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Alexander Isak


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I also think its entirely possible that he's improved since he's been with us, despite it being a short time and despite being injured.


Our squad culture seems to be an environment to thrive and improve, in equal measure. Even thinking back to Southampton when he rinsed their left back... I think he's come on a level since then.


He's nowhere near his best yet... which quite frankly is frightning.

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It’s probably been mentioned multiple times over in the last 24 hours but this lad is world class already. That run yesterday couldn’t have been done by anyone else. There are great physical dribblers and pacy dribblers. Kvaradona is class, Messi is the best ever, despite having faded with his dribbling due to age. There’s no one that could have done what he did yesterday. He can be at the top for the rest of his career, it’s frightening how we have managed to land him 

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4 hours ago, STM said:

I also think its entirely possible that he's improved since he's been with us, despite it being a short time and despite being injured.


Our squad culture seems to be an environment to thrive and improve, in equal measure. Even thinking back to Southampton when he rinsed their left back... I think he's come on a level since then.


He's nowhere near his best yet... which quite frankly is frightning.

the better players you play with, the better you get.

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4 hours ago, STM said:

I also think its entirely possible that he's improved since he's been with us, despite it being a short time and despite being injured.


Our squad culture seems to be an environment to thrive and improve, in equal measure. Even thinking back to Southampton when he rinsed their left back... I think he's come on a level since then.


He's nowhere near his best yet... which quite frankly is frightning.

He absolutely has improved his finishing like. He's always been a good finisher, but not at this level before IMO. Was one of the (many) reasons I was so excited that he came here, he's an intelligent lad that I just knew would work perfectly with Howe. His style of football and personality is perfectly suited to what Howe wants from his players.


Back to yesterday, how many times have you seen that assist (and fuck off anyone who says it's not an assist)? I'm probably up to about 30 now :lol: All day today at work I've had people coming in and wanting to talk to me about him :lol:

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When he's breaking through as a 16 year old kid. Includes him becoming the youngest goal scorer for AIK and later on for Sweden. Look at some of those goals from a 16 year old in his first season. God I love him so fucking much 



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19 hours ago, HawK said:

Isak dribbles with the ball under his body, like Beardsley, whereas Maximin dribbles with it out-front, like HBA. But unlike HBA, he doesn't have the strength (despite appearances) or outright speed/acceleration to get past players who contest him while he does it.




I’ve seen him get past players.

I just can’t understand this mentality, Isak goes on a mazy run and you see it as an opportunity to have a go at another player who plays for NUFC. And having a go at that players one real world class attribute ffs. :lol:



Edited by Pata

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1 hour ago, Pata said:




I’ve seen him get past players.

I just can’t understand this mentality, Isak goes on a mazy run and you see it as an opportunity to have a go at another player who plays for NUFC. And having a go at that players one real world class attribute ffs. :lol:




Certain fans just want to slate Maxi over and over. Was the same with HBA ten years ago 

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45 minutes ago, Ben said:

This bloke really hates Newcastle, worra cunt.

Quite amusing the melt continues to trot out this angle whilst picking his paycheck up from facists at The Mail. Holt seemed a massive twat pre-social media when he used to do Sunday Supplement and Twitter has only reinforced that.

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You're cold, like ice,

Your touch, unrivaled,

one run, could kill,

oh god, that skill!
I want to love you but I better not rush, you rush! you're showing skill that makes my heart melt in to a crush.
I want to watch you but I want it with greed! With greed! You make my desires kill me while not watching you play on that field!
You're ISAK! You have my love completely sealed.
You're ISAK! I don't ever want to lose this greed.

(Alice cooper - Poison)



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Would like someone to quantify his impact in the second half of the season.  It feels like he has contributed to a lot of decisive goals in the last few months.  Might not be a stretch to suggest that his involvement has elevated us to an entire new level.  Similar to what Kane does for Spurs.

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I wonder if they realise the fact them banging on about it so much essentially is what makes it so effective. Keep reminding the world that NUFC is owned by the PIF and talking them down sounds like a genius move to me. 

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Lots to take issue with Holt there, but the question I would ask is - does this 'sportswashing', in respect of the takeover of our club, have the effect of entrenching the existing practices of the Saudi nation, or will it ultimately have the effect of bringing our two cultures - Western and Middle Eastern - closer together? The issue for me is not so much the intention, but the ultimate effect.


After one of our victories last season, Amanda and the Saudi gentlemen were invited to take part in the team celebration photo. What you saw in that photo was a crowd of people of all ages and cultures, arm in arm in joyful celebration, with a woman front and centre, in a position of leadership. Now doesn't that spontaneous image represent a forward-looking, positive image to the world?


I do feel that our club has re-ignited its soul, not lost it. And a lot of that is down to the ordinary-looking bloke right at the back, whose success has been more down to inspiring players who were beginning to feel like failures, rather than buying ready-made stars.


And I think the other difference between us and City is that we haven't been officially accused of cheating. In a sporting competition, that's actually very important.



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I have zero optimism that their owning us will make any positive impact on society in Saudi Arabia. Maybe I’m cynical but that’s not why they bought the club.


My bigger issue with journalism and people like Holt is that they will only ever use this angle to talk about us. Newcastle score a great goal, sportswashing, Newcastle qualify for the CL, sportswashing, Newcastle win a trophy, sportswashing. 

It’s so reductive and lazy. What are the myriad of reasons we’re successful right now? Why not actually apply some nuance and critical application? There’s no doubt that Saudi Arabia owning us is an example of sportswashing. Everyone is aware of that, so why is it the only item on the agenda for some people? And not the fact that we have a phenomenon of a manager, have bought extremely well, far better than Rich clubs. How has Eddie transformed weaker players in the squad? What role does Newcastle’s history of being a sleeping giant have in the current success?


Those are interesting questions for a

journalist. However, Holt has made

his mind up and no matter what happens this is the angle we’ll get from him and many others

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It’s never been about improving their reputation in the West, I know way more now about the crimes of the state than I ever did before.

The premier league is the biggest billboard in the world. Their goal is to become a popular tourist destination for people in the ME and Africa. That and the prestige of owning a club like their regional rivals. 


The whole reputation laundering angle is very west centric and assumes that they give a fuck what the middle class of the UK think of them. 


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6 minutes ago, gbandit said:

I have zero optimism that their owning us will make any positive impact on society in Saudi Arabia. Maybe I’m cynical but that’s not why they bought the club.


My bigger issue with journalism and people like Holt is that they will only ever use this angle to talk about us. Newcastle score a great goal, sportswashing, Newcastle qualify for the CL, sportswashing, Newcastle win a trophy, sportswashing. 

It’s so reductive and lazy. What are the myriad of reasons we’re successful right now? Why not actually apply some nuance and critical application? There’s no doubt that Saudi Arabia owning us is an example of sportswashing. Everyone is aware of that, so why is it the only item on the agenda for some people? And not the fact that we have a phenomenon of a manager, have bought extremely well, far better than Rich clubs. How has Eddie transformed weaker players in the squad? What role does Newcastle’s history of being a sleeping giant have in the current success?


Those are interesting questions for a

journalist. However, Holt has made

his mind up and no matter what happens this is the angle we’ll get from him and many others

You've already put more thought into this post than Paid Journalist Oliver Holt has put into whatever drivel he wrote, man. :lol:  Holt is a lazy excuse for a journalist, and his agenda-driven nonsense gets him gammon clicks from Daily Heil readers. He doesn't care about nuance and critical analysis of our success, and we as a fanbase shouldn't pay him any attention.


He's already chest-deep into ridiculousness - "talented player's sublime piece of skill reflects Saudi sportswashing" - howay man, how stupid does that sound? :lol:

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