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11 minutes ago, Joey Linton said:

But both parties are said to be not disclosing? 

According to Jacobs and Edwards seen nothing official to confirm this. Just two people who are putting something out for something which is private and confidential as per the Premier League process.

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1 minute ago, et tu brute said:

According to Jacobs and Edwards seen nothing official to confirm this. Just two people who are putting something out for something which is private and confidential as per the Premier League process.

It's confidential, theres no way anyone, including Jacobs and Edwards could know who was responsible for the delay.


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4 hours ago, STM said:

Wheres Whitley Mag? [emoji38][emoji38][emoji38]




4 hours ago, STM said:

Where is the positive optimism thread?


So the takeover gets screwed with time wasting tactics once again and your first response is to want to wind someone up and get some "I told you so"'s laid out in black and white. Any normal supporter would be raging with the PL right about now and probably quite distraught at the thought of at least another full season of the 4 Steve's of the apocalypse and no owner.

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I was never confident that arbitration was the way we were going to win this. My posts will back this up, the CAT case holds more weight because it’s a higher power that can make a judgement against the PL if we win. Arbitration is an in-house farce that was always stacked against us.


I felt it was a bad thing that the arbitration case was going first because a ruling against us there might have influenced proceedings in the CAT case as their uploaded documents show that they have considered the similarities between both cases.


If anything, I wouldn’t put it past the club’s legal team to have created this delay so that CAT could go first, but that’s total guesswork. Nobody will really know what happened there, including smarmy journos who claim otherwise.


As I said before too, if we lose the jurisdiction ruling the whole thing is dead in the water but if the court rules against the PL, I think they will settle with the club rather than have all of this go into the public domain. (which the judge has indicated that it will apart from sensitive information which will be partially redacted)


So as of now, it’s still very much in play.

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To me this isnt dead, its more a case of we now have to become an irritating thorn in the side of the EPL.  They need to learn that we will not let this go.  I know i cant accept this stance taken by the EPL and we just need to keep on asking why they wont let this takeover go through.  A classic case of Bird & Bird delaying tactics as we were warned about!!!

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51 minutes ago, Joey Linton said:

But both parties are said to be not disclosing? 


It doesn't say that exactly, or rather it's not necessarily negative. The PL, and our own legal team, may have asked for information that isn't readily available from the other party and the court has adjourned the case until it is.


Can't see any reason for us to not disclose if we could but obviously in the PLs interest to delay, delay, delay...

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If it's not PIF and co, it'll be someone else. And judging by the "serious bids" of which there has been 1 to my knowledge that made it to an accepted bid... this one... we might be in it for a while. Let's hope there's someone serious waiting in the wings! 

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48 minutes ago, manorpark said:

Remember people . . .


The darkest hour is just before dawn.


Dawn will come, I can understand that some will find it difficult to feel that right now, but it WILL come.



Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.

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Playing nice with the league when they’ve denied the region and our fans potentially the most ambitious owner in football is indefensible. 

Trust members who know me can PM or text me if they want to talk about it. 

the letter written tonight was not scathing. It’s a well written letter once again taking some high road but not galvanizing or convincing anything from anyone 

If i lived across the pond and in the UK I’d not be be writing a single letter ever again. This is the critical time. It’s time for real action. Not calls on sky sports with the same “we want a club that tries” line because guess fucking what? Moral high ground has gotten the supporters nothing. 

the north east continues to get fucked by forces not from the area and all I see is more defeatists than anyone else. 

we made alan pardew weep on tv. We blitzed all of England and it was heard over here in the US too on nbc. It’s time to go after masters, Hoffman and the league. No letter or protest of 50 people is doing that. 

this isn’t just football. The league is not protecting the fans or the club or the region. This is literally a governing body in sport denying happiness, jobs, investment, development and growth to the region. 




Edited by Kanji

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When you see the Man Utd supporters breaking into their ground and the media take a stance of “well you have to see their point”


Why would something like that not work for us? They couldn’t ignore it. A major disruption of every home game, it would hurt the PL where it matters, they’d have to refund tv broadcasters for delayed or cancelled games and then have the issue being talked about nationally.


Sure, we’d take some flack but what have we got to lose at this point? We’ll know before start of season whether CAT is going to go ahead or not.


If not, we can’t just bend over and take it.

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28 minutes ago, B-more Mag said:

"Issues with the disclosure of evidence" is such a fucking woefully inadequate explanation for a delay of at least six fucking months.

It’s quintessential Ashley NUFC. 


we should be grateful we were even informed :lol:

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31 minutes ago, Dr Jinx said:

When you see the Man Utd supporters breaking into their ground and the media take a stance of “well you have to see their point”


Why would something like that not work for us? They couldn’t ignore it. A major disruption of every home game, it would hurt the PL where it matters, they’d have to refund tv broadcasters for delayed or cancelled games and then have the issue being talked about nationally.


Sure, we’d take some flack but what have we got to lose at this point? We’ll know before start of season whether CAT is going to go ahead or not.


If not, we can’t just bend over and take it.

Since Keegan left we’ve been taking it. 

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A few thoughts:



It is very evident (from the NUFC Takeover and the ESL debacles) that the Premier League is thoroughly corrupt and needs action from the UK government and the FA to either shut it down entirely (reverting English football back to the EFL system).  As things stand, English football desperately needs the NUFC Competition Arbitration Tribunal case to succeed and for this to result in cartel charges being levelled by the Crown Prosecution Service against the Premier League's executives - with a resultant investigation of their personal finances.  There is almost undoubtedly criminal (and-competition & cartel related) behaviour occurring and it needs to be exposed and expunged from the sport for the good of English football.



It should be very evident to the non-Big-6 clubs that the Premier League is corrupted by the Big-6; as long as things remain the way they are the Little-14 will be nothing more than stage decorations for the wealthy owners of the Big-6 to exploit.  It should be very evident to the Little-14 that they should all, as a unified group, vote to change the rules of the Premier League, and if they can't they should all leave the Premier League (returning to the EFL) together.  If the Little-14 remain in the Premier League, without major changes, then they are making statements to their respective fans that they have no real interest in competing and are happy catching the crumbs that fall from the Big-6 table.



Question:  Does this adjournment of the PL's 'independent' arbitration process provide further evidence towards the CAT case of the PL's anti-competitive behaviours?  That where the process was run one way for Big-6 clubs, they have again operated a different process for the NUFC takeover?  Is this making their lives harder for the CAT case?  I know the most recent statements (from various journalists that have well and truly demonstrated their existing bias against NUFC) say that issues of evidence have come from both sides, but remember that it's the 3 arbitrators (2 of whom have strong PL affiliation) who decide if there's an issue with the evidence and whether a delay is required.



I think that Mike Ashley should just complete the sale of the club, with the Stavely consortium, and thereby force the Premier League to make the decision to exclude NUFC from the 21/22 EPL season.  I see this as a win-win for fans.


If the PL attempt to throw NUFC out of the 21/22 season, the club (now under new ownership) can seek a court injunction against the PL, to keep them in the league, pending the completion of existing legal actions (e.g. pending the result of the CAT case, which they club could cause to go for a long time just as the PL has delayed the O&D process).  This keeps us in the league for the coming season, under new owners.


Then, if the PL attempt to exclude NUFC from the 22/23 season, NUFC can play the league at their own legal game and keep finding excuses to get court injunctions against the league (but the CAT case could take many years to resolve).


If, for whatever reason, NUFC end up down in the Championship, then we'll dominate that league and force the PL to address the issue again... and again... and again... each time NUFC is in the automatic promotion slots.

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As a former contributor to the site who long ago ceased to comment due to certain posters' responses, I have only once since commented on any topic and the failed takeover was that subject.


It now appears that the PL have confirmed the general view that they are not , to say the least, acting in the best interests of competition in English Football and certainly NOT in the interests of NUFC. We have all seen the visible proof that there was a breakaway attempt by 6 self-appointed 'Top' clubs to join a Euro Super League and to monopolize and consolidate their positions to the permanent disadvantage of the remaining PL clubs(and also any club further down the league which may have ambitious owners)and the real chance of their positions being threatened by a Saudi takeover of NUFC has, in the opinion of many people, played a major part in the foot-dragging by the PL to allow the takeover by PIF and  its front figures.


There is no doubt that Staveley and the Reubens were genuine about trying to get the takeover through but the PL have procrastinated at every turn, using the UK's tortoise-paced legal process to prevent it happening.


These appear to be the real facts behind the arbitration panel being delayed until 2022 - almost 2 years past the first agreement to sell then club by Ashley and the PIF to buy it.


In my view, this whole saga has killed English football and it is now in view as no better than the actions of certain other European clubs, like Juventus, who were relegated after match-fixing accusations some years ago.


I would not in all honesty buy a ST in these circumstances or even pay to watch the PL - no way would I give financial sustenance to an outfit like the PL or support a club being run on a shoestring until the fabled takeover(or another) goes ahead.....why would you ?


I struggle to imagine what action fans could take, other than witholding finance, which would have any effect apart from NUFC resigning from the PL in protest and there is NO way Ashley will do that.


I genuinely feel sorry for you younger lads - at least I have seen NUFC win a Euro trophy and an FA Cup(as a child)and I will always remember the first KK era with great fondness but barring some sort of miracle, the club is going to be also-rans and slip further behind any ambitious club in the PL for the foreseeable future.


I wish you all good luck and hope something else turns up but it is hard to imagine that - also very sorry that the Saudi promised support for the NE is now no more than a dream...the region deserves more and NO UK political party will change the way they ignore it.



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Well, it's 6 months until the next step of arbirtration takes place but there isn't any reason for either party to come to a decision or agreement before then. Ju,st need someone to dig up some dirt or expose Masters or Hoffman or the PL in some way. Disruption to games might be good for Man Utd, but we are NUFC, even having arbitration postponned has drawn flak, ridicule from cunts like Jordan and Keys. They'll spearhead anti -NUFC sentiments if we do something ala Man Utd fans. I, for one, would love for us to do some shit during all of our games under Steve fucking Bruce but I fear it just makes us look much worse than we are already. Fuck it to be honest.

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6 hours ago, gdm said:

Honestly tho what have we done to deserve this? Purgatory. Hell

We haven’t done anything that’s the problem. No meaningful protests since Ashley arrived. What happened to the most violent and aggressive fan base in the country that we had in the 70’s and early 80’s. Tamed and turned into pussies apparently.

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