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23 minutes ago, Billy Pilgrim said:

If you thought this week couldn’t get any better, check out this glorious monument of seethe 



Because we belied


Dear me, what a bitter cunt he is. And "the most embarrassing corporate bid in football takeover history"...?  What on earth is he babbling on about?

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18 minutes ago, POOT 2.0 said:


I want to counter this, but not seem like I'm being personal to you, Wullie. I'm not. 

I disagree with this, as most people aren't using it as a reason that they "don't care". They're using it as a reason why they don't feel they deserve the weight of the problem shoved solely onto their shoulders. Which is what a lot of criticism is wrongfully (and unfairly) doing. Thankfully, a lot of good journalists are pointing out it's not the responsibility of the fans, but should be a concern for the fans.

And I think it's fair to use it as a defence. Those who claim other investments don't count because a club is different, are missing the whole point, IMHO. It's not about the semantics of what type of investment the Saudis have (80% shares, 10% shares, public shares or private shares), it's about the bottom-line of their insane lack of human rights. Surely that's the underlying grievance? And if you take a vocal stance on the issue (which we all should)...then it's all encompassing. You simply can't separate them out, for any reason. Not sure why people are arguing to do so. I'm not sure what the end-game of that argument would be. 


The underlying point has to be the grievance that Saudi Arabia has appalling human rights record. Not that we don't like Saudi Arabia have a controlling interest in our club because of their appalling human rights record. That feels disingenuous to the big issue, and feels very self-centred. 




I think you're both right like. It's a double edged sword - precisely because it's your football club means it should mean more to you than it does with Uber, Starkbucks, and Disney, but because it's your club means walking away isn't anywhere near being an option in the same way that it is not using Uber, Starbucks, or Disney+.


I think it's fair to say that anyone looking on from the outside and not being able to understand why Newcastle fans aren't kicking up a fuss while they're using those companies and have a much easier consumer decision to make don't really have a leg to stand on.


Obviously that's not to say that them being hypocritical means that they're wrong. 



Edited by kisearch

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33 minutes ago, Tsunami said:

Any uncomfortable songs are likely to be very pro KSA belted out by tea towelled adorned idiots with half and half NUFC/ KSA scarves.


I’m worried we’ll give the media a frw large bones to chew on. 

The atmosphere will be electric, just hope it’s not over the top.


And I really hope there's no booing of taking the knee.


Showing our support for 'equality for all' would be good like.

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6 minutes ago, SUPERTOON said:

Was hoping we would get a press conference or at least a length interview with the new owners this week as well but I suppose they have too much to try and sort out.


I think we've had that already, Staveley spent most of her first day doing interviews, I don't think there'll be a press conference for the owners it would just dissolve into questions about Saudi human rights abuses at the moment.

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1 hour ago, WarrenBartonCentrePartin said:

Yasir al-Rumayyan’s hoping to fly over and attend Sunday’s game according to Downie.


I'm sure he'll get a warm welcome, hope we put on a decent performance and he enjoys the game. 

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Just now, pinkeye said:

He has changed his tone about us lately...


I recon he wants a job...  


Unfortunately our circumstances mean we're ripe to have the contrarian WUMs seemingly 'on our side'. More commercial value for these arseholes in enraging the whole of football by defending the takeover than offending NUFC fans now.

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6 hours ago, NE27 said:


Honestly, I've definitely had thoughts about this before and welled up at how amazing an experience it would be. /sadsack


In reality it'd probably be canny shit [emoji38]

You're probably right. But in my mind it's mint:laugh:

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1 hour ago, Joe_F said:


And I really hope there's no booing of taking the knee.


Showing our support for 'equality for all' would be good like.


Nope, support "kick it out", not the BLM kneeling nonsense IMO.

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No I'd rather just support the genuine cause of kick it out. This isn't the thread for a discussion on it so I won't continue it here.  Felt I had to comment once to the poster that brought it up.

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1 minute ago, Teasy said:

No I'd rather just support the genuine cause of kick it out. This isn't the thread for a discussion on it so I won't continue it here.  Felt I had to comment once to the poster that brought it up.

Good cos I’d rather be chatting with a mackem about how we’re responsible for 9/11 than have a discussion reserved for bald dads on Facebook 

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You know the replies here really are funny. Anyone who even suggests anything that doesn't fit with your ideas isnt engaged with, just dismissed.  You's lot really haven't got a clue :lol:  Not wasting my time though.  Bye.. 

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Just now, nufcjb said:

Jordan doing a face turn that no one is buying? Who does he think he is? 

He is and always has been a grade a gobshite. Thinks he’s plugged into the business side of football because he owned a diddy club for five minutes. Doesn’t have a clue, the man can fit more bullshit buzzwords into a sentence than any middle manager in any call centre in England. 

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