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Allan Saint-Maximin (now playing for Fenerbahce, on loan from Al-Ahli)


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Some people are really desperate to hound him out.


If those messages are real I'm pretty sure it would be about his fitness and France. Kolo Muani and Thuram are hardly higher profile players than him so it's not so weird if he thought he had a chance of making the squad.



Edited by Pata

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15 minutes ago, Eveready said:

Yes but someone dialled the number and got a French dial tone which only happens if your phone is physically in France as it's managed by the local network operator.




Love the idea of a French dial tone. Le brrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

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16 hours ago, Johnny said:

This club supporters still has a long way to shake that "fans of small club" mentality of hounding out every exciting/technical player that play for us.

That's a false narrative. He's not being hounded out in any way. Some people get pissed off with him standing still and waving his arms about when he thinks he's been fouled as teams break on us. As for the Sheff Wed thing, the person who broke that he wasn't even travelling said there was possibly something else behind the scenes, now if the person who tells you something that wasn't common knowledge gets it right it gives any accompanying story more credence, same would have happened had it been Longstaff. But some seem to fall in love, especially with the flair players and their defence of them is all consuming. Watch for similar over Bruno, its starting as some have started to realise some of the free kicks he was getting last season to get us out if trouble, he's not getting this season, particularly players running into his back or the nudge from the side, probably part of the refs new guidelines to let the game go a bit more, but some have realised he's still trying to buy them and it's already lead to us giving up the ball in our own third a few times.



Edited by madras

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Bit worried about how he will fit in to this Howe's pressing game. We really need him to unlock deep defences, but really cannot afford to have someone not press or pass quickly enough.

Love the man and hope Howe manages to make it work.

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38 minutes ago, Optimistic Nut said:

Going to be tough for him to get back into the starting XI ahead of Willock or Joelinton. Defensively the got us the point at Arsenal and in attack last night they were brilliant.

Nice to have a squad with options for the first time in god knows how long.

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2 hours ago, Disco said:

Nice to have a squad with options for the first time in god knows how long.

I’ll second that. Ideally we could deploy ASM as an impact sub, but he appears to be the type of player who needs to grow into a game to get the best out of him. On yesterday’s form the left wing spot as occupied by Willock and Joelinton is occupied effectively, but them two also have games where they struggle to make an impact going forward. It’s definitely a good thing to have some quality options on the bench to change games however, and with Isak and Maxi back in the fold and all the others fit we finally seem to be moving in that direction.

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2 hours ago, The College Dropout said:

Desperate for him to up his work rate a bit and become a mainstay in the side.


Our biggest weakness in attack is a lack of quality. ASM has it. If he could be in the team instead of Longstaff and properly contribute to the press, we'll be some side imo.


Longstaff has been poor in possession for a while now, almost at Murphy levels of wastefullness and ball retention. But out of possession, by god is he good. I don't think we'd have half the results we have this season from a defensive perspective without his off the ball work.


I think he'd be more valued if he was explicitly drilled to just recover the ball and lay it off, and get rid as soon as he's passed it so he's not caught in possession.

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Agreed, think he’ll get us at least one or two vital goals and assists before the end of the season. I don’t think he can affect games with just fifteen minute cameos though, he’s the kind of player who needs to come on at 60


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2 hours ago, HawK said:


Longstaff has been poor in possession for a while now, almost at Murphy levels of wastefullness and ball retention. But out of possession, by god is he good. I don't think we'd have half the results we have this season from a defensive perspective without his off the ball work.


I think he'd be more valued if he was explicitly drilled to just recover the ball and lay it off, and get rid as soon as he's passed it so he's not caught in possession.

Longstaff has done well this season.   

But against weaker opposition coming for a draw at SJP I would prefer 


Willock Bruno Joelinton


Almiron Wilson/Isak ASM



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He’s going to be really important to us in the second half of the season but he’s still a major enigma. We know that our general cohesion and defence will suffer with him in the side. However, he’s the most likely to make something out of nothing. The problem is, if he just gets twenty mins he won’t impact games enough. Best leave it to Eddie to figure out how to get the most out of him 

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