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Newcastle United 1-0 Manchester United - 06/10/19


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seriously though how the hell did Leicester lose to this mob?


A stupid penalty.


Rodgers played the first 45 minutes with a needlessly defensive system.  Their CB gave away a dumb penalty.  Maddison missed a sitter about a minute before.  Rodgers switched it up in the second half, but by then Man United went 11 behind the ball and saw it out.

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Leceister are getting overly talked up cos they beat us (lololol not actually hard) by a lot and cos they have a fairly solid squad on paper. Rodgers is not that good and they will be much of a muchness all season, have some good results but drop too many to shit teams and finish a boring 8th or something.

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I suppose the stars were aligned for Bruce, fallen giant coming off Europa League away on Thursday, but that was still shocking from Man U. Easily the worst team we've faced this year.


Pleased for Shortstaff of course and ASM looks mint, but that game was about them more than about us. They're in big big trouble. Credit to our lads for keeping it tight and not gifting them anything, but it didn't look that difficult.


We've somehow wangled eight points out of five goals in eight games. The omens are still very bad.

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I have tears in my eyes. I've got a young lad who's just started playing in u7's football, he most probably will never make it but imagine the pride in their family. Its glorious, its heart warming and it goes even further than my hatred for Mike Ashley.


Yep. My daughter is a U16, playing on a U17 team as well as her high school team. She's worked so hard (started as a U7 as well) and is working on the finer points so she can have a choice of college teams. I can't imagine the sacrifices the Longstaff family have made to get two kids as far as Sean and Matty. Deffo a toast to Matty and another to his folks.

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You know in 127 Hours, when the guy gets his arm pinned by the boulder? Early on in the ordeal he uses his little pen-knife to scratch away at the boulder; soon chipping-off tiny bits of it. But he realises shortly afterwards that those satisfying little scratches and tiny chunks that fly off just help the boulder to settle, making him even more stuck. Shortstaff is today's pen-knife. Wonder who it'll be in a few weeks' time.

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I have tears in my eyes. I've got a young lad who's just started playing in u7's football, he most probably will never make it but imagine the pride in their family. Its glorious, its heart warming and it goes even further than my hatred for Mike Ashley.


Yep. My daughter is a U16, playing on a U17 team as well as her high school team. She's worked so hard (started as a U7 as well) and is working on the finer points so she can have a choice of college teams. I can't imagine the sacrifices the Longstaff family have made to get two kids as far as Sean and Matty. Deffo a toast to Matty and another to his folks.

One of my niece’s who lives in Doncaster is playing football now and loving it. She goes in her Toon kits.

It’s why we fight against Ashley, for the kids. If we let our passion for our clubs die, then so does that of our kids.

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Felt sorry for McTominay today. Needs to find himself a baby brother. Was like two against one in midfield, Fred should be embarrassed being outplayed by two kids.

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One of my niece’s who lives in Doncaster is playing football now and loving it. She goes in her Toon kits.

Is why we fight against Ashley, for the kids. If we let our passion for our clubs due, then so does that of our kids.


Agree. Youth sports (of all varieties) are such a huge business over here, that I see so many kids priced out. My daughter's team left their club this year because the cost went from $500ish to over $1200 for a single 10 game season. We live in a very diverse (racial, religious and economic) area, and had recruited kids based on the previous year's cost. The $500 was a stretch for a lot of families, and $1200 may as well have been $12,000.


More via PM - getting too off-topic.

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Guest neesy111

Off to bed.


The amount of Bruce wanking in the press will be sickening.


This result will get him through until after Christmas at least.  :lol: :lol:


Good news tbh.

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Can see us winning today :lol:


I knew as soon as Bruce said he’d revert to Rafa’s tactics we’d win. It happened v Spurs too. Rafa’s tactics we do better. They’ve been drilled for 3 years

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In a similar place to others. Really happy for Matty and also delighted to stick the boot into ManU but don't feel very much about the actual result - felt nothing like that Ritchie one the other year.


Also today solidified my opposition to VAR and did what I always thought it would - I didn't really celebrate the goal in the moment because I thought it was about to be ruled out.

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I can see us sneaking a one-niller like Tottenham Away. That'd be Steve cushy until January.


I smelt it coming.


Delighted for the Staffs but I hope everyone who funded Mike Ashley today hits their knees on the corner of the bed tonight. Cnuts.

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