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Fifa proven to be a totally corrupt organization confirmed by Interpol and the FBI ......................clubs say nowt


Qatar and Russia buy World cups........................clubs say nowt


Qatar kills thousands of immigrant workers building cities and football stadiums .....................clubs say nowt


Newcastle get a takeover which potentially affects the clubs ability to make more money than the extraordinary amount they currently rake in...................fuckin hell on

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He was brought in to stop it, eventually failed at his remit, so now they have no need for him.


Creates a nice little narrative on his way out. Expect the negative articles to continue for a time, things will eventually move on though. Nothing to worry about.

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It’ll certainly be interesting to find out which clubs are the driver behind his resignation. I get the impression whilst the takeover was originally resisted by clubs in top 6, this has now grown due to relegation battle. 

They’d be wise to remember though that but for allowing this takeover, a lot more of their heads would now be on the chopping block in a U.K. court of law.



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From a 14 August 2020 Letter from Richard Masters to Chi Onwurah MP.


Is it true that several Premier League clubs objected to the takeover and what influence do the views of competing clubs have in the approval process?


The Owners' and Directors' test is delegated to and carried out entirely by the Premier League Board. Other member Clubs have no role whatsoever in the approval process.


So, this resignation is a mystery alright. :footy:

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1 minute ago, LV said:

I’m sure Qatar will sort him out with a nice job for their World Cup 

I mean he already works for companies over there and is also the chairman of Monzo. He’s not exactly short of a pay packet.

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I think a big part of the takeover going through was how well the QCs representing us did at the CAT hearing. The PL then thought 'shit, if this goes through to arbitration stuff is going to come out that we don't want to' so they said to PIF to just cancel all BeoutQ stuff, settle with beIN (which was possible as afaik KSA and Qatar have opened trade talks again) and we'll push it through, hence the short time between the CAT hearing, beIN settlement and the takeover happening.


And Hoffman going is probably more of the PL not wanting their dirty laundry out in public a la CAT/arbitration. 


Just a theory, like. :lol:

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1 hour ago, LV said:

There’s even folk in here who deny it.




Nobody is denying the other clubs probably voiced their displeasure at the takeover.


What is a load of bollocks (evidently by the fact we have been taken over), is the suggestion that any blockage in the takeover had anything to do with the other clubs’ thoughts.


It always was about piracy, from start to finish. Nothing whatsoever to do with cartels or fake ITKery.



Edited by Fantail Breeze

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1 minute ago, Abacus said:

Then why is Hoffman apparently now having to resign?


After all, the piracy is resolved. Surely he has done a good job in that case.


So why would he need to go?


Because they didn’t get their own way, because there was never a ‘cartel’ and because they’re unhappy with the outcome.


It’s really not difficult to understand. They tried to stop it, but failed. Because ultimately the PL only cared about the piracy. 

Otherwise, why were we taken over a few days after the piracy was resolved if the cartel existed and the PL were protecting the big six?


If we ignore all sensible evidence and reports but listen to Keef on Twitter. Aye, it makes perfect sense.

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6 minutes ago, Fantail Breeze said:


Because they didn’t get their own way, because there was never a ‘cartel’ and because they’re unhappy with the outcome.


It’s really not difficult to understand. They tried to stop it, but failed. Because ultimately the PL only cared about the piracy. 

Otherwise, why were we taken over a few days after the piracy was resolved if the cartel existed and the PL were protecting the big six?


If we ignore all sensible evidence and reports but listen to Keef on Twitter. Aye, it makes perfect sense.

It’s clearly very difficult for you to understand Fanny [emoji38]



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6 minutes ago, Fantail Breeze said:


Because they didn’t get their own way, because there was never a ‘cartel’ and because they’re unhappy with the outcome.


It’s really not difficult to understand. They tried to stop it, but failed. Because ultimately the PL only cared about the piracy. 

Otherwise, why were we taken over a few days after the piracy was resolved if the cartel existed and the PL were protecting the big six?


If we ignore all sensible evidence and reports but listen to Keef on Twitter. Aye, it makes perfect sense.

You can believe what you like. I have my own theories on the piracy links, but that's all they are so I won't speculate.


But I would say that being unhappy with an outcome and then, on the back of that, being able to force a senior board level resignation from a process you aren't supposed to have any say in, looks a bit like you might have undue influence on the people who are supposed to be making those decisions impartially.


Anyhow, let's leave it there. I'm sure the truth will come out in the end. Either way, whole thing needs a clean up because it stinks no matter how you look at it.

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All the other PL clubs are mad because it was PIF/Saudi Arabia specifically that were allowed to buy us, right? Because of the human rights issues? Because they care so much? 


It's not because we became a threatening powerhouse overnight and they stand to lose money, right? 


So transparent ffs :lol:


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