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1 minute ago, Groundhog63 said:

Had no idea who this Andrew Tate fella was tbf. 

Just googled him. Seems like an absolute cunt of a bloke if you ask me. 

As for TG, like most of these online content creators, his trouble is lack of editorial oversight and/or accountability to an editorial policy. 

They just wing it and, as they get more successful, have a risk of "blowing up" their careers. 

Chat shit, get banged. 

In his case by his sponsors. 

He is and I’d say TG was bang on about his conversion to Islam being a load of old bollocks. 

Still, massive own goal from ol Brian with his comments and subsequent ‘apology’. 

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5 minutes ago, Lush Vlad said:

He is and I’d say TG was bang on about his conversion to Islam being a load of old bollocks. 

Still, massive own goal from ol Brian with his comments and subsequent ‘apology’. 

Agree on both counts. 


Tate's penchant for your Muslim friendly public figures like Trump jnr, Farage, Alex Jones, Joseph Watson, Tommy 5 names etc etc, doesn't strike me as conducive to his faith even if his attitude to woman does ?

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Social media personality in saying something dumb shocker.


I don't care for him either way; didn't particularly get the dick riding that first brought him to prominence for his NUFC rants (as true as they were he was just shouting what we all thought and got a bit of coverage) and haven't followed him since. But these people who end up constantly in the public eye through social media are going to get caught saying dumb shit as they're rarely going to be trained in filtering themselves in the way of 'traditional celebrities', I guess. Their whole career is people watching/listening to everything they say/do so there's a heightened chance they get caught out in a way others wouldn't.


And as ever, there won't be a 'cancellation'. Sponsors will decide if its better for their brand whether to continue associating with him or not. Fans will decide whether they're comfortable listening to him or not. It's the nature of the beast. When all is said and done he'll still be on the Internet, with an audience and making his money. 

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8 hours ago, Lush Vlad said:

If there is any truth in his lyrics, then I'm sure he's not a top bloke  :lol:  But CASISDEAD is my favourite 'celebrity' fan. 


I did think he might be because of the Leon Best song. Is he actually a toon fan though haha?

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Just read all this.  I find the TG 'angry for clicks' persona grating, but from what I've seen re the Muslim comment it looked like a clumsy attempt at a joke rather than balls-out bigotry.  The sort of thing the dumbest of your mates says in the pub after six pints too many.


Not sure if 'cancelling' or rounding on the daft twat on twitter is going to do much other than chase him into the arms of actual bigots.  Unintelligent man makes stupid joke about an even worse man doesn't seem like much to worry about to me.


I'm glad I watched the 'apology' mind, that was gold.  Particularly the fact he'd monetized it - the ad at the start was worth the 2p he'll get off youtube from me

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Also find it interesting how a lot of Muslim’s seem to be rounding up on true Geordie, and holding Tate up as this great muslim. It was only a few months ago he was telling some 17 year old lass he wants to fly her out to Romania probably to do more than just hold hands.





Edited by Rafalove

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"ISIS are the real Muslims because ISIS do exactly what the book says. Kill everyone who's not a Muslim and chop people's heads off and set them on fire and be fucking raging lunatics. But all the other Muslims go: 'they're not real Muslims because I read the book and ignore those parts.' Well then, you're not fucking Muslim, because you're ignoring the fucking book."

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20 minutes ago, The Prophet said:


This thread is a laugh. I'm not a Delaney fan, but he's making Keith look a bit dense.


Who knew a bellend attacking a bellend would still look like a bellend? Never could've foreseen that. 

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