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1 minute ago, Miggys First Goal said:

Find another buyer, Ashley. PIF/PCP/RB isn’t going to happen any time soon. I’d take fucking Henry Mauriss at this rate. 

No one is reading this mate 

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Nights like tonight reinforce why this club is dead. 

I’ll never knock folk for wanting to attend but if all today’s match goers can muster is ‘Brucey give us a wave’ we’re in serious fucking trouble.


Over my 30 odd years I’ve always thought where 2nd to none in terms of support, but I’m starting to doubt this now.


How the support hasn’t  raised one single chant against the PL makes me question if our support is now just to beaten down, doesn’t give a fuck or are thick as pig shit. I suspect a combination of all 3.


It’s certainly not the club I fell in love with in the 80’s and we we’re arguably shitter then. However, the match was an experience made by the support, we used to be edgy as fuck, feared and respected across the land.


On the plus side for anyone disillusioned like myself, there are still people fighting for this takeover behind the scenes. 

I live in hope that a sizeable chunk of our fanbase are just simply not attending St Jame’s at the minute and are waiting for the day new owners arrive.Otherwise the sad reality is our support has now turned to shit just like the rest of club.


Letter from protest nufc -


To Whom it may concern,


We know it's been a while since we've said anything but we wanted to let you know before everyone else, seeing as you took the time to contact us with your letters.


We're arranging a fan meeting on Thursday 2nd September at 19:00 at the Tyneside Irish Centre. We'll be giving an update on what we used your letters for and some other things we have in the pipeline, but felt we owed you all an explanation first. 


Of the hundreds of letters, emails and messages we received only a handful received a response from the Premier League and this was a generic response which didn't answer the plethora of issues and questions that NUFC fans raise. It was amazing reading the range of issues and seeing first hand the passion of our fanbase to act for something they believe in, despite what the fuckwits in the media say (pardon my Geordie). 


With regard to the letters we realised the Independent Football Ombudsman (IFO) had publicly called for the PL to respond to fans' concerns but hadn't been able to compel them to do so because due process hadn't been followed. Armed with this information we transformed the letters that you all sent into a complaint that we sent to the PL on 6th August 2021. It delivered by registered Royal Mail on 7th August 2021.


The PL have 6 weeks per their complaints procedure to respond. We didn't make it particularly easy for them and three weeks later we haven't had anything.


We think they've got two options:


1. Respond to our complaint and provide sufficient detail to respond to the concerns raised; or 

2. The IFO compel them to respond.


Is that it lads, all that for that?


Well, not just that...


We've written a few other letters, to the IFO and others, as well as making some tentative arrangements for future work, including protests, and we'd like to discuss these with you and others. We'll be putting some stuff out on Twitter and the likes later this week. We'll have a proper agenda to say what our plans are, what we're thinking, how you can get involved and have some time for an open floor.


So come along on Thursday, have a pint and a natter, if you can't and you have ideas throw them our way and we'll discuss them. 


All the best




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Can't understand how Staveley can be so interested/stubborn to buy NUFC. She could almost buy any other club than this shitshow.


Ashley and Bruce is dragging the club through the mud, further down than the bottom of bottoms ffs.


What a time to be alive!

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35 minutes ago, Toon No9 said:

Can't understand how Staveley can be so interested/stubborn to buy NUFC. She could almost buy any other club than this shitshow.


Ashley and Bruce is dragging the club through the mud, further down than the bottom of bottoms ffs.


What a time to be alive!


Because despite everything, there's still a massive, unique and wonderful club buried beneath it all. Everything that Ashley has destroyed can be repaired and rebuilt given some time, investment and good decisions at all levels, but crucially at the footballing level. And, despite the malevolent forces that exist elsewhere in the game, there is still more than enough opportunity for a massive, wonderful and unique club to barge their way into the higher echelons of the game. NUFC is an incredible investment and sporting opportunity for anyone with the backing and the gumption to get their hands on it and give it the care and attention it deserves. 


We're so brow-beaten and so desensitised to the disappointment and gaslighting and general misery - particularly during the last decade - that we've forgotten the club we have (or maybe 'had'). It was an amazing club with an enormous well of untapped potential, and it's still there somewhere. 

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13 minutes ago, Yorkie said:


Because despite everything, there's still a massive, unique and wonderful club buried beneath it all. Everything that Ashley has destroyed can be repaired and rebuilt given some time, investment and good decisions at all levels, but crucially at the footballing level. And, despite the malevolent forces that exist elsewhere in the game, there is still more than enough opportunity for a massive, wonderful and unique club to barge their way into the higher echelons of the game. NUFC is an incredible investment and sporting opportunity for anyone with the backing and the gumption to get their hands on it and give it the care and attention it deserves. 


We're so brow-beaten and so desensitised to the disappointment and gaslighting and general misery - particularly during the last decade - that we've forgotten the club we have (or maybe 'had'). It was an amazing club with an enormous well of untapped potential, and it's still there somewhere. 

Would love us to be a proper club again…From BBC earlier.


Villa donate cup gate receipts

This is a fantastic gesture from Aston Villa.

The club have donated their share of the gate receipts from Tuesday's Carabao Cup tie against Barrow back to the League Two club.


Couldn’t imagine Ashley’s Newcastle doing that.

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Aye, it's all well and good that they're doing something, but my initial thought was 'great, another load of letters and a meeting'.  Unfortunately I feel like I know what it leads to.


We've been here for majority of the past 2 years.



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21 minutes ago, RS said:

Got to love a meeting to discuss a strongly worded letter as the ultimate protest. Masters must be shitting bricks. 

This. Yet another call to action to sit and discuss how we can disagree about what step not to take next.


We may as well all walk around with our trollies round our ankles and a lanyard with lube attached.

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Just now, Fantail Breeze said:

Almost like we need a group with a significant member base and finance to coordinate efforts of protest.


Otherwise the smaller groups may as well be herding cats.

Great idea, be nice if the big group was also actually interested in co-ordinating direct action rather than washing their hands of every dissenting voice or alternative protest movement.

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Letters do fuck all and the so called protests have been plainly embarrassing throughout Ashley’s ownership. The fan base  is totally divided and not enough (especially match goers) will support anything in numbers, which will attract the necessary national media attention. I applaud the people who want to try to force change and get the support on board, however history tells us that won’t happen. The legal cases are therefore the only solution for any possibility of success. Whether they actually do see this through, the simple answer is fuck knows. The lack of news and progress is certainly frustrating and annoying.

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3 minutes ago, MickMack said:

I’ve never understood the whole berating of people/groups trying to make a difference. Good on the protest group, it may not work but at least they’re trying to help get our club back.

Usually happens when individuals start jostling to be front and centre. It’s happened time and time again with us and it usually ends up in a race to the bottom with the insults etc.

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47 minutes ago, et tu brute said:

 The lack of news and progress is certainly frustrating and annoying.


We are getting exactly the right amount of news that we would expect.


We have two legal cases underway. Arbitration will proceed from early 2022 (not long away in the grand scheme of things) and the CAT case will start to develop in only 34 days time.


NEWS is expected at those dates.

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1 hour ago, manorpark said:


We are getting exactly the right amount of news that we would expect.


We have two legal cases underway. Arbitration will proceed from early 2022 (not long away in the grand scheme of things) and the CAT case will start to develop in only 34 days time.


NEWS is expected at those dates.

Like the news was expected at the previous dates. As for not too long away, by then it’s nearly two years and counting. 



Edited by et tu brute

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18 minutes ago, et tu brute said:

Like the news was expected at the previous dates. As for not long away, by then it’s nearly two years and counting. 

Be rooted at the bottom of the table by the time arbitration comes round as well 

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51 minutes ago, et tu brute said:

Like the news was expected at the previous dates. As for not long away, by then it’s nearly two years and counting. 


Yes, but those are the current timescales that I listed, so in the interim it is not worth saying "there is no news" because those timescales are the very latest news !!



Edited by manorpark

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