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Allan Saint-Maximin (now playing for Fenerbahce, on loan from Al-Ahli)


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I try not to fall into this sort of thing, but if you're a French winger at Newcastle, and dare I say it, not white as an additional factor, you'll immediately and forever have a target on your back with some of our fans.


It happens too often for it to not be weirdly suspicious. Supposed Newcastle supporters constantly lying about one of our best players to try and stir shit is utterly fucking weird.


EDIT: the bit in bold is what I'm talking about, not those with fair criticism for his game.



Edited by Kid Icarus

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Guest reefatoon
4 minutes ago, Kid Icarus said:

I try not to fall into this sort of thing, but if you're a French winger at Newcastle, and dare I say it, not white as an additional factor, you'll immediately and forever have a target on your back with some of our fans.


It happens too often for it to not be weirdly suspicious. Supposed Newcastle supporters constantly lying about one of our best players to try and stir shit is utterly fucking weird.

[emoji38] What an absolute load of shit

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Aye it’s not a race thing, fans know what he is capable of and fans in general are fickle. If he doesn’t perform every game to the maxi of his ability he will get some flack, but let’s be fair fans have largely been very supportive of him on the stands. Robert got stick, so did Ginola, Waddle before them for example.

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I can understand the stick he takes, but I really just want it to work out for him here and I’d say most of do as well.


He’s just got so much raw talent and it would be disappointing if he doesn’t achieve what he can with a team like us on an upward trajectory. Hopefully he keeps working hard and gets back in the side, willing to do the hard running and defensive stuff and ready to make an impact going forward 

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33 minutes ago, Kid Icarus said:

I try not to fall into this sort of thing, but if you're a French winger at Newcastle, and dare I say it, not white as an additional factor, you'll immediately and forever have a target on your back with some of our fans.


It happens too often for it to not be weirdly suspicious. Supposed Newcastle supporters constantly lying about one of our best players to try and stir shit is utterly fucking weird.

Not sure if thinking that the lad's end product is questionable and his injury record patchy makes a person a racist tbh


If you were looking for current players who get the most shit off the support, ASM would be somewhere near the bottom of the list.  Chris Wood can only dream of getting the grief ASM gets.

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36 minutes ago, Kid Icarus said:

I try not to fall into this sort of thing, but if you're a French winger at Newcastle, and dare I say it, not white as an additional factor, you'll immediately and forever have a target on your back with some of our fans.


It happens too often for it to not be weirdly suspicious. Supposed Newcastle supporters constantly lying about one of our best players to try and stir shit is utterly fucking weird.

Hard to swallow pill for some people this 

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Every mate of mine who criticises ASM are desperate for him to do well because they like him, but growingly get more and more frustrated with his fitness issues, his falling to the ground and taking an age to get up antics and his inability to perform to higher levels consistently and he should too because he has all the talent in the world and the world is his if he wants it, but you have to question does he?!

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If that's the case I was REALLY racist to alot of white footballers during the Steve Bruce era. Must have a thing about people with alopecia too because I was giving Jonjo Shelvey loads of shit.

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It doesn't seem completely crazy to think that ASM may be unhappy about his current status at NUFC; I'm not inclined to read 'ITKs' but logically it seems to have a good chance of being true.  Most of us will be expecting Howe to play Isak LW with Joelinton returning to midfield once Isak is fully fit.  That Murphy came on ahead of him at Arsenal possibly wouldn't go down well.  ASM at present is possibly third choice LW behind Isak and Joelinton.


This doesn't mean he has fell out with Howe, but it is hardly difficult to picture that he might be unhappy.  There is a part of me that thinks that if this is the case, then ASM should take a good long look in the mirror.  The club is now on a footing to add top rate players to his talents; he is the one who complained in the past about the deficiencies of his teammates.  Now that we're doing that, he finds himself out of the team.  He has outrageous talent running with the ball, but the consistency and output is lacking - quite simply, he doesn't actually produce enough for the team to carry him.  He isn't that good - at least at present (though many of us think he could be, with training and application).


I would think most of us would rather he shape up than ship out, but I'm now beginning to think the latter is, sadly, the more likely outcome.

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19 minutes ago, TheBrownBottle said:

Not sure if thinking that the lad's end product is questionable and his injury record patchy makes a person a racist tbh


If you were looking for current players who get the most shit off the support, ASM would be somewhere near the bottom of the list.  Chris Wood can only dream of getting the grief ASM gets.

That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about people lying and trying to stir shit about one of our players by inventing stories and trying to put forward this idea of them being trouble.


Being critical of his game is a different thing entirely.

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6 minutes ago, Kid Icarus said:

That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about people lying and trying to stir shit about one of our players by inventing stories and trying to put forward this idea of them being trouble.


Being critical of his game is a different thing entirely.

Got you, crossed wires there, my mistake - apologies.


Yeah, you might be right.  ASM has gobshited in the press a few times tbf, but I definitely wouldn't argue that the 'perception' of footballers is often race-driven (any glance at the tabloid press would confirm this).  There was a study done a while back re the use of terms - or maybe cliches - which are used by football commentators and found that white players were far more likely to have adjectives relating to intelligence ascribed to them, and black players more likely to have adjectives related to physical qualities.  


edit: there ye gan https://www.theguardian.com/football/2020/jun/29/groundbreaking-report-reveals-racial-bias-in-english-football-commentary



Edited by TheBrownBottle

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Why say dare I say it if he was white then? You make many valid points, but people aren’t on his back because of his skin colour/nationality or would be more patient or whatever if he was white/not French. Robert was one of our best PL players and got way more stick. Again he’s largely supported, he’s just such a frustrating player/individual and fans just want to see the real ASM every game because if we do, well, we have a great player in our team. 



Edited by King HTT III

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Bruno said in an interview recently with Sky that if he played with Haaland he would have 20 assists in a season. 


That's not far removed from what ASM said about having more assists of he played with Mbappe and yet I don't think I saw a mention of it against Bruno, but it's used as a stick to beat ASM with.

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1 minute ago, alexf said:

Bruno said in an interview recently with Sky that if he played with Haaland he would have 20 assists in a season. 


That's not far removed from what ASM said about having more assists of he played with Mbappe and yet I don't think I saw a mention of it against Bruno, but it's used as a stick to beat ASM with.

I don't think it was particularly smart for Bruno to say it either

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38 minutes ago, andyc35i said:

I can understand the stick he takes, but I really just want it to work out for him here and I’d say most of do as well.


He’s just got so much raw talent and it would be disappointing if he doesn’t achieve what he can with a team like us on an upward trajectory. Hopefully he keeps working hard and gets back in the side, willing to do the hard running and defensive stuff and ready to make an impact going forward 

I’m just getting a little fed up of people being constantly injured or unavailable now - not just this season or last but it’s gone on for ages and we need consistency and availability going forward.

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Guest reefatoon
11 minutes ago, Kid Icarus said:

Should have known N-O couldn't be trusted to read the full post like. :lol:

Naa you are talking bollocks, that’s exactly what you were saying. Some people don’t get the same hard on for a player as you, so you jump right down the random road of it being about his colour. Was a fucking lifting take and no back peddling from you now will change that. 

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24 minutes ago, Kid Icarus said:

That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about people lying and trying to stir shit about one of our players by inventing stories and trying to put forward this idea of them being trouble.


Being critical of his game is a different thing entirely.

Similar tales went round about Bellamy, was that racism ?


Edit.....and Andy Carrol and Lee Clarke and Mike Hooper and at least as far back as Alan Foggon



Edited by madras

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3 minutes ago, alexf said:

Bruno said in an interview recently with Sky that if he played with Haaland he would have 20 assists in a season. 


That's not far removed from what ASM said about having more assists of he played with Mbappe and yet I don't think I saw a mention of it against Bruno, but it's used as a stick to beat ASM with.

I would have said he was wrong to say that as well.

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4 minutes ago, madras said:

Similar tales went round about Bellamy, was that racism ?

Agreed, I hate it when people unnecessarily use the race card. We have a player who misses so many games for one reason or another and divides peoples opinions due to his style of play as you either love it or not. To say those people that fall on the not side is racism doesn’t even warrant a reply in my opinion.

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6 minutes ago, madras said:

Similar tales went round about Bellamy, was that racism ?

A truncated list of some of the players from my lifetime who had constant stories circulating re pissheadery / non-stop partying / gambling problems / being a tool:


Quinn (pisshead & gambling)

Venison (pisshead / liasing with very young ladies)

Gillespie (gambling)

Tino (partying - though every story I ever heard sounded fucking hilarious)

Bellamy (all round wanker)

Dyer (all round wanker)

Carroll (pisshead)


I haven't heard owt re ASM tbh.

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2 minutes ago, TheBrownBottle said:

A truncated list of some of the players from my lifetime who had constant stories circulating re pissheadery / non-stop partying / gambling problems / being a tool:


Quinn (pisshead & gambling)

Venison (pisshead / liasing with very young ladies)

Gillespie (gambling)

Tino (partying - though every story I ever heard sounded fucking hilarious)

Bellamy (all round wanker)

Dyer (all round wanker)

Carroll (pisshead)


I haven't heard owt re ASM tbh.

While you were posting that I edited my post to include some others. We both had Carroll.

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