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Now That's What I Call Transfer Rumours! 7


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We're in a weird spot. I agree that it's risky not to replace Shelvey but I'd argue that it's equally risky to replace him just for the sake of doing it. If we can get one of our targets now, then we need to go ahead and do it, even if it was originally to be a summer move. Otherwise, given what should be a lighter fixture load for the last few months, it's not crazy to think we can handle it with our squad as is. We're not at Shefki Kuqi levels here.

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I do enjoy the idea of Chelsea (and the rest of the 'big' clubs that aren't City) shitting bricks about us. Makes sense, any time in the past where someone has either threatened (West Ham) or actually (Leicester) broken into the traditional top 6, they've never have the resources to fully back it up in following seasons. Now they know that the top 6 is going to be a case of musical chairs going forward and no one wants to be the one left without a chair when the music stops. 

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Think my order of wanting clubs to miss out on Top 4 / finish lowest is:





Man U


Normally Man U would be near the top but Chelsea are vile, Spurs would be the spawniest fucks ever and Liverpool are so awful that I’m not remotely worried about them getting there. I’ve basically accepted Man U are finishing top 4 at this point 

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32 minutes ago, wormy said:

Is Gallagher actually any good? I don't think I've seen him play except against us and didn't look anything special but that's obviously a very small sample.


He looked England quality at Palace, imo.

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31 minutes ago, Kanji said:

Chelsea won't be playing him much anymore anyway, the player wants to leave, but they are forcing him to stay. Such shite man. 


Fucking hate Chelsea. Vile club. 

Give him Gordon’s mobile number. He’ll tell him what to do.

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