a team leaving Bruce with players put together specifically to execute those plans. What a dilemma.

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Hang on, does anyone else ever remember hearing this bollocks? A new manager saying he's finding it impossible to change things after his predecessor?


Take a step back and look at the state of that for a second. This utter chancer is trying to convince us he's a football manager. For absolute fucks sake man :lol:

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"The biggest problem of all is the club had been used to playing in a certain way for the last couple of years. With the personnel we've got, I don't think we can change."





Asked if the club’s transfer business would go into the final hours of the window, Bruce said: “Don’t think so. We have one or two things bubbling away, but even if it closed tomorrow, I’m pleased with what we’ve got.


“Two big signings who are real quality. They cost a lot of money, but I would rather have that than five or six who would not really improve the team.”



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What a fucking nightmare eh? Walking into a club that had a solid defensive ethos, a collection of well drilled professionals who knew their roles inside out and back to front. They knew a system and it worked by and large. Rigid, solid, disciplined and organised.


Now this thick fat cunt is moaning about inheriting this absolute gift. He's deflecting his own incompetence using the strengths of his predecessor, how fucking dare he. Taking potshots at CL winning Benitez for leaving him a defensive dream when he's not won a fucking thing, absolutely fuck all, not a single thing. The cheeky, inept useless wanker. He's taken this unit and completely fucked it, we're now a total mess, an utter shambles and it's 100% down to him.


He's basically jumped on the retarded opinions of the likes of Keys 'negative Rafa' and 'trying to kill the game' when the likes of Redknapp offers his ill-informed, worthless opinions. He's piggybacked on that and he's blaming the current deficiencies on the bloke who took his last training sessions about 5 months ago. This is Bruce's heap of shit to clean up. Pointing the finger at Benitez is fucking scandalous, no way should he be allowed to get away with this. He inherited a comfortable 4 bedroomed detached house with a nice garden and garage and within 5 months it's now a rumbling fucking crack den, infested with rats with no fucking windows. His incompetence has been so rapid is caught every fucker out.

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"The biggest problem of all is the club had been used to playing in a certain way for the last couple of years. With the personnel we've got, I don't think we can change."




Weird how Graeme Potter hasn’t suffered with this problem, and he isn’t even from Brighton.


Not too mention there’s absolutely no need for us to change style apart from his own ego and both his and his bosses hatred of the former manager.

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:thup: Bruce really shouldn't have taken the job knowing he was going to be this f***ing s*** at it and unable to deal with the mildest criticism.


It's as if he took the job for entirely self centred reasons but that can't be right since he's such a nice bloke and a massive toon fan.


All managers are self centred. If someone offered you £2m a year to do a job you knew were totally incapable of doing, with the guarantee of a huge payout when you inevitably fail, would you take it? It's a total no-brainer.

Steve Bruce either knew, when he took the job, just how out of how depth he was going to be in the PL this season and didn't care, or he genuinely and foolishly thought his outdated football management could see us compete this season. Either way you can't blame the fat pudding for accepting the job.


I'd definitely take up the offer of doing a heart surgery on Ashley - pay rise or no pay rise.

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His reason pre-match at Leicester for changing system was Willems' injury and Ritchie still being out...surely you don't change the whole system because of that? Just stick Manquillo over there for one game. He could even have put Dummett there and brought Clark or Fernandez in. Obviously they wouldn't have offered the same but better than that shower of shite he concocted?

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Going back to basic to him, it seems, is using his someone else's blueprint :iamatwat:. Fairplay for acknowledging it, but the fact it took him this long to figure it out, shows what a massive thick cunt he is. He should have known from day one.


Stupid cunt.

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Why does he want to drastically change the way we're playing anyway, not like we were struggling in that style


So he can take some credit if he flukes a win. If we win with Rafa's system he knows he's getting none.

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Fucking hell. Never thought I'd hate a manager like I hated Pardew but looks like it's happening. Blaming Rafa for this mess and at the same time reverting to his system. So out of his depth he's drowning.

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Why does he want to drastically change the way we're playing anyway, not like we were struggling in that style


So he can take some credit if he flukes a win. If we win with Rafa's system he knows he's getting none.


The 4 games this season we've used Rafa's formation, we've only lost to Liverpool. While the two home draws were crap there was at least a clear system (ie, Rafa's formation). The 3 games he's been left to his own devices he's let in 9 goals and the goal was a late consolation.

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