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20 hours ago, Scoot said:





Considering this was the very same ground that the stewards wouldn’t let me take in a banner saying “Sports Redirect” on the grounds it could incite trouble leading me to have to smuggle it in for a very quick appearance before they forced its removal I’m surprised this one got the green light. Or perhaps I shouldn’t be with what’s going on in the boardrooms of the other clubs. 

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18 minutes ago, Inferior Acuña said:

I'm honestly not sure so I can't be arsed arguing about it, but - I can see how it could be seen as racist to massively darken an Arab persons skin as part of wanting to depict them as an evil barbaric person. MBS is nowhere near that colour, he's very light skinned.


Please don’t take us down this street. We’ve already lost one :lol: 

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On 23/10/2021 at 17:12, toontownman said:



Completely missed this and the dan roan tweets above. Thought people were just being defiant in the away end today.



Probably because there was a lot of people (on here in particular) who ridiculed those just having some harmless fun and claim it be offensive on behalf of others not wanting to make so much noise about it when it turns out there never was anything offensive about it or anyone offended by it.


I pointed out that from the wording of the original statement it was obvious it was just arse covering after the KIO stuck their nose in. Very impressed the club has clarified their statement but it was always clear to me they never really wanted to put it out in the first place and nor should they of had to.

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7 minutes ago, Klaus said:

:lol: Tron seemed like a sound poster as well, then for ne reason lost his mind


I think it’s one of those situations where you make a bad choice and then feel obliged to stick with it and take it all the way. :lol: 


I can imagine a lot of murders happen like that. Start strangling someone and realise you’re already in bother, so need to carry on.

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6 minutes ago, Fantail Breeze said:


I can imagine a lot of murders happen like that. Start strangling someone and realise you’re already in bother, so need to carry on.


Weve got a serial killer now.....


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6 hours ago, ManDoon said:

Black stone are just basically a hedge fund though. I don’t want to start another tedious argument but it’s the same as UBER or Disney. I can buy as much UBER or Disney if I want to right now, there isn’t a process. Just sign up to a broker. I’ve traded Uber before in fact 

Wasn’t just a simple equity investment via broker / dealer or buying it on the open market. It was a specific investment into a purpose fund. 20 billion into a 40 billion fund.Likely BX went out and actively sought out PIF investment if it wasn’t mutual search. 

it’s not apples to apples at all though given one is a fund with a specific purpose and the other is one where PIF invested into those public companies on the open market. 

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12 hours ago, LFEE said:

Probably because there was a lot of people (on here in particular) who ridiculed those just having some harmless fun and claim it be offensive on behalf of others not wanting to make so much noise about it when it turns out there never was anything offensive about it or anyone offended by it.


I pointed out that from the wording of the original statement it was obvious it was just arse covering after the KIO stuck their nose in. Very impressed the club has clarified their statement but it was always clear to me they never really wanted to put it out in the first place and nor should they of had to.


Hadn't seen that but fair play. 


That noise comment is a bit pathetic though. Most people weren't offended on their behalf, they were simply using life experiences to understand how SA could be.


Most people commenting were just pointing out that it would be good if everyone could do as the club requested, that's all. It just seems that some people couldn't even to do something as simple as that.

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1 hour ago, Thomson Mouse said:


Hadn't seen that but fair play. 


That noise comment is a bit pathetic though. Most people weren't offended on their behalf, they were simply using life experiences to understand how SA could be.


Most people commenting were just pointing out that it would be good if everyone could do as the club requested, that's all. It just seems that some people couldn't even to do something as simple as that.

Not really because the initial statement and my post had dozens of people commenting on here and even before both we had dozens of posts going over many pages on here about it. This statement come out and we’ve had one person saying they’d missed it and I’ve had your one and only response so far and the statements been out the whole weekend.


Thats untrue also as the original statement came out after the Spurs game only after KIO had approached them and we’ve not had a game for anyone to defy the club’s request before the U-Turn prior to the Crystal Palace game. So having another dig at people dressing up is misplaced as the club had ok’d it and rightfully so.


My main point all along was it was harmless fun and would eventually die off and the original statement was clearly put out against what they really thought about it all and simply a reaction to KIO.


Ive nothing against KIO and support most of what they do but on this occasion I felt they got involved for the wrong reasons due to the profile of the takeover. 

Let’s hope now the club have ok’d it that people can except those having a little bit of fun in their lives is exactly what they are doing rather than cast them as idiots.



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1 hour ago, ManDoon said:

I got you, I guess I mean like it’s I don’t see the things as the same. They have a 5 percent stake in Uber, and I believe they’ve sold some off last year. I don’t think it’s a fair comparison people are making. I’m not wealthy but if had a couple mill I could buy into Uber. I can’t buy any of Newcastle and you don’t need to pass any tests to get a stake of Uber. I think Morgan Stanley own more Uber than PIF 


I think in the case of Palace fans it's more along the lines of if you're going to set yourself up as the voice of moral outrage on football, hold up banners criticising other clubs and release childish statements about deluded geordies supporting the saudis, then you might want to make sure first that your own owner (who you all speak extremely highly of) isn't in bed with exactly the same people. Or you're going to look a bit hypocritical and silly yourself.


When people start using the comparison to actually defend the Saudi regime and it's actions (Twitter, dont ask) or shut down criticism of the owners then that's when we start looking ridiculous.

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12 hours ago, MagCA said:



Could you imagine if they had plans to build something like this for little old Newcastle… 

This is the exact reason why I can.see them keeping SJP in its place by using the 'latest engineering and technical designs' to make it better yet bigger. They'll be able to do and pay dor anything they want beyond our imagination.



Edited by nufcjb

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