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Eddie Howe


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Just now, Vinny Green Balls said:

You may want to leave those past posts in the ground. You weren’t exactly at your best in those days.


I wanted Emery. I wasn't sure if Howe had enough in him. Gerrard when never a mention. Its a cunts trick making shit up like that.

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1 minute ago, Gallowgate Toon said:

I really think the rotation think is massively overplayed.


Defence aside, we rotated plenty when a decent amount of the squad were available.


Isak-Wilson, all 4 wingers getting starts, pretty much all of our midfield options apart from Miley (understandable) and Willock (injured) were used too despite there being some preseason hangover.




Nah Anderson barely got a game then he got injured Targett couldn't get a sniff even though burn was fucked after forty minutes every game miggy constantly played and Murphy wasn't even getting minutes at one point. 

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9 minutes ago, Vinny Green Balls said:

Nobody obviously, but it’s this constant ridiculous “questions need to be asked” whenever there is a loss. If it was just down to emotions of the minute, fine. But a few go on about it until the next damn game. 

Been on the West Ham forum and they’re asking questions, as are people on red cafe as they are on the Chelsea forum - it’s a common response and not unique to us.

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Just now, andycap said:

Nah Anderson barely got a game then he got injured Targett couldn't get a sniff even though burn was fucked after forty minutes every game miggy constantly played and Murphy wasn't even getting minutes at one point. 

Anderson started 4 league games in a row before getting injured.


Don't disagree about the defence, made that very clear already.

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Don’t get the calls for rotation in the last few matches. 

The time to rotate is at home, against lower half opposition.  Or on strict minutes management the way Klopp does it - regardless of game state.  The first - Howe didn’t do when he has the opportunity but that time has gone. The second - that’s not his style and that requires a proper squad.  

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2 minutes ago, andycap said:

Nah Anderson barely got a game then he got injured Targett couldn't get a sniff even though burn was fucked after forty minutes every game miggy constantly played and Murphy wasn't even getting minutes at one point. 

You’re right about Targett and Murphy although he had a decent run at one point but Anderson got decent time I feel. Hall hasn’t though and needs to be used more I reckon.

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Just now, Vinny Green Balls said:

I don’t remember who you wanted. I do remember that you were pretty agonizing  for about a month.


This isn't me not wanting Howe, I'll back him, but I'm not going to pretend he's blameless in this and certainly can see some difficult games coming up in quick succession and with a derby looming this is a real test for him. Don't see the issue in saying that. It is. Anyone thinking it's not is in denial. 

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3 minutes ago, Gawalls said:

Been on the West Ham forum and they’re asking questions, as are people on red cafe as they are on the Chelsea forum - it’s a common response and not unique to us.

Didn’t say it was unique at all. Given the lack of a bigger picture, It is irritating whenever it is. 

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4 minutes ago, The College Dropout said:

Don’t get the calls for rotation in the last few matches. 

The time to rotate is at home, against lower half opposition.  Or on strict minutes management the way Klopp does it - regardless of game state.  The first - Howe didn’t do when he has the opportunity but that time has gone. The second - that’s not his style and that requires a proper squad.  

Today we had an out and out LB on the bench and livs playing LB. Tripps so should have been rested - even Krafth could have played, we had options for full backs. 



Edited by Gawalls

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Just now, Dokko said:


This isn't me not wanting Howe, I'll back him, but I'm not going to pretend he's blameless in this and certainly can see some difficult games coming up in quick succession and with a derby looming this is a real test for him. Don't see the issue in saying that. It is. Anyone thinking it's not is in denial. 

You’ve been fine for nearly two years, man. I brought it up because you certainly didn’t give him a free hit when he first came. That’s all. 

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20 minutes ago, Aiston said:


Who's even calling for his head anyway?


Everyone is up for criticism/ praise and no one should be above it.

I’ll bet the the Twitter clowns are. 

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When he came in he changed things and based on those changes he turned everything up to 11 last season. We took many teams by surprise and we had a great season. He still deserves our full support.


No other team has to work that hard to win games. Everything, the training, the high press, the running distances we put in during games. It’s run the players into the ground. It’s why we have the injuries. Total burn out.


He shouldn’t be afraid to look at things and come up with a better style of playing that doesn’t take its toll as much. He’s obviously capable of it, or we hope he is.


Like if that’s it, the current tactical plan, if he’s fresh out of ideas after that then he’ll be in bother, but let’s see how it plays out.

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5 minutes ago, Vinny Green Balls said:

You’ve been fine for nearly two years, man. I brought it up because you certainly didn’t give him a free hit when he first came. That’s all. 


I wasn't sure. I gave him time then time started to run out and we looked doomed. That's when I questioned him. So what? He needed to do better and he did. Doesn't matter if I gave him a free hit or not, general consensus was he had one, especially with the board. 


In fact it was more about the shite luck and things just not happening for him more than having a go at him.


If we don't win a game before the derby will you still sit there saying its not a test? 



Edited by Dokko

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Eddie would have wanted to rotate, but the bench that we've had for the previous 4 games didn't give him any options. That's quite a rarity in the Premiership, but that is what's happened.


With Longy and Wilson returning that changed a bit, but they're back from injury and starting them would have carried risk.


Let's not forget as well - Spurs are a very good side. 

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16 minutes ago, Erikse said:

Nomatter what happens (unless it gets extreme), he should be getting another try next season. Shouldn't even be a discussion about it right now though, way too early.





Of course its too early. We've been destroyed by injuries and we wouldn't be in this situation without the injuries and we won't be in a few weeks when we get more players back. In the summer we should be targeting players with fitness records that suit our style and try and move on players like Wilson who are guaranteed to have at least two spells on the sidelines every season. I love Wilson but we can't be having this anymore with him, he's far too unreliable and will probably only get worse as he gets older. Anyone else in the squad with these issues should be moved on too if the right replacement can be brought in. All the stops need to be pulled out to prevent an injury crisis like this happening again.



Edited by Decky

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On 08/12/2023 at 13:10, magvicar said:

Let's be clear. We got beat by mistakes which can happen to any team.

We've lost to an Everton team that are focused on battling like hell for each other.

We've had some great results with the same team and a very inexperienced bench, in the main, not to mention 26 goalkeepers. :lol:


Sometimes this kind of result offers up another kick up the arse to focus for the entire game.

Dubravka coming in is a big change for the players and he's looked ring rusty.


Everton's crowd won the day along with their hyped up team.

Anthony Gordon tried to quieten them but ended up a bit rattled.


Not too many players had a good game.

Miley and Joelinton did fairly well.

I think Miley was my man of the match for us.


We're going to lose more games and draw more as well as win a fair few.

We'll just have to wait and see if we get the rub of the green with comeback injuries and January team fillers to carry us to the end.


Keep the faith and put that game on the back burner where it belongs.




You make more mistakes when tired. Sharpness goes, you may be able to run at near the same pace but that first yard or two won't be as quick.



Edited by madras

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I think it's fair to say all these injuries have eventually caught up with us, as was expected. If we were getting these results along with these performances with a fully fit or near fully fit squad then it'd be really concerning. 


These 11 players have been playing two games a week. Hopefully we'll get some bodies back in the coming weeks and we'll see an upturn in form. 

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Not worried about today, or in fact anything that happens in a PL game coming up soon....and I fancy us to beat Milan & Fulham. I'm very concerned about the derby though, and fear for him if we lose that. We are so close to it, and our away form is so poor, that even going on a decent run in the next few games won't have me that confident going into it. Unfortunately this season is showing we are capable of going from a great performance in one game to an absolutely dreadful one in the following game. What happens in the derby is anyone's guess right now.

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5 minutes ago, Dokko said:


I wasn't sure. I gave him time then time started to run out and we looked doomed. That's when I questioned him. So what? He needed to do better and he did. Doesn't matter if I gave him a free hit or not, general consensus was he had one, especially with the board. 


In fact it was more about the shite luck and things just not happening for him more than having a go at him.


If we don't win a game before the derby will you still sit there saying its not a test? 




:lol: that is revisionist history there. You were more than questioning him. This is the exact problem with many autobiographies. 

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3 minutes ago, arnonel said:

Supporters vs Glory hunters

Don’t be so fucking stupid, no one supports Newcastle for glory and these quick “tweeters, keyboard warriors, glory hunters” labels because their opinions don’t line up is pathetic.


 Most Newcastle fans support them because that’s where we’re from, I’ve lived in Newcastle obviously, Sheffield for uni, London 20 year for work and now Leicester because of my wife and can say the north east has the best area for local fans.

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