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4 hours ago, Dokko said:

Shola is officially a loan manager but from what I've heard he's more a player liaison, sorting out loads of shit for all players. Makes sense he's involved with this trip if that is correct. 

"shit, shit, Botman. get home quick, i think you've been burgled!"

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3 minutes ago, Wolfcastle said:

I don't hate Shola. I'd just like everyone involved in the Ashley regime not to be involved now. For reasons of competency, freshness and consequence.

I think that's fair and just.

Anyone that was will only be kept on because they can do what required 

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Don't hate him, but likewise never rated him. His brownosing of Ashley was also a bit :anguish:


But if he's still there then he's clearly doing something of value, otherwise I'd imagine he'd of been pumped by now 

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It was the compulsory shit-eating grin every time he screwed a simple chance 5 yards wide, or lazily jogged 4 yards offside whilst looking to walk in behind the CBs for me. Easily the most frustrating striker every to have to watch - the whole "eeee, I've fucked that one up again, haven't I? hurhurhur". Every. Single. Time.


Then he took a job working for Ashley. Tacit endorsement of his running the place into the ground. I don't hate him....


Scrub that, I do actually. 

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The one thing I'll say for Shola is that in all my years watching NUFC I've never seen a player get fouled so much and get so little awarded. I've seen him literally stand still waiting for a ball to come down and a defender run into him deliberately, bounce off Shola and the defender gets the free kick.

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